Quick updates before the year ends. Which will be very soon.
ACJC Seniors' Night 2009.
I really pity my bank account. (the money actually comes from my mom...) The total amout spent on hair, makeup, dress, heels, bra, prom ticket etc is SCARY. I dare not calculate the final and exact amount. But my mom says it's okay since it's once-in-a-lifetime. So that means I shouldn't feel so bad about spending so much right?
No photos (they're all on Facebook). I didn't bring my camera, don't ask why. Many thanks to Amelia for letting me use hers, thanks also to Dixin for opening up her house for prom prep! (:
Food was good, but I didn't really get to enjoy it cos' my tummy protested after a few courses and I had to skip some of them. My table 20 was mostly empty except when the yam ring was served -.- What else do you expect from prom? People don't really care about the food, what they want is to take photos. More photos. And yet more photos. I couldn't eat in peace because
1. I didn't want to look like the only glutton eating at the table when everyone else was dispersed around the ballroom and posing for photos
2. When I actually got to eat without feeling paiseh, meaning at least 2 of my table mates were present, other friends would come and either ask me to help them take photos, or take one with them.
Hahah sounds bad right. Actually no, it was a velly grand way to end off our 2 years in ACJC. I'm glad I went for it because it's kind of like the last gathering for the class of 2009.... before the release of the A level results. A significant event I wouldn't want to miss, so that means I had to put aside my timidity, stop feeling inferior, SMILE and act normal. That really made things a lot easier.
Still trying to get over the fact that never again will I study on campus, in the void deck with all the other void deck muggers - the noise polluters and the quiet ones. Been so used to studying there and seeing them around, such that I'm not ready to end off my pre-university life cos' it's hard to believe I'll never see them again. Ahhh. We're like one big family that's being pulled apart.
Vietnam trip with family
My dad drove to Shangri-La to pick me up so that I could go home and (continue to) pack my luggage. No post-prom ): Daddy got free air tickets to Vietnam, including return tickets, so that explains why my family went there. SIA rocks. Service, comfort, entertainment, everything! It makes the budget airlines look like nothing in comparison O_O but that's why it's called BUDGET right.
Shopping at the market (both day and night) was the main highlight of this trip. The shirts and jeans were so cheap it was unbelievable. I mean, we bought 4 pairs of jeans from this shop and it cost only about S$28 in total? You will never see this in Singapore! Most of their products sold - apart from the souvenirs - were imitation goods that looked real enough to pass off as originals. What gave maximum consumer surplus was the price and quality of the goods :D
This trip was an eye-opener.
There were many on the streets who tried to sell tissue packets, portable fans and stuff, as well as those who carried sleeping babies or toddlers and asked for money.. when we bought tissue from one woman, more would come, and we just had to shake our heads politlely whenever they came up to us tourists to ask for money. It makes me wonder how many of the children were actually borrowd... I read about cases of people loaning their kids to others to be used as 'tools' to gain sympathy... Made me wonder if the kids were actually drugged cos they always appeared to be sleeping... sometimes these thoughts hinder me from feeling for these people, and compassion becomes replaced with disgust. I prayed instead that God will help me to love them and be thankful for the many blessings I have such that I do not have to go through life the way they do..
Their roads. It came as a shock to me, when I first saw how their roads were like. There were so few traffic lights it amazed me that there were no traffic accidents (none that my family witnessed, at least) and that motorists and pedestrians could actually live in harmony with each other. Just that they sounded their horns a lot. Pedestrians crossed roads (at the 'zebra' crossings) when they needed to, and the motorists would slow down and/or drive to their right or left to avoid them. This is usually accompanied by the sounding of horns. duh. Crossing their roads made me think of the mission trip to Bandah Aceh in 2007.. only more hair-raising and thrilling. I actually could cross their roads with ease at the end of 3 days.
Oh, and their motorists actually wear masks. Most of them. I mean, those who ride bikes. Cuz the air is so polluted it becomes unbearable.
The Vietnamese, from what I observed, are happy-go-lucky people. They don't have much to worry about, they don't curse their government, they really love their country. When their soccer team won at the SEA games, people went wild on the roads, bikers zoomed past with their pillion riders waving their flags cheering at the top of their lungs. I would have thought it was their national day or something, if not for the night market stall owners who told us about their victory over Cambodia ( i think).
Sights like these, you will never see in Singapore.
When a Catholic tells you he wants to change church, and he prefers Christianity because "the Christian concept sounds way better than the Catholics ... as in their way of doing stuff," and you don't know much about the way their religion works, you still invite him to church right? Cos' I know God doesn't reject anyone, "He will take them all."
This Catholic is a friend whom I'm not very close to. He sounds like he has backslided. He is someone I'd never expected or thought of inviting to church, cos' he's just an ex-classmate from Chinese class. But this also seems like God is placing here, leading him to talk to me about this aspect of his own life (that I never thought I'd hear about), he can be led back to Christ. I wonder. It's like I don't even have to search my entourage and target a few, cos' right now there's one who appeared before me on his own accord.
Dear God, please grant me the wisdom to say the right things to him, and give me the words to use that may impact him so that he may say 'yes' to You...
it's been long since I last felt a tug or a burden to truly 'impact one.' this comes a little late bue well, better late than never.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Passi(t)on - LSBC Youth Camp 2009
What made Passiton different from past youth camps was
1. We had an entire day dedicated to games.
2. The Prophetic Act after the Holy Spirit Night on the second day, which felt very much like we were going for a battle against the unseen forces, to break the barriers that may hinder us from carrying out the work for God.
3. YA_18 was REALLY bonded together. Those 3 days were far more effective in bringing out a more united batch of 18yos, as compared to any other zonal bonding we've had so far.
The comm made the right choice by putting Keng Ling and Arathi into group Q, and shifting Joshua, Xi Ying, Clarissa and Cheryl into group R. We would otherwise (still) have been just Joe&WanHui's cell, and Kara's cell instead of YA_18 by the end of the camp.
4. YA_18 got all the 'sai kang' jobs (in Xi Ying's words :P) such as cleaning the toilets after lights out on the first night and cleaning up the MPH, dining hall and atrium on the second night, etc. But I guess what was commendable was that no one complained or argued about it :)
5. There was no fixed camp speaker for this camp. (we usually have a pastor from another church to speak at our camps, am I not right?)
When it comes to Community Penetration (CP) work, I think LSBC's own pastors can do the job equally well. Evidently, given the level of enthusiasm observed during CP on the seconday.
6. The timing of this camp. I still have one more A level paper which I have yet to tackle. I faced slight resistance from my parents (esp. my mum) when I made the decision to sign up for camp. She even 'reminded' me quite harshly that the A levels have not ended and that I was being "very daring" to go for the camp. I replied simply, "My paper is on Thursday. If others have a paper on Monday, right after the camp, and they can still honour God by going for it, I don't see why I can't do the same." Well I guess she had nothing to say about that.
That's a very brief summary of what happened, and what made Passiton stand out from other camps. I NEED TO GET BACK TO BIOLOGY so, byebye!
1. We had an entire day dedicated to games.
2. The Prophetic Act after the Holy Spirit Night on the second day, which felt very much like we were going for a battle against the unseen forces, to break the barriers that may hinder us from carrying out the work for God.
3. YA_18 was REALLY bonded together. Those 3 days were far more effective in bringing out a more united batch of 18yos, as compared to any other zonal bonding we've had so far.
The comm made the right choice by putting Keng Ling and Arathi into group Q, and shifting Joshua, Xi Ying, Clarissa and Cheryl into group R. We would otherwise (still) have been just Joe&WanHui's cell, and Kara's cell instead of YA_18 by the end of the camp.
4. YA_18 got all the 'sai kang' jobs (in Xi Ying's words :P) such as cleaning the toilets after lights out on the first night and cleaning up the MPH, dining hall and atrium on the second night, etc. But I guess what was commendable was that no one complained or argued about it :)
5. There was no fixed camp speaker for this camp. (we usually have a pastor from another church to speak at our camps, am I not right?)
When it comes to Community Penetration (CP) work, I think LSBC's own pastors can do the job equally well. Evidently, given the level of enthusiasm observed during CP on the seconday.
6. The timing of this camp. I still have one more A level paper which I have yet to tackle. I faced slight resistance from my parents (esp. my mum) when I made the decision to sign up for camp. She even 'reminded' me quite harshly that the A levels have not ended and that I was being "very daring" to go for the camp. I replied simply, "My paper is on Thursday. If others have a paper on Monday, right after the camp, and they can still honour God by going for it, I don't see why I can't do the same." Well I guess she had nothing to say about that.
That's a very brief summary of what happened, and what made Passiton stand out from other camps. I NEED TO GET BACK TO BIOLOGY so, byebye!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
it's here
Okay, this is it.
IT'S HERE, MAN!!!!!!!
Breathe. Or that panic attack will come again and I can say bye bye to NTU or NUS in 2010 and hi to ACJC and funorama. Omg no way not another year of econs geog bio math gp. Thankkewvellymuch.
Today I sat at macs for more than 12 hours. horray.
Thanks friends for all your encouraging smses, tags and wall posts:) I'm only replying smses, sorry! and will only use my laptop for charging my mp3 player or to check the LMS for additional revision resources.
Goodbye, world. See you on December 3rd. or.... in heaven. HAHA ok i'm kidding. bye. Anyone interested in sitting at macs next Sunday from 9am to 11pm please let me know via SMS, thanks!
haha, like anyone would want to be as retarded as me.
ok bye.
this is bad. i sound like i'm talking to myself. it's the exams, i promise!!
IT'S HERE, MAN!!!!!!!
Breathe. Or that panic attack will come again and I can say bye bye to NTU or NUS in 2010 and hi to ACJC and funorama. Omg no way not another year of econs geog bio math gp. Thankkewvellymuch.
Today I sat at macs for more than 12 hours. horray.
Thanks friends for all your encouraging smses, tags and wall posts:) I'm only replying smses, sorry! and will only use my laptop for charging my mp3 player or to check the LMS for additional revision resources.
Goodbye, world. See you on December 3rd. or.... in heaven. HAHA ok i'm kidding. bye. Anyone interested in sitting at macs next Sunday from 9am to 11pm please let me know via SMS, thanks!
haha, like anyone would want to be as retarded as me.
ok bye.
this is bad. i sound like i'm talking to myself. it's the exams, i promise!!
Monday, October 05, 2009
Okay. The bomb is going off any moment now. And there's still SO much that has not been done, so much that needs to be done.
I really am not prepared. I don't know how I'm going to do this. Yes, I'm casting my cares on Him, but the mere thought of the A levels just gives me the creeps.
Andrew's mum dropped me off at Serangoon MRT just now. I was supposed to take the train towards Punggol, but I blindly boarded the train towards Harbour Front, and had to alight at Potong Pasir to take the other train back to Kovan. What was I thinking...
No time, no time ):
I really am not prepared. I don't know how I'm going to do this. Yes, I'm casting my cares on Him, but the mere thought of the A levels just gives me the creeps.
Andrew's mum dropped me off at Serangoon MRT just now. I was supposed to take the train towards Punggol, but I blindly boarded the train towards Harbour Front, and had to alight at Potong Pasir to take the other train back to Kovan. What was I thinking...
No time, no time ):
Saturday, September 26, 2009
At 10pm earlier I walked out not with Esther or Rayner(??) or by myself or just Amelia or any of the regulars who remain in school to study till we get chased out. I walked out with 5 other classmates and Ammar. Like, wow, the most unlikely group of people! It was my first time seeing Jenisse, Andrew and Matthew stay till 10pm. Anyway, it's been a long time since I last walked out of school smiling and laughing so much. So that felt good (: Just wonder if they're all going to start adopting my daily mug-in-school routine.
Amelia and I went for the MEP recital by the J2 students. I kinda dragged her there =/
I think the performers could have done wayyyyyyy better. Still, good job! Especially to Chowder and Clairebear! (: Andrew pointed out that I go for almost every MEP concert/recital. hahaha at least this time it was free.
Amelia and I went for the MEP recital by the J2 students. I kinda dragged her there =/
I think the performers could have done wayyyyyyy better. Still, good job! Especially to Chowder and Clairebear! (: Andrew pointed out that I go for almost every MEP concert/recital. hahaha at least this time it was free.
Monday, September 14, 2009
What's stuck in my head - You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift)
You're on the phone with your girlfriend,she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
Cos' she doesn't get your humour like I do
I'm in my room it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never get your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me, you belong with me
Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favourite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
She's going off about something that you said
Cos' she doesn't get your humour like I do
I'm in my room it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never get your story like I do
But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me, you belong with me
Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy
And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey whatcha doing with a girl like that
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favourite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me
Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see
You belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me
You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Things don't always turn out the way you want to
It was my first time stepping into an ICU ward. I didn't really like the feel of it, but I don't regret being there. Too many chances for me to visit Aunty Daphne at home have slipped by, and each time my family went without me, my mum said she'd ask for me. It was always the same answer, 'Joyce is out studying'. Once, my mum lied that I was studying when I was with my friends at some concert or cell bonding or some other gathering, I can't remember. It was the least I could do less than 6 hours ago, appear by the side of her bed as she lay sedated...
I love you, Aunty Daphne, we all do. I'm so sorry for not doing what I wanted to do when you were still able to walk around at home, play with your dogs, forward inspiring emails and make status comments on Facebook. Hang in there, please, I know you're strong. For Uncle CK, for your loved ones. Don't go. Please.
Note to self: always carry a packet of tissues.
I love you, Aunty Daphne, we all do. I'm so sorry for not doing what I wanted to do when you were still able to walk around at home, play with your dogs, forward inspiring emails and make status comments on Facebook. Hang in there, please, I know you're strong. For Uncle CK, for your loved ones. Don't go. Please.
Note to self: always carry a packet of tissues.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
young? in what sense?
I just remembered a remark you made last Sunday which really pissed me off. I was merely concerned about her, and you just had to say, "you're still young lah".
Excuse me, I believe I am of the same age as she is. One and a half months difference isn't very significant, is it? And if you're talking about level of maturity, I'm not going to comment on how mature I think I am, but please know that my stand on the issue of __________ity shares a zero correlation with my concern of how she is coping. Just because I have strong convictions and beliefs that make me different from the typical youth of today, this does not mean that I am made less mature as compared to the others. That is, other youths my age.
Come to think of it, I still feel mad about this. I promise you that you will have no knowledge of the details of my life from now on, besides my grades, maybe. Cos' you don't have a right to know, and why would you want to, since my life is so mundane and so much less exciting than others', right? And neither will I ask you how she's doing, I may as well go ask her myself. Or, I could put it another way - since she already has backup, all sharing the same views, I think I can take my leave and dissolve from her life or risk being viewed as nothing but a busybody. Not that I actually care about what others may think... Well maybe I do. Call me sensitive.
(just in case anyone's planning to comment on this post... don't do it. time heals all wounds anyway. it won't be long before mine gets healed. just feeling a bit angsty of late.)
Excuse me, I believe I am of the same age as she is. One and a half months difference isn't very significant, is it? And if you're talking about level of maturity, I'm not going to comment on how mature I think I am, but please know that my stand on the issue of __________ity shares a zero correlation with my concern of how she is coping. Just because I have strong convictions and beliefs that make me different from the typical youth of today, this does not mean that I am made less mature as compared to the others. That is, other youths my age.
Come to think of it, I still feel mad about this. I promise you that you will have no knowledge of the details of my life from now on, besides my grades, maybe. Cos' you don't have a right to know, and why would you want to, since my life is so mundane and so much less exciting than others', right? And neither will I ask you how she's doing, I may as well go ask her myself. Or, I could put it another way - since she already has backup, all sharing the same views, I think I can take my leave and dissolve from her life or risk being viewed as nothing but a busybody. Not that I actually care about what others may think... Well maybe I do. Call me sensitive.
(just in case anyone's planning to comment on this post... don't do it. time heals all wounds anyway. it won't be long before mine gets healed. just feeling a bit angsty of late.)
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Things don't always turn out the way you want to
I don't know what's wrong with me. Don't tell me there's nothing, cos' there is something. I want to be a hermit and hide myself from the world, although one may say it's ironic that I say this while blogging on the World Wide Web. This phase will pass. If not soon, then later.
Take me now, way beyond the veil...
Where I can see You
Where I can see You, Jesus
Hold me now within Your arms of love
I wanna be with You
I wanna be with You
Take me now, way beyond the veil...
Where I can see You
Where I can see You, Jesus
Hold me now within Your arms of love
I wanna be with You
I wanna be with You
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
lao peng you
I saw Kenneth Gan at Bishan library today!! hehe, so happy to see an old face :) Man I really miss my very first OG from SRJC, Cetus 4!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Turned 18 on 18 August (:
Yes, the prelims have started... and we're right in the middle of it.
My birthday happened to fall on the second day of prelims, when everyone had math and econs papers. Instead of waking up full of dread for what was to come that day, I woke up reading "happy birthdays" on my phone. Good start, I figured.
Then I got to school, and classmates were saying HB to me. I thought, hey, how did they know? but thanked them nontheless. There were gifts and cards from Claire Sheena and Janet Lydia LiLin Santi, thanks a lot girls ((: Pei Yan handed me this large red vanguard with lots of signatures and little notes written about how I'm 'lucky' to have my 18th birthday during the prelims. She actually took pains to mass SMS CO members and some other friends to gather and pen these down the day before. Amelia and Sheena and Claire deserve credit too for trying to get more ppl to fill up the 'card' (knowing that my network isn't very wide...). I had to lug all the stuff around the sports complex and void deck the whole day. After the 2 papers for the day, there was THE cake *speechless, Amelia's idea* and then KFC dinner with the usual void deck muggers which I didn't pay for....
My dad picked me up at 10pm, I couldn't take the train cos' I'll look like an idiot with too many things to carry and probably have ended up dropping stuff everywhere I walked. And so this was waiting for me at home...
No, no, the cake wasn't on fire, it's just some camera effects. haha. My family actually waited for me to come home.. and that was the second cake of the day.
I feel bad for all the precious mugging time lost by my dear schoolmates as they took time off to DO something for me, especially a certain few who went great lengths to make this special, for injecting some life and joy on a gloomy day where I believe the whole cohort had to sit for a paper or two. and for my family for waiting for me till what, nearly 11pm..? All these efforts are very very much appreciated, I don't know how else to thank the people who made that day a day to remember.
Meet the Rabbit and the Rat. People who have seen Pei Yan and I studying together would have seen these two too. Impossible to miss! Just for self-amusement, eighteen-year-olds need such toys too. It's our way of de-stressing, not playing with frisbees like what many choose to do..
Yes, I've been staying in school till ten daily...
With me at the void deck are the councilors (33rds), some other familiar faces (one of them being James Low's brother, yeah staying at 231 but we dont talk), some sconers, Amelia, and my bio classmates from 2SC3. I really thank God for the friends whom I mug with (Amelia Jane Dixin Ammar Tims Esther and sometimes JiaEn Rebecca Daryl(who doesnt stay late)) cos' having them around is like having a third family where we offer moral support to one another as we (TRY to) study through the night till the security guard chases the whole crowd away at 10pm. Definitely beats studying alone as I had planned to do, even if it meant I had to face other J2s I didn't know and watch them so comfortable and at ease with the company they have, only to realise I'm on my own. Well, that didn't happen cos' God provided my bio classmates (: What more can I say?
It's a blessing to be here in this college. It's a blessing to know that God supplies all our needs, even wants. But to be greedy? Clearly, that's not an option. (must. stop. slacking. and. FOCUS. and. read. my. bible. and. pray.)
My birthday happened to fall on the second day of prelims, when everyone had math and econs papers. Instead of waking up full of dread for what was to come that day, I woke up reading "happy birthdays" on my phone. Good start, I figured.
Then I got to school, and classmates were saying HB to me. I thought, hey, how did they know? but thanked them nontheless. There were gifts and cards from Claire Sheena and Janet Lydia LiLin Santi, thanks a lot girls ((: Pei Yan handed me this large red vanguard with lots of signatures and little notes written about how I'm 'lucky' to have my 18th birthday during the prelims. She actually took pains to mass SMS CO members and some other friends to gather and pen these down the day before. Amelia and Sheena and Claire deserve credit too for trying to get more ppl to fill up the 'card' (knowing that my network isn't very wide...). I had to lug all the stuff around the sports complex and void deck the whole day. After the 2 papers for the day, there was THE cake *speechless, Amelia's idea* and then KFC dinner with the usual void deck muggers which I didn't pay for....
My dad picked me up at 10pm, I couldn't take the train cos' I'll look like an idiot with too many things to carry and probably have ended up dropping stuff everywhere I walked. And so this was waiting for me at home...

I feel bad for all the precious mugging time lost by my dear schoolmates as they took time off to DO something for me, especially a certain few who went great lengths to make this special, for injecting some life and joy on a gloomy day where I believe the whole cohort had to sit for a paper or two. and for my family for waiting for me till what, nearly 11pm..? All these efforts are very very much appreciated, I don't know how else to thank the people who made that day a day to remember.

Yes, I've been staying in school till ten daily...
With me at the void deck are the councilors (33rds), some other familiar faces (one of them being James Low's brother, yeah staying at 231 but we dont talk), some sconers, Amelia, and my bio classmates from 2SC3. I really thank God for the friends whom I mug with (Amelia Jane Dixin Ammar Tims Esther and sometimes JiaEn Rebecca Daryl(who doesnt stay late)) cos' having them around is like having a third family where we offer moral support to one another as we (TRY to) study through the night till the security guard chases the whole crowd away at 10pm. Definitely beats studying alone as I had planned to do, even if it meant I had to face other J2s I didn't know and watch them so comfortable and at ease with the company they have, only to realise I'm on my own. Well, that didn't happen cos' God provided my bio classmates (: What more can I say?
It's a blessing to be here in this college. It's a blessing to know that God supplies all our needs, even wants. But to be greedy? Clearly, that's not an option. (must. stop. slacking. and. FOCUS. and. read. my. bible. and. pray.)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
General Issues
Globalisation has made our world more compact, more integrated and inter-dependent. It is now easier to transport people, as well as their goods and services without incurring large costs of travel (unless, of course, one is trying to be Christopher Columbus). This ultimately brings about a homogenous culture, where other cultures unique to the many societies will be lost. That which has been passed down by past generations, shriveled and forgotten, while English becomes the universal language. This is already happening, what with America exporting its culture in so many areas. Its influence is not only seen in the area of politics and economics, but also in societies as American products and media content becomes inceasingly available. The fate of each society's own culture is very much dependent on the people's attitude towards their roots. We can't stop foreigners from integrating into our society and introducing their cultures. It's just not feasible, especially when economies are in need of foreign talent and like Singapore, open its doors to the world.
Soon, many will have serious identity crises, being part of an inceasingly homogenised world, yet unable to find a sense of belonging, to a culture they can call their own.
ok i dont know what to say because i'm not thinking hard enough. and i'm sleepy.
Should torture be legalised in your country for the same purpose in the war against terrorism?
I cannot provide a balanced argument for this one.
For one, the war against terrorism has been a long-lasting one, dating back to 2001 after the 911 attack on the World Trade Centre in the US. Terrorism itself has claimed thousands of lives (no doubt easing the pressure on Earth's natural resources, at the same time bringing about massive damage to the affected country's economy, even in more extreme cases altering their demographic structure). Can terrorism ever be justified?
To have a war against terrorism means that more lives would be taken, including that of innocent Afghans which had no part to play in the murderous schemes of terrorists. The Bush Administration received its fair share of criticism. What I find ironic is this - a war against terrorism is one that is intended to eradicate terrorism (correct?), yet being a war, as the name suggests, widespread terror is placed on the citizens whose countries are targets of the war. Trying to live normally with foreign troops strutting around neither eases the tension nor introduces peace to the society in question.
Torturing does instill fear in would-be terrorists, many of whom are youths being trained by the Al Qaeda and other sadists who see no value in the human life. Does it really help, now, or we discussing about a cycle of violence which leads to yet more destruction?
Torture is an extreme, violating human rights as it gets carried out. Well, there really is no war in Singapore. No war on terrorism, war against rape, against the dominance of one political party throughout Singapore's 44 years of independence. Singapore already has a decent legal system which administers justice to those who walk down that path. It would be unnecessary to introduce torture. Unless there is another Mas Selamat or Bin Laden in our midst, torture should not be legalised in this country. once again i aint making sense but i'm just trying to get into the hang of writing essays, yes, few hours before the exam, you hear me
Globalisation has made our world more compact, more integrated and inter-dependent. It is now easier to transport people, as well as their goods and services without incurring large costs of travel (unless, of course, one is trying to be Christopher Columbus). This ultimately brings about a homogenous culture, where other cultures unique to the many societies will be lost. That which has been passed down by past generations, shriveled and forgotten, while English becomes the universal language. This is already happening, what with America exporting its culture in so many areas. Its influence is not only seen in the area of politics and economics, but also in societies as American products and media content becomes inceasingly available. The fate of each society's own culture is very much dependent on the people's attitude towards their roots. We can't stop foreigners from integrating into our society and introducing their cultures. It's just not feasible, especially when economies are in need of foreign talent and like Singapore, open its doors to the world.
Soon, many will have serious identity crises, being part of an inceasingly homogenised world, yet unable to find a sense of belonging, to a culture they can call their own.
ok i dont know what to say because i'm not thinking hard enough. and i'm sleepy.
Should torture be legalised in your country for the same purpose in the war against terrorism?
I cannot provide a balanced argument for this one.
For one, the war against terrorism has been a long-lasting one, dating back to 2001 after the 911 attack on the World Trade Centre in the US. Terrorism itself has claimed thousands of lives (no doubt easing the pressure on Earth's natural resources, at the same time bringing about massive damage to the affected country's economy, even in more extreme cases altering their demographic structure). Can terrorism ever be justified?
To have a war against terrorism means that more lives would be taken, including that of innocent Afghans which had no part to play in the murderous schemes of terrorists. The Bush Administration received its fair share of criticism. What I find ironic is this - a war against terrorism is one that is intended to eradicate terrorism (correct?), yet being a war, as the name suggests, widespread terror is placed on the citizens whose countries are targets of the war. Trying to live normally with foreign troops strutting around neither eases the tension nor introduces peace to the society in question.
Torturing does instill fear in would-be terrorists, many of whom are youths being trained by the Al Qaeda and other sadists who see no value in the human life. Does it really help, now, or we discussing about a cycle of violence which leads to yet more destruction?
Torture is an extreme, violating human rights as it gets carried out. Well, there really is no war in Singapore. No war on terrorism, war against rape, against the dominance of one political party throughout Singapore's 44 years of independence. Singapore already has a decent legal system which administers justice to those who walk down that path. It would be unnecessary to introduce torture. Unless there is another Mas Selamat or Bin Laden in our midst, torture should not be legalised in this country. once again i aint making sense but i'm just trying to get into the hang of writing essays, yes, few hours before the exam, you hear me
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Celebrity Activism
Some articles on celebrity activism...
Celebrity Activism: Publicity Stunt or Sincere Care?
The Limits of Celebrity Activism
(more to come)
Why so many celebrities are tagged with a cause, or few causes. Are they for real, or are they simply trying to act all goody and saint for personal glory?
Celebrity Activism: Publicity Stunt or Sincere Care?
The Limits of Celebrity Activism
(more to come)
Why so many celebrities are tagged with a cause, or few causes. Are they for real, or are they simply trying to act all goody and saint for personal glory?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
This is so disturbing. I was checking my email when I spotted one with the title with Nathan's name in it. Random blog post here. Totally random okay.
This person is someone we J2s frequently see in school, and he's my classmates' lit classmate (it's ok if you can't catch the ball). No, I don't know him personally but arts students see their fellow arts people all the time so you get the picture. I saw him carrying a this fashion bag around in school O_O wtheck right. Then there was this very unforgettable day whereby he made a joke out of himself over the PA system. He was leading the school in the national anthem and pledge that day.
"We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people. So as to achieve happiness, prosperity, and --"
"We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people. So as to achieve --"
Don't we all take the pledge every day? Since we were little kids? Everyone was amused by his blunder. Tsk, how could he be so blur as to forget the words to the pledge! But he's really your average JC student (at least that's what I think), it's hard to imagine him as a big shot out there.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hello once again
We all know the H1N1 virus is spreading like fire (I wouldn't say wildfire). Here in Singapore, students hope(d) that the Government would extend the June vacation in view of the rising number of infected individuals, supposedly concerned about the well-being of fellow students who return to school after the long break and risk being exposed to the deadly virus. Hmmm.
A group was created on facebook, "A Petition to MOE to Extend the June Vacation due to the H1N1 Pandemic". Thousands have joined the group, and I am one of them, though I knew nothing would come out of this. I posted a question on the group's Wall.
Click to enlarge.
The creator of the group quoted from me, and her response is boxed in pink. Well... this whole thing is rendered useless because I don't think the Government actually does take something like this seriously. Anyway, too many lesson plans will be disrupted, and in the end it'll be the teachers who'd be panicking and thinking of how to make up for the one week of lost time. Much can be covered within that week.
I, however, have wasted 3 weeks and have not done much work this term break. Save me.
Significant events this month were CF camp, enCOre, and cell bonding. Yes, there's much to blog about. But I must return to my online lecture on Nervous Control......................
A group was created on facebook, "A Petition to MOE to Extend the June Vacation due to the H1N1 Pandemic". Thousands have joined the group, and I am one of them, though I knew nothing would come out of this. I posted a question on the group's Wall.

The creator of the group quoted from me, and her response is boxed in pink. Well... this whole thing is rendered useless because I don't think the Government actually does take something like this seriously. Anyway, too many lesson plans will be disrupted, and in the end it'll be the teachers who'd be panicking and thinking of how to make up for the one week of lost time. Much can be covered within that week.
I, however, have wasted 3 weeks and have not done much work this term break. Save me.
Significant events this month were CF camp, enCOre, and cell bonding. Yes, there's much to blog about. But I must return to my online lecture on Nervous Control......................
Thursday, May 07, 2009
SYF CO JCs 2009
When the results were announced, most of us were just stoned. Only some cheered. Lukas jumped from his seat. Why? Even though we're AC's only performing arts group to sustain the award from 2007, there was no excitement among us. Was it because we knew that we could have done better? Regrets, perhaps? Or was it because we just did not like the fact that a quarter of the participating schools managed to attain the highest possible award, and we were given only the second best?
Okay, I have to admit. I was - as a certain someone in ACCO had said, everyone's hoping for a gold with honours in their hearts - one of them. I really thought luan yun fei could get us the honours. We could have, if not because we did not play the set piece well while on stage, we brought the tempo of the set piece down so it's different from other schools, xianyue's pitching was off.
Of course, there are other factors to consider. We had 6 to 7 inexperienced J1s in our midst, we brought scores up to stage - something very few or none of the schools did, we had the smallest orchestra out of the 16 schools that participated.
Of course, there's still much to cheer about. Gold for an orchestra this small does say something, doesn't it?
I know that I shouldn't be ranting so much.
Let AC Performing Artistes unite, stop all these elite CCA nonsense about this-cca-is-better-than-the-other and stuff. SYF 2009 has been a great challenge for all of us and no doubt the biggest heart attack in the history of AC's performing arts.
Oh, I've been wrong about that certain someone. . .
and now the lack of communication is annoying me.
Okay, I have to admit. I was - as a certain someone in ACCO had said, everyone's hoping for a gold with honours in their hearts - one of them. I really thought luan yun fei could get us the honours. We could have, if not because we did not play the set piece well while on stage, we brought the tempo of the set piece down so it's different from other schools, xianyue's pitching was off.
Of course, there are other factors to consider. We had 6 to 7 inexperienced J1s in our midst, we brought scores up to stage - something very few or none of the schools did, we had the smallest orchestra out of the 16 schools that participated.
Of course, there's still much to cheer about. Gold for an orchestra this small does say something, doesn't it?
I know that I shouldn't be ranting so much.
Let AC Performing Artistes unite, stop all these elite CCA nonsense about this-cca-is-better-than-the-other and stuff. SYF 2009 has been a great challenge for all of us and no doubt the biggest heart attack in the history of AC's performing arts.
Oh, I've been wrong about that certain someone. . .
and now the lack of communication is annoying me.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
So... it all boils down to TODAY.
We received the score for our choice piece last November or so. TODAY IS THE DAY. Will we bring Singapore Conference Hall down, or will we receive cheers and jeers from the way we carry ourselves on stage? I don't know. I have a feeling someone in the orchestra is gonna sneeze while playing or sneeze during the silent part. I'm thinking too much. This will be the J1s' and J2s' last SYF ever (unless the J1s retain in year 1) and well we definitely want to give our best.
Choir did the school proud by bringing the school a gold with honours yesterday.
Today, it's our turn.
Are we going to save the school's niche in performing arts? Cos' honestly, the other performing groups did not do too well this year...
God bless us as we present our pieces later on. Go AC Band! Go ACCO!
We received the score for our choice piece last November or so. TODAY IS THE DAY. Will we bring Singapore Conference Hall down, or will we receive cheers and jeers from the way we carry ourselves on stage? I don't know. I have a feeling someone in the orchestra is gonna sneeze while playing or sneeze during the silent part. I'm thinking too much. This will be the J1s' and J2s' last SYF ever (unless the J1s retain in year 1) and well we definitely want to give our best.
Choir did the school proud by bringing the school a gold with honours yesterday.
Today, it's our turn.
Are we going to save the school's niche in performing arts? Cos' honestly, the other performing groups did not do too well this year...
God bless us as we present our pieces later on. Go AC Band! Go ACCO!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Updates - early/mid April
Project Work Results 2009: Well Done ACJC!
The release of the Project Work results for the present batch of JC2s on April 9, 2009 was a very happy event for the college. 100% of the cohort achieved A and B grades, with an astounding number of 84% of the candidates achieving distinctions. This well surpasses the national average. ACJC is very pleased with the performance of our students and we congratulate the students and their Supervising Tutors who have guided them through this journey.
In all we do, we want to thank God for His blessings and give Him all the glory for His continued faithfulness to the College. The Best is Yet To Be.
I quote that from my school's website :) Yup, it was a TERRIBLE journey.. 100% achieving As and Bs is really something, and the road towards this was a tough one, filled with obstacles of all sorts. J1s of 2009, give your best and BOND with your PW group. It'll make things a lot easier.
I got my term exam result slip not long ago. Passed everything - thank God - but no A grades either. Still far behind, still have a lot to catch up on :(
SYF is in less than 20 days now, and we've been practicing almost every day of the week. I have CCA from Monday to Sunday this week, CO every day except Friday (CF). Really hope this turns out well! Some re-imaging of the chinese orchestra needs to be done, and this competition will either reinforce our existence or send more 'boos' in our way. Perservere, people!
I've been rushing through my homework lately, that's baddddd. Today I spent my only break (1h20min long) with Andrew in the library, rushing through a geog essay. Early at 5.30am I managed to complete the last half of my GP essay. Yesterday I used up my break (again) to do another geog assignment. Seriously man. TIME MANAGEMENT!
Good Friday was a whole day out for me. Santi, Amelia, Andrew and myself spent five whole hours at Santi's house doing up a report on Germany's economy for an econs problem-based learning project (PBL). It felt like PW all over again, just that this time we were all furiously discussing and arguing over concepts learnt in school and their applications to Germany. That drained out a lot of brain juice. Five hours. Then Andrew's dad dropped Amelia and I at Serangoon Central cos' it was pouring.. Ame and I had lunch there (omg i'm hungry now), then we went separate ways.
Evoke Your Dreams was a really big event, I hadn't expected it to be that grand. I think the organisers did a good job (*pat pat*) and their efforts have definitely paid off! Judging from the crowd and their enthusiasm both during the finals and the post-party, I know that it was a success, and it's been a long time since the youth ministry has seen such a gigantic crowd for a church event, though that was non-evangelistic. I caught the first half of the competition finals, just the first half. Cos' I was helping out with the food and for the post-party and helping to sell them during the party itself. Again, it's been a long time since I got involved in church activities.
Those were the days... Where I had time on my sleeves, and I'd always make my appearance in church on weekdays either to study there or to help out with some minor tasks in the office. I enjoyed doing that. Now, however.... hoho. Look at how school has robbed me of my time. I don't even have enough time to sleep. I've cut down on time spent on blogging (it's evident from here). School hours are long, and breaks in between are short. Yawns.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Accepting Someone
I mentioned in my 12Dec'08 post about trying to love the unlovable and accepting them for who they are. I remember praying about that for I was deeply troubled by it. I remember God speaking to me about it during last year's youth camp. For there is - or rather, was - someone whom I admit I had difficulty loving.
That person is not very well-liked by h-- peers, always being made fun of (sarcastically) and I'm not sure that person even knows that people are doing that to h--. Well, many people were frequently annoyed by h-- words and actions, and I was one of them. It was so easy to join in when people were gossiping about h--, adding my own experience of how very irritated I was by what that person did.
The good news is, for three months, I tried my best to accept that person's personality as it is, however annoying it may seem to people. I knew that it was wrong to gossip, and I tried as much as possible not to be part of those who were gossiping. I tried to put myself into h-- position and imagined how that person would feel. All the while praying about this.
Now, I no longer try to avoid h-- as I did in the past. I can talk to h-- with ease, without a hint of discomfort at being seen chatting and sometimes laughing with h--. I thought that that person seemed to have changed for the better, being more helpful instead of what people would call "irritating", and so I asked my closer friends about this. They agreed with me that there has indeed been a significant change in h--.
Prayers really work. Praying + taking actions = Result.
It wasn't just me secretly making it a point to love the unlovable and showing it, though not too directly. Others have noticed the improvement (for the better) in the unlovable side of that person, which makes it even easier for me to accept h--. I think that person feels more included instead of excluded these days.
Yeah, prayers really work.
Below: an extract from my Dec 08 archives.
Wow. I don't remember myself typing the last part of the above extract. Yes, I'm doing my best to teach my juniors. Teaching them is really not easy, I'll say this truthfully. It's tiring and frustrating when they can't play and I tend to want to pull my hair out over this.
But today I taught this other junior who wasn't around for the CO camp and boy, I could see that willingness to learn radiating out of her. What made it better was her speed at which she picked up the G major scale and the challenging rhythmic patterns of 江南好. Her sight-reading was pretty impressive too, given that she doesn't have music background. Instructors weren't around for they had to prepare for a concert, so it was self-sectionals from 1 to 4pm. She didn't pause to rest or ask for a break, and I was the one who needed that break -.- I'm really encouraged by her 百折不挠的精神. It serves as a reminder of how we as seniors should continue to possess this kind of positive attitude to learning (for there's much that we have yet to learn) and give our best in teaching them, and in bringing ACCO to greater heights.
That person is not very well-liked by h-- peers, always being made fun of (sarcastically) and I'm not sure that person even knows that people are doing that to h--. Well, many people were frequently annoyed by h-- words and actions, and I was one of them. It was so easy to join in when people were gossiping about h--, adding my own experience of how very irritated I was by what that person did.
The good news is, for three months, I tried my best to accept that person's personality as it is, however annoying it may seem to people. I knew that it was wrong to gossip, and I tried as much as possible not to be part of those who were gossiping. I tried to put myself into h-- position and imagined how that person would feel. All the while praying about this.
Now, I no longer try to avoid h-- as I did in the past. I can talk to h-- with ease, without a hint of discomfort at being seen chatting and sometimes laughing with h--. I thought that that person seemed to have changed for the better, being more helpful instead of what people would call "irritating", and so I asked my closer friends about this. They agreed with me that there has indeed been a significant change in h--.
Prayers really work. Praying + taking actions = Result.
It wasn't just me secretly making it a point to love the unlovable and showing it, though not too directly. Others have noticed the improvement (for the better) in the unlovable side of that person, which makes it even easier for me to accept h--. I think that person feels more included instead of excluded these days.
Yeah, prayers really work.
Below: an extract from my Dec 08 archives.
In view of that decision, that promise to try to be nicer to some friends, I had to ask God to take away the pride and prejudice (lol Austen) I had in me. Start small, though in this case small is challenging. So imagine my surprise at how during the week I actually found myself defending the name of someone who wasn't around physically, someone people preferred to shun. It wasn't that difficult. I can do this. I can sit out of gossips too. I can I can I can.(whatever you are about to read below is totally unplanned -- i didn't intend to include this in the post but i guess the convo with irvin made me want to type this, although the convo was not about the j1s at all)
I will accept people the way they are, and remind myself that everyone has a place in God's kingdom. They don't deserve hostility from us no matter what kind of impression they may leave on us, no matter what kind of explosive reactions they may trigger.
I'm going to display the right level of enthusiasm for the new J1 recruitment next year. Suddenly it feels as if I'm made to contact all those who're interested and ra-ra them into joining CO. Instead of becoming weary, I shall turn it around.. I'm not doing this simply because it's a duty, I'm doing this out of love. I'm helping whoever I can,
Wow. I don't remember myself typing the last part of the above extract. Yes, I'm doing my best to teach my juniors. Teaching them is really not easy, I'll say this truthfully. It's tiring and frustrating when they can't play and I tend to want to pull my hair out over this.
But today I taught this other junior who wasn't around for the CO camp and boy, I could see that willingness to learn radiating out of her. What made it better was her speed at which she picked up the G major scale and the challenging rhythmic patterns of 江南好. Her sight-reading was pretty impressive too, given that she doesn't have music background. Instructors weren't around for they had to prepare for a concert, so it was self-sectionals from 1 to 4pm. She didn't pause to rest or ask for a break, and I was the one who needed that break -.- I'm really encouraged by her 百折不挠的精神. It serves as a reminder of how we as seniors should continue to possess this kind of positive attitude to learning (for there's much that we have yet to learn) and give our best in teaching them, and in bringing ACCO to greater heights.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Revival of the blog
Firstly, I want to thank God for sustaining me through the Term Exams.
I was in school e v e r y d a y from Monday to Friday last week. Monday being CO prac and Tues to Fri was to sit at the void deck to mug from morning till evening. Claire was my mugging partner. We'd see the same people at the void deck everyday. However, productivity was quite low cos' I was PMSing and there was one morning where I studied till I cried (ridiculous). Haha, I had a lot of things on my mind la but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, I managed to survive. :) Thank God indeed.
Secondly, I would like to thanks those who kept me in prayer. Me and all the rest who were taking exams.
I was moved by the email Sophia forwarded about the 26 guards. It shows how much your prayer can be of help to another. Ohh and something just came to my mind. I always say, "will be praying for you" or "will keep you in prayer" but somehow it always slips my mind and I end up not praying. It's always easy for me to say that but slightly more challenging to actually do it. Hmmm.
Okay, from now onwards, when I make it a point to pray about something or for someone, I'll try not to postpone it. And set it as a reminder in my phone or something. Not that I should keep postponing it...
Haha I should add a "dear diary" to the start of the post and sign off at the end.
I was in school e v e r y d a y from Monday to Friday last week. Monday being CO prac and Tues to Fri was to sit at the void deck to mug from morning till evening. Claire was my mugging partner. We'd see the same people at the void deck everyday. However, productivity was quite low cos' I was PMSing and there was one morning where I studied till I cried (ridiculous). Haha, I had a lot of things on my mind la but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, I managed to survive. :) Thank God indeed.
Secondly, I would like to thanks those who kept me in prayer. Me and all the rest who were taking exams.
I was moved by the email Sophia forwarded about the 26 guards. It shows how much your prayer can be of help to another. Ohh and something just came to my mind. I always say, "will be praying for you" or "will keep you in prayer" but somehow it always slips my mind and I end up not praying. It's always easy for me to say that but slightly more challenging to actually do it. Hmmm.
Okay, from now onwards, when I make it a point to pray about something or for someone, I'll try not to postpone it. And set it as a reminder in my phone or something. Not that I should keep postponing it...
Haha I should add a "dear diary" to the start of the post and sign off at the end.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
AC X-Country '09 / runAC
Today's cross-country was remarkable. One of a kind. Here's my account.
Sheena, Claire, Beetsma, Matthew, Amelia, myself took a train down to Bishan MRT.
Headed to J8's Pasta Mania for lunch (: Yummy, and filling too.
Like many other students, we (blindly) took the buses opposite J8 which (supposedly) passes Bishan Park.
Due to the lack of prior research, we either took the wrong bus, or dropped off at the wrong stop. Hmmm, sounds like both. It's not the Bishan Park stop dammit, it's the blk 246/ opposite blk 246 stop.
The result? Everyone having to walk >1km just to get to the tents where the rest of the school population was gathered -.-
The competitive runners set off first, followed by the teachers, and the mass runners.. also known as the rest.
By that time, grey clouds had started to gather, but we went ahead anyway.
Some of us were already set on walking the whole 3.3km. Walk, not jog.
But the weather destroyed our plans.
Not even halfway through the route, it started to drizzle, and the rain gradually got heavier.
People were running across the grass patches, heading for shelter.
Running for our dear lives. As I ran with the crowd, I turned back, and boy it looked like the clouds (or rain, rather) were shepherding everyone towards the tent area.
Seriously, I've never seen anything like this before. Not in real life.
So those who did not manage to make it back sought shelter at those pavilion thingys.
Which wasn't exactly effective since it was quite packed and people still got wet.
Some phones went berserk. I managed to keep mine dry under my shirt though most of my shirt was wet, like everyone else's.
In short, ALL mass runners got soaked from head to toe. I bet the guys had a good time.
Most of us were wearing white shirts. Ugh.
And my bag looked like it was rescued from a river. My handwritten notes are still wet. My maths TYS is a goner. Ink all smudged, paper all stuck together, wet and impossible to separate. My graphic calculator - thank God - is working fine.
My notes in my file - thank God again - are all nice and dry. Though the file's full of scratches now.
I took 25 back to church from AMK, then walked home from there.
It wasn't very pleasant, mind you, it was FREEZING.
Sheena, Claire, Beetsma, Matthew, Amelia, myself took a train down to Bishan MRT.
Headed to J8's Pasta Mania for lunch (: Yummy, and filling too.
Like many other students, we (blindly) took the buses opposite J8 which (supposedly) passes Bishan Park.
Due to the lack of prior research, we either took the wrong bus, or dropped off at the wrong stop. Hmmm, sounds like both. It's not the Bishan Park stop dammit, it's the blk 246/ opposite blk 246 stop.
The result? Everyone having to walk >1km just to get to the tents where the rest of the school population was gathered -.-
The competitive runners set off first, followed by the teachers, and the mass runners.. also known as the rest.
By that time, grey clouds had started to gather, but we went ahead anyway.
Some of us were already set on walking the whole 3.3km. Walk, not jog.
But the weather destroyed our plans.
Not even halfway through the route, it started to drizzle, and the rain gradually got heavier.
People were running across the grass patches, heading for shelter.
Running for our dear lives. As I ran with the crowd, I turned back, and boy it looked like the clouds (or rain, rather) were shepherding everyone towards the tent area.
Seriously, I've never seen anything like this before. Not in real life.
So those who did not manage to make it back sought shelter at those pavilion thingys.
Which wasn't exactly effective since it was quite packed and people still got wet.
Some phones went berserk. I managed to keep mine dry under my shirt though most of my shirt was wet, like everyone else's.
In short, ALL mass runners got soaked from head to toe. I bet the guys had a good time.
Most of us were wearing white shirts. Ugh.
And my bag looked like it was rescued from a river. My handwritten notes are still wet. My maths TYS is a goner. Ink all smudged, paper all stuck together, wet and impossible to separate. My graphic calculator - thank God - is working fine.
My notes in my file - thank God again - are all nice and dry. Though the file's full of scratches now.
I took 25 back to church from AMK, then walked home from there.
It wasn't very pleasant, mind you, it was FREEZING.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Fusion 2009
Yesterday was Saturday..
There was bio SPA early in the morning =( I think my skill D was quite screwed up. But skill C was okay? I rather not comment on it cos things do not always end up as expected.
Then SPA ended at around 9.15am and PeiYan XuanHan ShuQiao Nigel Janet Amanda and myself went for CO. Long day manzzz.
Yesterday's practice was more tiring than usual, with the sudden influx of inexperienced J1s into xianyue. Those who couldn't decide on which instrument they wanted to learn/play were shipped to xianyue simply because we were short of people. But the fact remains that we CANNOT let all of them go for SYF (even though the teachers think otherwise) if they do not learn fast enough and stuff.. as discussed by some of us J2s after practice. It's not easy because both the juniors and seniors will have to put in a lot more effort into learning and teaching respectively. And with all the endless weekly tests and assignments... hoho. I hate to say this but, GG.
That's for xianyue at least.
Guess it'll be harder for Janet as SL...
I told her that she can abandon the score manager role for now and leave them to Serene and I.. if that helps, in any way, to ease her burden.
After CO, went for Fusion with Michael Irvin and Lukas. It was hot, loud and crowded, I think it's because Planetshakers was there. Mike drank most of my water (he emptied my bottle and I emptied Irvin's -.-). Lukas stuffed tissue into his ears as earplugs. But a unique experience nevertheless. Brought home something new from the conference, something the pastor talked about.
If our God is so big, so imeasurable, and yet He lives in us, shouldn't he be exploding out of us? Shouldn't everyone else be able to see God in us?
That got me thinking. I say I'm a Christian but am I living or acting like one?
The pastor touched briefly on evangelism as well (linked to CF's topic on Friday) and a bit of Psalm 23, which I think was read this morning before worship. It's quite freaky, the way things keep repeating itself through independent events (hahah probability topic in math) like God's trying to send a strong messsage across to me.
I thought Fusion would be totally unheard of in LSBC cos this youth conference is like, for the methodist churches.. But then I saw Sarah (Tan) there. Lol.
So that's that. End of another week.
There was bio SPA early in the morning =( I think my skill D was quite screwed up. But skill C was okay? I rather not comment on it cos things do not always end up as expected.
Then SPA ended at around 9.15am and PeiYan XuanHan ShuQiao Nigel Janet Amanda and myself went for CO. Long day manzzz.
Yesterday's practice was more tiring than usual, with the sudden influx of inexperienced J1s into xianyue. Those who couldn't decide on which instrument they wanted to learn/play were shipped to xianyue simply because we were short of people. But the fact remains that we CANNOT let all of them go for SYF (even though the teachers think otherwise) if they do not learn fast enough and stuff.. as discussed by some of us J2s after practice. It's not easy because both the juniors and seniors will have to put in a lot more effort into learning and teaching respectively. And with all the endless weekly tests and assignments... hoho. I hate to say this but, GG.
That's for xianyue at least.
Guess it'll be harder for Janet as SL...
I told her that she can abandon the score manager role for now and leave them to Serene and I.. if that helps, in any way, to ease her burden.
After CO, went for Fusion with Michael Irvin and Lukas. It was hot, loud and crowded, I think it's because Planetshakers was there. Mike drank most of my water (he emptied my bottle and I emptied Irvin's -.-). Lukas stuffed tissue into his ears as earplugs. But a unique experience nevertheless. Brought home something new from the conference, something the pastor talked about.
If our God is so big, so imeasurable, and yet He lives in us, shouldn't he be exploding out of us? Shouldn't everyone else be able to see God in us?
That got me thinking. I say I'm a Christian but am I living or acting like one?
The pastor touched briefly on evangelism as well (linked to CF's topic on Friday) and a bit of Psalm 23, which I think was read this morning before worship. It's quite freaky, the way things keep repeating itself through independent events (hahah probability topic in math) like God's trying to send a strong messsage across to me.
I thought Fusion would be totally unheard of in LSBC cos this youth conference is like, for the methodist churches.. But then I saw Sarah (Tan) there. Lol.
So that's that. End of another week.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Join CF?
I guess... I'll be joining CF? Even though I'm in year 2 and will only be there for a few months...
CF does teach me how to love and accept others' differences. They don't REALLY teach it, but it's the environment you're in, and the interaction that's going on around you that somehow makes loving others a lot easier. There are people whom I find difficult to accept, but they're in CF as well so.... yeah. I'm starting to change my impression of them. Slowly, but surely.
It's a different feeling, to be with other Christians in the school, being able to identify with one another. Today there was a sharing on evangelism, on reaching out to friends. Well I do feel that burden, to some extent. some things were stuff I've heard before, like just doing the job of preaching the Word. What happens after that is not within our control so.. what's so hard about that right?
This requires a lot of courage. Boldness. Passion. Tenacity. Whatever else you can think of.
Amelia and I (and Claire too) have this friend in mind whom we want to reach out to. But we have not brainstormed (haha) on how to approach the subject. Guess REW will be a good time?
By the way, REW is Religious Emphasis Week.
Join CF? Hmmm I still can't make up my mind.
Bio SPA later... :( But I will walk into the MPH with confidence for I know the Lord is with me.
Just as Aunties Betty and Ee Koon felt and prayed in a prayer for me. Easy to say right? But hard to actually go for the exam without fear. I will try, nevertheless.
CF does teach me how to love and accept others' differences. They don't REALLY teach it, but it's the environment you're in, and the interaction that's going on around you that somehow makes loving others a lot easier. There are people whom I find difficult to accept, but they're in CF as well so.... yeah. I'm starting to change my impression of them. Slowly, but surely.
It's a different feeling, to be with other Christians in the school, being able to identify with one another. Today there was a sharing on evangelism, on reaching out to friends. Well I do feel that burden, to some extent. some things were stuff I've heard before, like just doing the job of preaching the Word. What happens after that is not within our control so.. what's so hard about that right?
This requires a lot of courage. Boldness. Passion. Tenacity. Whatever else you can think of.
Amelia and I (and Claire too) have this friend in mind whom we want to reach out to. But we have not brainstormed (haha) on how to approach the subject. Guess REW will be a good time?
By the way, REW is Religious Emphasis Week.
Join CF? Hmmm I still can't make up my mind.
Bio SPA later... :( But I will walk into the MPH with confidence for I know the Lord is with me.
Just as Aunties Betty and Ee Koon felt and prayed in a prayer for me. Easy to say right? But hard to actually go for the exam without fear. I will try, nevertheless.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Valentine's!
What's V'day without friends??
What can be better than spending Valentine's day with your CCA mates? (read: CO)
Up to you to interpret it as a good or bad thing. (:
I'd rather you be more positive.
Morning: COmbined practice.
Lunch: Dover market. It was the first time such a big group of us actually went for lunch together okay, or at least sat at the same area. Not bad, not bad. J1s' presence make us more bonded. I hope this continues.
Afternoon: Sectionals. This time there were new J1s with us.. a number of inexperienced ones who were like me previously. I pray they'll learn enough to play for SYF.
After sectionals: 12 of us (Jeanette Kelvin Lukas Janet ShuQiao LayCheng Serene PeiYan Jake Michael Sheena Myself) went across the island to Changi Airport (my idea, oops) to spend time together. AWWWW.
Ok I shall post some photos. They make the blog look less wordy.

Then again, maybe not. Haha
Sheena's birthday cake was my idea too. She said it was her first time cutting a cake?? Lol.. Then I'm glad her 18th was her first. I'm glad the others did not strongly object to this. :)
Sitting in a circle in school attire (mostly CO shirts) eating food from Popeyes (Lukas' idea), attracting lots of attention even though we did not talk loudly, having to look at heads turn towards where we were seated... wow. I guess it was quite funny. The noisy part only came when we were about to leave our spot. 10 of them had to pay me for the cake and I ended up with a hell (pardon me) lot of coins but some very kindly exchanged them to notes for me :)
There were many couples and families around. Then there was us, a group of students -.- Oh well, just glad that Valentine's this year wasn't spent alone :)
We should do this more often.
What can be better than spending Valentine's day with your CCA mates? (read: CO)
Up to you to interpret it as a good or bad thing. (:
I'd rather you be more positive.
Morning: COmbined practice.
Lunch: Dover market. It was the first time such a big group of us actually went for lunch together okay, or at least sat at the same area. Not bad, not bad. J1s' presence make us more bonded. I hope this continues.
Afternoon: Sectionals. This time there were new J1s with us.. a number of inexperienced ones who were like me previously. I pray they'll learn enough to play for SYF.
After sectionals: 12 of us (Jeanette Kelvin Lukas Janet ShuQiao LayCheng Serene PeiYan Jake Michael Sheena Myself) went across the island to Changi Airport (my idea, oops) to spend time together. AWWWW.
Ok I shall post some photos. They make the blog look less wordy.
Then again, maybe not. Haha
Sheena's birthday cake was my idea too. She said it was her first time cutting a cake?? Lol.. Then I'm glad her 18th was her first. I'm glad the others did not strongly object to this. :)
Sitting in a circle in school attire (mostly CO shirts) eating food from Popeyes (Lukas' idea), attracting lots of attention even though we did not talk loudly, having to look at heads turn towards where we were seated... wow. I guess it was quite funny. The noisy part only came when we were about to leave our spot. 10 of them had to pay me for the cake and I ended up with a hell (pardon me) lot of coins but some very kindly exchanged them to notes for me :)
There were many couples and families around. Then there was us, a group of students -.- Oh well, just glad that Valentine's this year wasn't spent alone :)
We should do this more often.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
Pondering I (public)
How in the world did I become so heavily involved?
Doing it out of love, am I really?
just ranting here... nothing too serious
Doing it out of love, am I really?
just ranting here... nothing too serious
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Rojak Day
Today was one heck of a roller coaster. A series of unfortunate events again, this time neutralised by the cca exhibition.
I was late for school because the LTA (is it?) had one lane along Adam/Lornie Road closed because of road works. Traffic moved at a snail's pace. zzz. Apparently there were other students affected by that jam too so we didn't have to go for DC. Yay. :)
Despite having wore my longest skirt today - the longest out of the three I owned - I was asked to go to the toilet to pull it lower because it was more than 2cm above my knee cap. yeah like what, 3cm??? -.- This was in the presence of many other latecomers. I tried to wear an unreadable expression on my face. I really can't see a problem with that skirt, which was lengthened like last week. :(
A can of Nescafe and a slice of jam-filled bread - that's all I had from 7.50am to 7pm. Almost twelve hours. Nope, no lunch. Didn't have time :(
I had lectures and tutorials from 9.10am to 12.50pm, afterwhich it was the moving of stuff to the badminton hall and the setting up of the exhibition booth. So from 12.50pm all the way till 5.30pm I was on the move (with FuEn PeiYan and Irvin) trying to get J1s to sign up and join us. It was a lot of talking and smiling and nodding, I've never pushed myself so hard before. Tiring to the max. I never sat down for more than 5 minutes, and I'm not exaggerating.
At least all that sweat and saliva was worth it because of the response from today's CCA exhibition. Yay. :) A job well done.
Whilst all that was happening, things did not look too good back at LT4. :(
Well, what can I say?
I don't want to blow it up further by giving my detailed opinion(s) here. There's always the risk of someone discovering this blog and reading about it (may change their perspective of things) though I never give my url to cca mates and made sure this blog doesn't appear in search results.
My heartfelt congratulations to those whose appeals are successful.
For the others, I regret to hear the news... It's not within our sphere of influence, we couldn't play a part in deciding who stays or goes. Apparently the immediate concerns had to be resolved first.
Then it was the hour-long journey home where I had to be on my feet and carrying a heavy bag and laptop. :(
Amazing, how God gave me the strength I needed to survive the day with just bread and coffee.
I was late for school because the LTA (is it?) had one lane along Adam/Lornie Road closed because of road works. Traffic moved at a snail's pace. zzz. Apparently there were other students affected by that jam too so we didn't have to go for DC. Yay. :)
Despite having wore my longest skirt today - the longest out of the three I owned - I was asked to go to the toilet to pull it lower because it was more than 2cm above my knee cap. yeah like what, 3cm??? -.- This was in the presence of many other latecomers. I tried to wear an unreadable expression on my face. I really can't see a problem with that skirt, which was lengthened like last week. :(
A can of Nescafe and a slice of jam-filled bread - that's all I had from 7.50am to 7pm. Almost twelve hours. Nope, no lunch. Didn't have time :(
I had lectures and tutorials from 9.10am to 12.50pm, afterwhich it was the moving of stuff to the badminton hall and the setting up of the exhibition booth. So from 12.50pm all the way till 5.30pm I was on the move (with FuEn PeiYan and Irvin) trying to get J1s to sign up and join us. It was a lot of talking and smiling and nodding, I've never pushed myself so hard before. Tiring to the max. I never sat down for more than 5 minutes, and I'm not exaggerating.
At least all that sweat and saliva was worth it because of the response from today's CCA exhibition. Yay. :) A job well done.
Whilst all that was happening, things did not look too good back at LT4. :(
Well, what can I say?
I don't want to blow it up further by giving my detailed opinion(s) here. There's always the risk of someone discovering this blog and reading about it (may change their perspective of things) though I never give my url to cca mates and made sure this blog doesn't appear in search results.
My heartfelt congratulations to those whose appeals are successful.
For the others, I regret to hear the news... It's not within our sphere of influence, we couldn't play a part in deciding who stays or goes. Apparently the immediate concerns had to be resolved first.
Then it was the hour-long journey home where I had to be on my feet and carrying a heavy bag and laptop. :(
Amazing, how God gave me the strength I needed to survive the day with just bread and coffee.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
ugly Singaporeans
I was rushing for piano lesson today, after hanging around the badminton hall with Irvin and Brian (Daryl was there too!). We were going to set up the tables for cca exhibition. Anyway.
I reached Outram Park at around 5.35pm. Was unable to find an empty seat, much to my disappointment. I was among the pre-peak hour crowd, you see. Naturally, people (mainly aunties) would rush for empty seats as soon as they spot one. Welcome to the ugly side of Singaporeans.
The train arrives at the platform.
Passengers waiting to board gather around the doors.
Doors open. Those outside the train close in and board the train hurriedly, without allowing other passengers to alight first. Ugh.
Being a student, I am supposedly more fit and able to stand for long periods of time. Hence I stand when there are no available seats.
(When there is one, I look around to make sure there's no elderly or pregnant woman or anyone else who's more in need of the seat, before settling in it. Duh.)
Next station. Doors open.
Old lady/man walks in. Sitting passengers are either sleeping, reading, or simply staring into space. (sometimes you can't help sleeping when you're really tired out. just don't pretend to sleep. then again, i wouldn't know if someone's really asleep or feigning it right?) Nobody stands up to give up his/her seat.
SMRT and SBS did come up with ideas hoping that these poor ol' souls can rest their feet and save their energy instead of exerting them all at one go simply by standing and trying to maintain their balance.
"Priority seats" are supposedly reserved for these people who are in need of them. It's sad that the management had to even resort to reserving seats. People are expected to give their seats up when there is a need to do so, it's an unspoken rule which, sadly, is gradually making its exit from this society. Even with "priority seats", (normal, healthy) people sitting on them still "take no notice" of who needs it more when someone handicapped or old or pregnant stands right before their diva eyes. I am truly disgusted by this.
Today, I saw a tourist willingly give up his seat in the train for an old lady. Everyone else just sat transfixed.
Now what does that say about Singaporeans in general? What impression did it leave on that tourist and his friends?
I saw the tourist glance around to see if anyone bothered to leave their thrones for someone else. Then he decided to just do it himself. Watching the whole scene unfold made me feel ashamed (I was standing, by the way).
Before the few tourists left the train, they exchanged comments about Singaporeans softly among themselves. I managed to catch some words like "sleepy", and "too busy making money". So, Singaporeans work so hard to earn money (money-minded) each day, they're so tired that they knock out the moment their butt touches the seat, oblivious to their surroundings. That's my inference.
Then of course there'll be an arguement to support the above point that society puts too much pressure on their work life where everyone is competing to be the best. As for now, they're competing to retain their jobs. Am I not correct? Still... gives them no reason to be so unglam, like rushing into the train without allowing others to alight, and being indifferent when someone who NEEDS to sit down comes into sight.
I am careful myself. But I admit that I only give up my own seat after I see that no one else is going to do that. That's something I've got to work on,
At least I don't make a mad rush into the train when the doors open.
I reached Outram Park at around 5.35pm. Was unable to find an empty seat, much to my disappointment. I was among the pre-peak hour crowd, you see. Naturally, people (mainly aunties) would rush for empty seats as soon as they spot one. Welcome to the ugly side of Singaporeans.
The train arrives at the platform.
Passengers waiting to board gather around the doors.
Doors open. Those outside the train close in and board the train hurriedly, without allowing other passengers to alight first. Ugh.
Being a student, I am supposedly more fit and able to stand for long periods of time. Hence I stand when there are no available seats.
(When there is one, I look around to make sure there's no elderly or pregnant woman or anyone else who's more in need of the seat, before settling in it. Duh.)
Next station. Doors open.
Old lady/man walks in. Sitting passengers are either sleeping, reading, or simply staring into space. (sometimes you can't help sleeping when you're really tired out. just don't pretend to sleep. then again, i wouldn't know if someone's really asleep or feigning it right?) Nobody stands up to give up his/her seat.
SMRT and SBS did come up with ideas hoping that these poor ol' souls can rest their feet and save their energy instead of exerting them all at one go simply by standing and trying to maintain their balance.
"Priority seats" are supposedly reserved for these people who are in need of them. It's sad that the management had to even resort to reserving seats. People are expected to give their seats up when there is a need to do so, it's an unspoken rule which, sadly, is gradually making its exit from this society. Even with "priority seats", (normal, healthy) people sitting on them still "take no notice" of who needs it more when someone handicapped or old or pregnant stands right before their diva eyes. I am truly disgusted by this.
Today, I saw a tourist willingly give up his seat in the train for an old lady. Everyone else just sat transfixed.
Now what does that say about Singaporeans in general? What impression did it leave on that tourist and his friends?
I saw the tourist glance around to see if anyone bothered to leave their thrones for someone else. Then he decided to just do it himself. Watching the whole scene unfold made me feel ashamed (I was standing, by the way).
Before the few tourists left the train, they exchanged comments about Singaporeans softly among themselves. I managed to catch some words like "sleepy", and "too busy making money". So, Singaporeans work so hard to earn money (money-minded) each day, they're so tired that they knock out the moment their butt touches the seat, oblivious to their surroundings. That's my inference.
Then of course there'll be an arguement to support the above point that society puts too much pressure on their work life where everyone is competing to be the best. As for now, they're competing to retain their jobs. Am I not correct? Still... gives them no reason to be so unglam, like rushing into the train without allowing others to alight, and being indifferent when someone who NEEDS to sit down comes into sight.
I am careful myself. But I admit that I only give up my own seat after I see that no one else is going to do that. That's something I've got to work on,
At least I don't make a mad rush into the train when the doors open.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Welcoming the J1s
I am going to talk about PE again. hahha I can't help it.
Just that today was swim PE. I wonder why there were SO many guys today... the other girls all having their period??! Hmmm. It was a bit weird at first, cos' the few of us girls from AA3 were reluctant to make the first move of removing our shirts (with swimsuit underneath of course). Then eventually we had no choice. Haha.
No, I'm not ashamed of having to be in the beginners' class!!
& omg, I was absolutely delighted to see Abigail (Gammell) and Diana there!!! PL PL PL :D
The best thing is, Diana said she wants to join CO! She's just like me - angklung in pri sch, handbells in sec sch, CO in JC! Hahahahah yayy :) Just hope she means it!
Okay so it wasn't so bad after all, having the J1s in school... orientation really looks fun. The rest of us J2s who are not OGLs or councilors are having lectures and tutorials =( amidst all the noise from the orientation.
Lunch time was unbearable though. SOOOOO many of them queuing for food. I'd never seen the school chicken rice stall being so popular before.PeiYan Amelia Jenisse and I couldn't stand the crowd (couldnt even find a vacant table!) so we went to Coffee Bean at Holland V for lunch. $$$$
Tomorrow is Tuesday =(
I dread Tuesdays =(
Here I am, Oh God
I bring this sacrifice--my open heart.
I offer up my life.
I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again
So I lift my eyes to you Lord
In your strength will I break through Lord
Touch me now, let your love fall down on me
I know your love dispels all my fears
Through the storm I will hold on Lord
And by faith I will walk on Lord
Then I'll see beyond my calvary one day
And I will be complete in You
(Complete - Parachute Band)
Just that today was swim PE. I wonder why there were SO many guys today... the other girls all having their period??! Hmmm. It was a bit weird at first, cos' the few of us girls from AA3 were reluctant to make the first move of removing our shirts (with swimsuit underneath of course). Then eventually we had no choice. Haha.
No, I'm not ashamed of having to be in the beginners' class!!
& omg, I was absolutely delighted to see Abigail (Gammell) and Diana there!!! PL PL PL :D
The best thing is, Diana said she wants to join CO! She's just like me - angklung in pri sch, handbells in sec sch, CO in JC! Hahahahah yayy :) Just hope she means it!
Okay so it wasn't so bad after all, having the J1s in school... orientation really looks fun. The rest of us J2s who are not OGLs or councilors are having lectures and tutorials =( amidst all the noise from the orientation.
Lunch time was unbearable though. SOOOOO many of them queuing for food. I'd never seen the school chicken rice stall being so popular before.PeiYan Amelia Jenisse and I couldn't stand the crowd (couldnt even find a vacant table!) so we went to Coffee Bean at Holland V for lunch. $$$$
Tomorrow is Tuesday =(
I dread Tuesdays =(
Here I am, Oh God
I bring this sacrifice--my open heart.
I offer up my life.
I look to You, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again
So I lift my eyes to you Lord
In your strength will I break through Lord
Touch me now, let your love fall down on me
I know your love dispels all my fears
Through the storm I will hold on Lord
And by faith I will walk on Lord
Then I'll see beyond my calvary one day
And I will be complete in You
(Complete - Parachute Band)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
J1s are coming
Today's mass PE was the best one yet. I hated last week's.
We had 2.4km run today :) But not around the dreaded track, it's around AC, Fairfield and Carltex. 2 rounds = 2.4km according to the teachers. I liked this one because there was shade and scenery. I only felt like giving up at the last lap but decided to push even though all that lactic acid was building up inside my muscles. Ended up running that lap with Marcus -.- Poor Claire had some foot problems. But she had the honour of running with Adam and the PE teachers. :)
It's a nice change, rather than running around the track. I would otherwise have given up at the 3rd round or something.
I missed the last bus from KAP just now. My parents came to my rescue at 12.30am. Oops.
The J1s are coming in next week. So fast! Everywhere will be crowded once again. Canteen, void deck, bleachers, toilets, coridoors... It felt good to have the campus entirely to ourselves. Morning assemblies were cozy and warm (fine, the air con brought the temperature down). Goodbye, Janurary!
College was filled with students who wished to appeal. And their parents. Principal said the cut-off point remains at 6 for science and 7 for arts. Till today, I still keep the SMS which says I've been posted to AC. I still thank God that He let me come in through merit. I have nothing to appeal through. My piano at current standards won't get me anywhere. Handbells do nothing to help. The only way in was through merit. So yeah. Easy peasy for others but one heck of a struggle for me.
AC Celebrations (aka CNY) in school last week was quite well-received. I asked, and people said CO was better this year compared to last year's, which was messy. I think the other performing groups did fantastic too, everything from strings to the malay cultural society to the dance to the finale. Finale was a joke. All the performers had to gather on stage to sing CNY songs -__- CO was scrambling for the back (unfortunately, all that was in full view of those in the balcony at that time) of the stage.
We had 2.4km run today :) But not around the dreaded track, it's around AC, Fairfield and Carltex. 2 rounds = 2.4km according to the teachers. I liked this one because there was shade and scenery. I only felt like giving up at the last lap but decided to push even though all that lactic acid was building up inside my muscles. Ended up running that lap with Marcus -.- Poor Claire had some foot problems. But she had the honour of running with Adam and the PE teachers. :)
It's a nice change, rather than running around the track. I would otherwise have given up at the 3rd round or something.
I missed the last bus from KAP just now. My parents came to my rescue at 12.30am. Oops.
The J1s are coming in next week. So fast! Everywhere will be crowded once again. Canteen, void deck, bleachers, toilets, coridoors... It felt good to have the campus entirely to ourselves. Morning assemblies were cozy and warm (fine, the air con brought the temperature down). Goodbye, Janurary!
College was filled with students who wished to appeal. And their parents. Principal said the cut-off point remains at 6 for science and 7 for arts. Till today, I still keep the SMS which says I've been posted to AC. I still thank God that He let me come in through merit. I have nothing to appeal through. My piano at current standards won't get me anywhere. Handbells do nothing to help. The only way in was through merit. So yeah. Easy peasy for others but one heck of a struggle for me.
AC Celebrations (aka CNY) in school last week was quite well-received. I asked, and people said CO was better this year compared to last year's, which was messy. I think the other performing groups did fantastic too, everything from strings to the malay cultural society to the dance to the finale. Finale was a joke. All the performers had to gather on stage to sing CNY songs -__- CO was scrambling for the back (unfortunately, all that was in full view of those in the balcony at that time) of the stage.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Second week of school
Only the second week of school and my file is bursting with notes and tutorials and classmates' giro forms and more notes.
Only the second week of school and the workload is rising exponentially!!!!
Omg save me. I'm drowning in it.
Oh. We took our height and weight. I gained like, 2-3kg? So that's make it fall under the "acceptable weight" category I think. I must stop snacking so much and maintain my body weight.
Mass PE was horrible. I suffered from muscle aches a day later. Laughing hurt my abs last weekend. Ouch. Next up: Swim PE. Time to buy a swimsuit.
Only the second week of school and the workload is rising exponentially!!!!
Omg save me. I'm drowning in it.
Oh. We took our height and weight. I gained like, 2-3kg? So that's make it fall under the "acceptable weight" category I think. I must stop snacking so much and maintain my body weight.
Mass PE was horrible. I suffered from muscle aches a day later. Laughing hurt my abs last weekend. Ouch. Next up: Swim PE. Time to buy a swimsuit.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
J2 life begins
Well, this is it. The beginning of my life as a J2.
Lecture started on the first day of school. Play? Rest? Relax? Huh, what are they?
I must adjust my body clock, seriously, before it's too late. My so-called peak period is at night from about 11pm to 2am, which is bad!! Then I end up getting a bit drowsy in the morning and then it becomes worse in the afternoon. As soon as the sky turns dark again, my energy level goes up. This is bad! I will sleep in half an hour today. I will!
Still part of class comm this year. My job's easy peasy. & I don't even collect class funds unless absolutely necessary.
Bio classes are combined with 2SC3. Read --> BUCK UP. Or I'll never be able to keep up with them. They are enthusiastic and lively and like, really ON about bio... or maybe everything else, I dunno. I am a far cry from their standards. It's quite overwhelming to be in a class full of smart people and not knowing how far behind I stand.
Two of my tutors this year are discipline comm teachers. Yeah, the male and female DMs. Geog and bio respectively. Am I lucky or what?
Changed class for math. Only Clarabelle, Adam and myself are in this class from AA3. The current president of the student council is here too. Once again, 'play', 'rest' and 'relax' are out of my dictionary.
Major thanksgiving - OPEN HOUSE IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!! I don't know exactly how much I've been troubling or worrying Irvin PeiYan FuEn Sheena Jake and Brian. They must have found me extremely irritating at one point or another. I'd either bug them online or thru' sms. Sorry, I know I sucked as IC. I can make proposals but I can't really keep to them O_O
Just thank God there were no major screwups or anything like that:)
Congratulations to my friends who have just received their O level results. May God give you the wisdom to choose the right courses and schools as you do your JAE selections. This is just the beginning of another phase of your education, I hope you choose it well:)
I wonder what's keeping PL up from posting the 2008 results onto the school website. Wish they would hurry up! I really want to know the stats!
Lecture started on the first day of school. Play? Rest? Relax? Huh, what are they?
I must adjust my body clock, seriously, before it's too late. My so-called peak period is at night from about 11pm to 2am, which is bad!! Then I end up getting a bit drowsy in the morning and then it becomes worse in the afternoon. As soon as the sky turns dark again, my energy level goes up. This is bad! I will sleep in half an hour today. I will!
Still part of class comm this year. My job's easy peasy. & I don't even collect class funds unless absolutely necessary.
Bio classes are combined with 2SC3. Read --> BUCK UP. Or I'll never be able to keep up with them. They are enthusiastic and lively and like, really ON about bio... or maybe everything else, I dunno. I am a far cry from their standards. It's quite overwhelming to be in a class full of smart people and not knowing how far behind I stand.
Two of my tutors this year are discipline comm teachers. Yeah, the male and female DMs. Geog and bio respectively. Am I lucky or what?
Changed class for math. Only Clarabelle, Adam and myself are in this class from AA3. The current president of the student council is here too. Once again, 'play', 'rest' and 'relax' are out of my dictionary.
Major thanksgiving - OPEN HOUSE IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!! I don't know exactly how much I've been troubling or worrying Irvin PeiYan FuEn Sheena Jake and Brian. They must have found me extremely irritating at one point or another. I'd either bug them online or thru' sms. Sorry, I know I sucked as IC. I can make proposals but I can't really keep to them O_O
Just thank God there were no major screwups or anything like that:)
Congratulations to my friends who have just received their O level results. May God give you the wisdom to choose the right courses and schools as you do your JAE selections. This is just the beginning of another phase of your education, I hope you choose it well:)
I wonder what's keeping PL up from posting the 2008 results onto the school website. Wish they would hurry up! I really want to know the stats!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Random photos
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Ok I don't really feel like doing a proper update.
Don't wanna feel like I'm slave to this blog -__-
It's hard, you know. When your friend blows up at you like that.
Or uses a tone that gives you an impression of such.
and my tears are on the verge of spilling out yet again.
am i oversensitive or what?
shit. shit. shit. stop it. stop being so vulnerable, girl.
but i can't help it, can i?
can't believe i'm actually crying because of this.
(ignore this post, please)
Don't wanna feel like I'm slave to this blog -__-
It's hard, you know. When your friend blows up at you like that.
Or uses a tone that gives you an impression of such.
and my tears are on the verge of spilling out yet again.
am i oversensitive or what?
shit. shit. shit. stop it. stop being so vulnerable, girl.
but i can't help it, can i?
can't believe i'm actually crying because of this.
(ignore this post, please)
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