A group was created on facebook, "A Petition to MOE to Extend the June Vacation due to the H1N1 Pandemic". Thousands have joined the group, and I am one of them, though I knew nothing would come out of this. I posted a question on the group's Wall.

The creator of the group quoted from me, and her response is boxed in pink. Well... this whole thing is rendered useless because I don't think the Government actually does take something like this seriously. Anyway, too many lesson plans will be disrupted, and in the end it'll be the teachers who'd be panicking and thinking of how to make up for the one week of lost time. Much can be covered within that week.
I, however, have wasted 3 weeks and have not done much work this term break. Save me.
Significant events this month were CF camp, enCOre, and cell bonding. Yes, there's much to blog about. But I must return to my online lecture on Nervous Control......................