Actually hor, I have lots and lots of things to say.
To different people and about what I've been doing.
I am just too
exhausted tired shacked beat bleary bone-weary bushed disabled dead done-in done-for dog-tired played-out weak weakened worn wearied prostrated outta-gas frazzled enervated effete debilitated worn-out
to do a proper update.
and reply tags.
and appear as 'online'.
and do the maths tuition homework. (shit i only just remembered)
'cept that
the exam almost had me killed.
So difficult...
And the candidate right behind me kept coughing at intervals.
Apparently. He was sick. And noisy.
Dunno to be pissed or sympathetic.
So was the girl beside me, kept blowing her nose.
Got surrounded by physically sick people this year.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
I just read the private blog too...
I'm just...
Shocked beyond shocked.
There's chinese tuition later at 9am.
And I'm still awake.
Here are my overall results for the year.
A1- POA, Music
A2- Chem/Bio
B3- ---
B4- SS/Lit
C5- EL, CL, Geog
C6- ---
D7- ---
E8- ---
L1R4: 13
L1R5: 18
CIP Involvement: 44 hours. wahahah.
Conduct: Very good
Joyce is a quiet and attentive student. She has shown improvement in her Science and English and has the potential to do well in her other subjects if she focuses on them.
Well, I am quiet and attentive. hahah. What a lie. *rolls eyes*.
And, my goodness, I deproved in my English la. C5 leh.
Also, hello everyone has the potential to do well if they try.
Still not satisfied.
My last and final paper for the year better be a good one.
I'm just...
Shocked beyond shocked.
There's chinese tuition later at 9am.
And I'm still awake.
Here are my overall results for the year.
A1- POA, Music
A2- Chem/Bio
B3- ---
B4- SS/Lit
C5- EL, CL, Geog
C6- ---
D7- ---
E8- ---
L1R4: 13
L1R5: 18
CIP Involvement: 44 hours. wahahah.
Conduct: Very good
Joyce is a quiet and attentive student. She has shown improvement in her Science and English and has the potential to do well in her other subjects if she focuses on them.
Well, I am quiet and attentive. hahah. What a lie. *rolls eyes*.
And, my goodness, I deproved in my English la. C5 leh.
Also, hello everyone has the potential to do well if they try.
Still not satisfied.
My last and final paper for the year better be a good one.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
bye bye funeral marathon... i hope.
What would you if your best friend told you he/she was going to to retain?
I dunno...
I was darn it traumatised by the toot-of-a-form-teacher's words today..
Honestly the worst after last year's art teacher.
PL has good teachers. ha. ha. ha.
Unfortunately for this kind... urgh.
Nevertheless. Some messages brought me slightly higher.
Thank you =)
Guess what... PL celebrated Christmas today.
Picture us singing carols nowhere near Christmas.
Gawsh, in the month of OCTOBER.
And picture the residents' faces. Those in HDB blocks nearby.
"We wish you a merry Christmas..."
Hey don't laugh. Not funny ok.
Jacelyn arh... you're doing fine with the guitar.
Be patient and don't rush. Haha.
My exams ain't over.
Look below the tagboard.
OMG, stress, stress.....
Argh I still have so much to cover...
I'll try to finish everything within 1.5 hrs instead of the given 3 hrs,
so can still rush down to church.
The exam venue is at some grand ballroom.
The previous theory exam, I was the 2nd last to leave the room.
By the way, the candidates are allowed to leave after 45 mins.
If they complete their paper. So... yeah.
Distinction please...
I dunno...
I was darn it traumatised by the toot-of-a-form-teacher's words today..
Honestly the worst after last year's art teacher.
PL has good teachers. ha. ha. ha.
Unfortunately for this kind... urgh.
Nevertheless. Some messages brought me slightly higher.
Thank you =)
Guess what... PL celebrated Christmas today.
Picture us singing carols nowhere near Christmas.
Gawsh, in the month of OCTOBER.
And picture the residents' faces. Those in HDB blocks nearby.
"We wish you a merry Christmas..."
Hey don't laugh. Not funny ok.
Jacelyn arh... you're doing fine with the guitar.
Be patient and don't rush. Haha.
My exam
Look below the tagboard.
OMG, stress, stress.....
Argh I still have so much to cover...
I'll try to finish everything within 1.5 hrs instead of the given 3 hrs,
so can still rush down to church.
The exam venue is at some grand ballroom.
The previous theory exam, I was the 2nd last to leave the room.
By the way, the candidates are allowed to leave after 45 mins.
If they complete their paper. So... yeah.
Distinction please...
Monday, October 23, 2006
forgive, forgive, forgive
This is taken from the book I'm reading, The Power Of A Praying Teen.
It's extremely easy to have unforgiveness toward family members. That's because they are with us the most, know us best, and can hurt us the deepest. But for those very same reasons, unforgiveness toward one of them will bring the greatest devestation to our lives. That's why forgiveness must start at home.
It's your responsibility to confess any unforgiveness to God and ask Him to help you forgive completely and move on with your life.
Remember that forgivine someone doesn't depend on that person admitting their guilt or apologizing to us. If it did, most of us would never be able to forgive anyone. We can forgive no matter what the other person does.
..... I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Matthew 18:21-22
When you forgive others, it shows God how much you love Him. It opens your heart and mind and frees you to experience God's love in greater measure. It releases you to move in to all He has for you.
I find that it is a struggle for me to forgive some people...
I am still trying and praying about it.
It's extremely easy to have unforgiveness toward family members. That's because they are with us the most, know us best, and can hurt us the deepest. But for those very same reasons, unforgiveness toward one of them will bring the greatest devestation to our lives. That's why forgiveness must start at home.
It's your responsibility to confess any unforgiveness to God and ask Him to help you forgive completely and move on with your life.
Remember that forgivine someone doesn't depend on that person admitting their guilt or apologizing to us. If it did, most of us would never be able to forgive anyone. We can forgive no matter what the other person does.
..... I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Matthew 18:21-22
When you forgive others, it shows God how much you love Him. It opens your heart and mind and frees you to experience God's love in greater measure. It releases you to move in to all He has for you.
I find that it is a struggle for me to forgive some people...
I am still trying and praying about it.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
give thanks no matter what
Actually I don't feel like blogging cos' I've already blogged stuff in my other blog.
Stuff which only God knows.
But I will still do it. Hahah.
You are not advised to read cause it's going to be long and the cows will be home by the time you finish.
Went for Priya's party yesterday with lots of barang barang!
So many extra things, the gift for my mortal and the 3 CDs took up so much space in my bag.
Lol. I never thought Indian movies could be so interesting!
Youth Ablaze was okay...
I'll talk about the word later.
Cell time, as usual, fun!
The bob game! Wahahas.
It seems like everyone likes to call my name la! Not just teachers =P
Well the bonding was great, as expected...
Our cell leaders would be glad to know that all their hard work and planning paid off.
The ice-breakers was a time for us to break the ice, though I don't see no ice to break!
It has already been broken! Lol, lame.
Then of course the bonding itself..
It was a time for us to share how we felt about ourselves and the cell, and everyone thought we are definitely united as one =)
(more of that later)
We wrote about the qualities of each and every one present last night, and notes of encouragement.
The first few I wrote for were short. Then it got longer.
Nobody said I was quiet you know! What a surprise.
Cos' they used to always ask me to talk more.
Well all except for one, who said I was "soft but loud".
Now what's that supposed to mean??
Anyway... I thank God for the music he put into my life.
Judging from that piece of paper, hmm. Oh wells. =)
Praise and worship... I believe that was the first time we did our own worship as a cell.
Yeah. I was able to worship too, though I was a little distracted at first.
The feeling was indescribable.. when I saw everyone lifting their hands and worshipping God.
I mean I've never observed this cell worshipping before.
My reaction: Wow. We are indeed growing in Christ.
The Blind Mice (no actually it's mouse cos only one mouse is blind) was the most enjoyable!
Hahaha... like everyone's in the dark and avoiding the mouse.
There was alot of banging into one another, pulling and pushing, touching (who is this person arh?), and laughing.
I narrowly escaped being caught. A few times.
So fun to see the guys argue over who got caught and who pushed who =D
Ok now for the more serious part. (*lols)
It's mostly reflection la.
Role in the cell
There was an evaluation, which helped everyone to unlock their strengths and weaknesses.
Personally I think that I need to encourage more people and build friendship with them.
Honestly... I'm only talking alot to some people. They know who they are, (in my opinion, I'm a little closer to them). And the rest are like, never talk as much...
I need to interact more with them, take the initiative and don't wait for them to start opening up. I have some solutions in mind but not sure if it will work. But yes I am determined to try my best.
Somehow, I just have this feeling I'm not caring enough for them. It starts small within my own cell group, then to other friends and finally to the less fortunate, the people in Aceh for example.
I couldn't believe I spilled out how I felt earlier this year.
I was reluctant to go for Youth. The main reason: there were only 2 girls. And others had their own group of friends whom they were always with. Cell was just a come and go thing, nothing more than that.
I was even more unwilling when the band was formed. Being with the band members was something more than going to church. How very foolish of me. I've since realised my mistake and moved on. (nobody knows about this point.)
Also being reminded that we are going to church not just to make friends, but to worship God and do His work above all else.
I taught Smarties a bit of the guitar last night, while everyone else was split into 2 groups and talking. And also taught Jaeclyn a chord (haha). Then it struck me, why am I doing so much teaching? I just taught Tim on Friday. I was reminded AGAIN, of something I told myself I will do awhile ago. I sort of looked up to this person and am going to follow what he did. You see, God has blessed me with music, and now I believe it is a talent from above. This term's music marks had made me feel like a music idiot, totally off from it. But when I saw the piece of paper (whatever it's called) which the cell wrote about me, it confirmed my doubts, on whether music was an area I wanted to be good in, or really a gift from Him. So besides serving in the worship ministry, I could offer help to those who needed it, those who wanted to know the basic things of whatever I knew. After all, this is something from God and is to be used wisely, for His glory and not my own. I will therefore do my best to help the people I'm currently helping, to spread this God-given gift.
Victors, Not Victims
This is one very important point to take note of, that we are victors because Jesus has paid that price for us. We still feel defeated because the devil is constantly attacking our weaknesses and he does whatever he can to bring us down and away from God.
This morning's QT I read through yesterday's sermon notes and I can't remember how I got to the topic of forgiveness. It never occured to me that there were people I disliked for (not going to mention it here) and it was extremely hard for me to forgive them. The Lord's prayer includes this line, sth like asking God to forgive us as we also forgive those who trespass against us. This kinda stirred me, if I confessed and was willing to repent but wasn't ready to forgive them, God will not forgive me too. It is hard to move on, forgive and forget that incident but I am still trying. Which leads me to the next point.
I thought of this during QT too. And Elder Stephen Choy covered this topic this morning during the sermon. Time is short, the days are evil. What's more, our purpose as Christians includes bringing people to Christ. I thought of myself. I haven't been doing that. I wanted to do, but something keeps telling me that it's ok, there's no hurry. Oh shoo off with that. There is no time. But. I couldn't preach like that, not when I still harboured unforgiveness. How to minister to others when I dont even have what is required, to love and forgive? I told myself to surrender all to Him all over again, and I am going to walk with God every day of my life, to fulfill what He wants.
Ok I think that's all...
No, wait there's more but I just cannot recall what it is.
Yeah I am a person who thinks alot but doesn't voice it out.
Haha. No wonder I got the cell's Miss Behind-The-Scenes award.
Actually I don't feel like blogging cos' I've already blogged stuff in my other blog.
Stuff which only God knows.
But I will still do it. Hahah.
You are not advised to read cause it's going to be long and the cows will be home by the time you finish.
Went for Priya's party yesterday with lots of barang barang!
So many extra things, the gift for my mortal and the 3 CDs took up so much space in my bag.
Lol. I never thought Indian movies could be so interesting!
Youth Ablaze was okay...
I'll talk about the word later.
Cell time, as usual, fun!
The bob game! Wahahas.
It seems like everyone likes to call my name la! Not just teachers =P
Well the bonding was great, as expected...
Our cell leaders would be glad to know that all their hard work and planning paid off.
The ice-breakers was a time for us to break the ice, though I don't see no ice to break!
It has already been broken! Lol, lame.
Then of course the bonding itself..
It was a time for us to share how we felt about ourselves and the cell, and everyone thought we are definitely united as one =)
(more of that later)
We wrote about the qualities of each and every one present last night, and notes of encouragement.
The first few I wrote for were short. Then it got longer.
Nobody said I was quiet you know! What a surprise.
Cos' they used to always ask me to talk more.
Well all except for one, who said I was "soft but loud".
Now what's that supposed to mean??
Anyway... I thank God for the music he put into my life.
Judging from that piece of paper, hmm. Oh wells. =)
Praise and worship... I believe that was the first time we did our own worship as a cell.
Yeah. I was able to worship too, though I was a little distracted at first.
The feeling was indescribable.. when I saw everyone lifting their hands and worshipping God.
I mean I've never observed this cell worshipping before.
My reaction: Wow. We are indeed growing in Christ.
The Blind Mice (no actually it's mouse cos only one mouse is blind) was the most enjoyable!
Hahaha... like everyone's in the dark and avoiding the mouse.
There was alot of banging into one another, pulling and pushing, touching (who is this person arh?), and laughing.
I narrowly escaped being caught. A few times.
So fun to see the guys argue over who got caught and who pushed who =D
Ok now for the more serious part. (*lols)
It's mostly reflection la.
Role in the cell
There was an evaluation, which helped everyone to unlock their strengths and weaknesses.
Personally I think that I need to encourage more people and build friendship with them.
Honestly... I'm only talking alot to some people. They know who they are, (in my opinion, I'm a little closer to them). And the rest are like, never talk as much...
I need to interact more with them, take the initiative and don't wait for them to start opening up. I have some solutions in mind but not sure if it will work. But yes I am determined to try my best.
Somehow, I just have this feeling I'm not caring enough for them. It starts small within my own cell group, then to other friends and finally to the less fortunate, the people in Aceh for example.
I couldn't believe I spilled out how I felt earlier this year.
I was reluctant to go for Youth. The main reason: there were only 2 girls. And others had their own group of friends whom they were always with. Cell was just a come and go thing, nothing more than that.
I was even more unwilling when the band was formed. Being with the band members was something more than going to church. How very foolish of me. I've since realised my mistake and moved on. (nobody knows about this point.)
Also being reminded that we are going to church not just to make friends, but to worship God and do His work above all else.
I taught Smarties a bit of the guitar last night, while everyone else was split into 2 groups and talking. And also taught Jaeclyn a chord (haha). Then it struck me, why am I doing so much teaching? I just taught Tim on Friday. I was reminded AGAIN, of something I told myself I will do awhile ago. I sort of looked up to this person and am going to follow what he did. You see, God has blessed me with music, and now I believe it is a talent from above. This term's music marks had made me feel like a music idiot, totally off from it. But when I saw the piece of paper (whatever it's called) which the cell wrote about me, it confirmed my doubts, on whether music was an area I wanted to be good in, or really a gift from Him. So besides serving in the worship ministry, I could offer help to those who needed it, those who wanted to know the basic things of whatever I knew. After all, this is something from God and is to be used wisely, for His glory and not my own. I will therefore do my best to help the people I'm currently helping, to spread this God-given gift.
Victors, Not Victims
This is one very important point to take note of, that we are victors because Jesus has paid that price for us. We still feel defeated because the devil is constantly attacking our weaknesses and he does whatever he can to bring us down and away from God.
This morning's QT I read through yesterday's sermon notes and I can't remember how I got to the topic of forgiveness. It never occured to me that there were people I disliked for (not going to mention it here) and it was extremely hard for me to forgive them. The Lord's prayer includes this line, sth like asking God to forgive us as we also forgive those who trespass against us. This kinda stirred me, if I confessed and was willing to repent but wasn't ready to forgive them, God will not forgive me too. It is hard to move on, forgive and forget that incident but I am still trying. Which leads me to the next point.
I thought of this during QT too. And Elder Stephen Choy covered this topic this morning during the sermon. Time is short, the days are evil. What's more, our purpose as Christians includes bringing people to Christ. I thought of myself. I haven't been doing that. I wanted to do, but something keeps telling me that it's ok, there's no hurry. Oh shoo off with that. There is no time. But. I couldn't preach like that, not when I still harboured unforgiveness. How to minister to others when I dont even have what is required, to love and forgive? I told myself to surrender all to Him all over again, and I am going to walk with God every day of my life, to fulfill what He wants.
Ok I think that's all...
No, wait there's more but I just cannot recall what it is.
Yeah I am a person who thinks alot but doesn't voice it out.
Haha. No wonder I got the cell's Miss Behind-The-Scenes award.
Friday, October 20, 2006
do not talk abt the wings.
One said I blog alot.
Another keeps bugging me to update. -_-
Class attendance today: 15/31.
Even smaller than 3C1.
I look at other classes... and 3C2.
Just look at their attendence and ours.
Anyway.. we have a form teacher who doesn't even care, who does not chase for parent's letters and medical certificates.
The only thing she does with us is settle administrative matters.
And ask, do you know who is absent today?
Why didn't she come to school?
Ah.. I never knew our classmates could be this irresponsible.
They don't turn up in school simply because they don't want to play for the volleyball competition.
What selfish thoughts.
What is this la??
If this class kena discipline case, I have only one thing to say.
They deserve it.
I couldn't play, had severe cramps.
I'm damn proud of the 6 people who played for our class today.
They are Priscilla, Hillary, Adeline, Patricia, Persie and Valerie.
Well done, seriously, though we got out in the first round.
Yuhui and I cheered the loudest among what was left of the pathetic class.
Adeline deserves extra credit, out of all the people's names on the submitted list, she was the only one who came to school.
It's still a school day... everyone's expected to come despite the dreaded post-exam activities.
It's still a school day... though we waste lots and lots of time.
The rest of the volleyball tournament was just a sleeping session for me.
The hall was freezing.
Priya, Sara, Valerie, Hillary and I represented the class and went out to some CP work for the school.
We gave them this 'goodie bag' as a farewell gift and thank them for tolerating all our nonsense for 2 years.
I had to do all the talking to the chinese-speaking residents ok.
My chinese is already so shit still must talk. haha.
But I felt that it was a job well done.
I was drenched in pespiration la.
Priscilla and I met up with Timothy.
Bu zhi shen me feng ba ta chui lai.
Direct traslation: dunno what wind blow him here.
It's so rare to see him want to meet up.
(i know la.. it's rare so that's why i ponned that miss kok thing. stop saying things and never bring that up again. i know what you're gonna say. and anyway i'll just pay for the session, it's not a problem. please give me some peace- dont question me.)
His hair is freaking long but... looks nice actually =P
3 of us shared 6 scoops of B&J's ice cream, like finally can eat!!!
Ok so now I owe even more money.
Pris ah Pris.
Can you filter out conversation topics.
Some are quite taboo you know. haha.
Like some things can talk with school friends but others cannot. xP
Taught Tim all the basics of how to read music notes in the bass clef.
And a little of time signature, note value, key signature and the notes themselves.
I am a lousy teacher but I have a good student so that made things a lot easier!
He picks up very very fast, but I dunno whether he can apply it or not. lols!
Good job anyways =)
By the time I reached home, it was already 7:10pm...
Rushed dinner and a bath, then took all my chords and the guitar to church to meet Kevin at 8pm.
To practise the songs for priase and worship tomorrow.
Wahhh I kept playing the wrong chord.
Tomorrow better play correctly with the right chord progressions.
Why I play leh...
I also dunno.
I'm still a noob when it comes to this I guess.
You know I mentioned funeral marathon here?
It's true and it's freaky!
There's another one, a new one at the same place!
Lord save me, I'm seeing the dead. Literally.
Another keeps bugging me to update. -_-
Class attendance today: 15/31.
Even smaller than 3C1.
I look at other classes... and 3C2.
Just look at their attendence and ours.
Anyway.. we have a form teacher who doesn't even care, who does not chase for parent's letters and medical certificates.
The only thing she does with us is settle administrative matters.
And ask, do you know who is absent today?
Why didn't she come to school?
Ah.. I never knew our classmates could be this irresponsible.
They don't turn up in school simply because they don't want to play for the volleyball competition.
What selfish thoughts.
What is this la??
If this class kena discipline case, I have only one thing to say.
They deserve it.
I couldn't play, had severe cramps.
I'm damn proud of the 6 people who played for our class today.
They are Priscilla, Hillary, Adeline, Patricia, Persie and Valerie.
Well done, seriously, though we got out in the first round.
Yuhui and I cheered the loudest among what was left of the pathetic class.
Adeline deserves extra credit, out of all the people's names on the submitted list, she was the only one who came to school.
It's still a school day... everyone's expected to come despite the dreaded post-exam activities.
It's still a school day... though we waste lots and lots of time.
The rest of the volleyball tournament was just a sleeping session for me.
The hall was freezing.
Priya, Sara, Valerie, Hillary and I represented the class and went out to some CP work for the school.
We gave them this 'goodie bag' as a farewell gift and thank them for tolerating all our nonsense for 2 years.
I had to do all the talking to the chinese-speaking residents ok.
My chinese is already so shit still must talk. haha.
But I felt that it was a job well done.
I was drenched in pespiration la.
Priscilla and I met up with Timothy.
Bu zhi shen me feng ba ta chui lai.
Direct traslation: dunno what wind blow him here.
It's so rare to see him want to meet up.
(i know la.. it's rare so that's why i ponned that miss kok thing. stop saying things and never bring that up again. i know what you're gonna say. and anyway i'll just pay for the session, it's not a problem. please give me some peace- dont question me.)
His hair is freaking long but... looks nice actually =P
3 of us shared 6 scoops of B&J's ice cream, like finally can eat!!!
Ok so now I owe even more money.
Pris ah Pris.
Can you filter out conversation topics.
Some are quite taboo you know. haha.
Like some things can talk with school friends but others cannot. xP
Taught Tim all the basics of how to read music notes in the bass clef.
And a little of time signature, note value, key signature and the notes themselves.
I am a lousy teacher but I have a good student so that made things a lot easier!
He picks up very very fast, but I dunno whether he can apply it or not. lols!
Good job anyways =)
By the time I reached home, it was already 7:10pm...
Rushed dinner and a bath, then took all my chords and the guitar to church to meet Kevin at 8pm.
To practise the songs for priase and worship tomorrow.
Wahhh I kept playing the wrong chord.
Tomorrow better play correctly with the right chord progressions.
Why I play leh...
I also dunno.
I'm still a noob when it comes to this I guess.
You know I mentioned funeral marathon here?
It's true and it's freaky!
There's another one, a new one at the same place!
Lord save me, I'm seeing the dead. Literally.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
fry it! fry it!
I'm updating for the sake of Andrew.
You better thank me ok.
You know, PL girls are noisy by nature.
Talk talk talk talk. Yak yak yak yak yak yak.
Our teachers have to keep shutting us up.
Even for devotion each morning,
soft murmurs will be heard throughout the assembly area.
But when the words "let us pray" are heard,
the noise dies down almost immediately.
And 98% of the heads are bowed.
That's one of the many things I'm proud of.
Everyone respects God. =)
Being in a single-sex school has its advantages and disadvantages.
(I don't intend to write an essay by the way.)
Students are more open and there is this freedom to whatever they like.
The way they sit (haha! i put my legs on the table) and conversation topics.
I can openly talk about some stuff. Lol.
Like some will know it's the monsoon season ;) and no it's not the NE monsoon.
No BGR, so you wont see 'couples' all the time.
There's also the BUT.
When these students move on for post-sec education, it becomes awkward for some as they are not used to seeing students from the opposite gender in the school.
Some are so used to being open that they are not aware of the things the opposite gender might not want or like to hear, when they leave school.
Also there is GGR or BBR which is socially unacceptable.
And I don't deny that such things exist in PL.
Quick, hurry up and finish building so we can shift back to Lor Ah Soo...
Then I can walk to and from school everyday, imagine the amount of $$ which can be saved...
So that I won't have to wake up at 6am.
We're the first batch to take O's at the 'new school' =)
You better thank me ok.
You know, PL girls are noisy by nature.
Talk talk talk talk. Yak yak yak yak yak yak.
Our teachers have to keep shutting us up.
Even for devotion each morning,
soft murmurs will be heard throughout the assembly area.
But when the words "let us pray" are heard,
the noise dies down almost immediately.
And 98% of the heads are bowed.
That's one of the many things I'm proud of.
Everyone respects God. =)
Being in a single-sex school has its advantages and disadvantages.
(I don't intend to write an essay by the way.)
Students are more open and there is this freedom to whatever they like.
The way they sit (haha! i put my legs on the table) and conversation topics.
I can openly talk about some stuff. Lol.
Like some will know it's the monsoon season ;) and no it's not the NE monsoon.
No BGR, so you wont see 'couples' all the time.
There's also the BUT.
When these students move on for post-sec education, it becomes awkward for some as they are not used to seeing students from the opposite gender in the school.
Some are so used to being open that they are not aware of the things the opposite gender might not want or like to hear, when they leave school.
Also there is GGR or BBR which is socially unacceptable.
And I don't deny that such things exist in PL.
Quick, hurry up and finish building so we can shift back to Lor Ah Soo...
Then I can walk to and from school everyday, imagine the amount of $$ which can be saved...
So that I won't have to wake up at 6am.
We're the first batch to take O's at the 'new school' =)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
make me fly like before
The haze has cleared quite alot =)
We had the grooming workshop today.
Not bad.
How to wash your face properly, the toner and moisturiser and face sauna thing and the mask...
Also, how to apply light makeup.
Haha that one learnt from my seniors 2 years ago.
The lifeskills workshop was damn fun.
I dunno how many of us got buttaches from that chair game. lol.
We should play that this Saturday!
Both facilitators were good, and I thought the Mr Tan really made the workshop interesting.
The picture game was good. W00ts.
Priya, Tania and Shu En did their Indian dance, modern dance and ballet respectively.
Well done! Hahaha.
Bought Priya's birthday present with Fish, Hill, Val and Pris.
I now have a phobia for green items.
That's one of the craziest presents ever xP
Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp.
To bad my classroom is on the 3rd floor.
The toilet and my room- 2nd floor.
Climbing stairs are a torture for me. -.-
My cramps are different from other girls' la.
I hope they'll be gone by Friday or latest, Saturday.
We had the grooming workshop today.
Not bad.
How to wash your face properly, the toner and moisturiser and face sauna thing and the mask...
Also, how to apply light makeup.
Haha that one learnt from my seniors 2 years ago.
The lifeskills workshop was damn fun.
I dunno how many of us got buttaches from that chair game. lol.
We should play that this Saturday!
Both facilitators were good, and I thought the Mr Tan really made the workshop interesting.
The picture game was good. W00ts.
Priya, Tania and Shu En did their Indian dance, modern dance and ballet respectively.
Well done! Hahaha.
Bought Priya's birthday present with Fish, Hill, Val and Pris.
I now have a phobia for green items.
That's one of the craziest presents ever xP
Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp. Cramp. Pain. Blood. Limp.
To bad my classroom is on the 3rd floor.
The toilet and my room- 2nd floor.
Climbing stairs are a torture for me. -.-
My cramps are different from other girls' la.
I hope they'll be gone by Friday or latest, Saturday.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
i'm down, but where's that hope?
I just felt so discouraged la.
Music theory again.
Kept getting wrong answers and the exam is so near.
But Joshua 1:9 says
... do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Actually today's dance thing was fun.
The class was so not enthusiastic.
They simply sat at the back of the hall and did their own stuff.
Just look at other classes man.
Why can't they be more sporting like them.
I think Melody and I are the most enthu ones. Haha.
It's fun lor, when you participate and tell yourself that you're going to have a good time.
Teachers like to call my name.
Into the microphone.
Yesterday was Ms Ting.
Today, Ms Tan.
They love me too much.
Wahahahahah =D
(I'm like sending Smarties almost my entire library in my iTunes now)
I finished reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown.
Bought the book on Sunday night.
This author always ends the book with sex.
In all 4 of his books, the main character's mentor of some sort ends up as the villian.
ALL. I expected it in this book and true enough, it was.
And he uses a LOT of f words, Digital Fortress with the most vulgarities.
Read until eyes pain lor. haha.
Ok the real cause of pain now is ...........
Ackkkk. Cramps and more cramps.
Music theory again.
Kept getting wrong answers and the exam is so near.
But Joshua 1:9 says
... do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
Actually today's dance thing was fun.
The class was so not enthusiastic.
They simply sat at the back of the hall and did their own stuff.
Just look at other classes man.
Why can't they be more sporting like them.
I think Melody and I are the most enthu ones. Haha.
It's fun lor, when you participate and tell yourself that you're going to have a good time.
Teachers like to call my name.
Into the microphone.
Yesterday was Ms Ting.
Today, Ms Tan.
They love me too much.
Wahahahahah =D
(I'm like sending Smarties almost my entire library in my iTunes now)
I finished reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown.
Bought the book on Sunday night.
This author always ends the book with sex.
In all 4 of his books, the main character's mentor of some sort ends up as the villian.
ALL. I expected it in this book and true enough, it was.
And he uses a LOT of f words, Digital Fortress with the most vulgarities.
Read until eyes pain lor. haha.
Ok the real cause of pain now is ...........
Ackkkk. Cramps and more cramps.
i'm falling, so where are my wings?
Hey note the time. Today = yesterday
Music presentation...
One word: CHAOTIC.
And tiring ok I don't like to carry boxes of angkulngs from Trinity Meth. Church to PL.
The humanities challenge was just- unexpected!
Who knew Joanne would go missing when she was supposed to be the 'contestant'?!
And Peiqi???
Some reserve, she insisted on not doing her job la!
Walau in the end Miss Ting picked me and called me out in front of all the sec 3s, how embarassing!
Plus we (together with Priya and Wen Qin) didn't make it...
I almost put down "yellow river" as the answer, why didn't I do that??
Ok nvm, it's over.
This Friday... gonna have a "high tea" session with the other student leaders who went for the modular workshops.
So exciting man! Like I cant wait! (look here ---> -____-)
Ms Kok will be giving out the certificates, that's one extra to be filed into my portfolio.
I've got a birthday invitation, house warming and cell bonding this Saturday.
Wow. hahaha.
So which one should I go for?
I think the answer is quite obvious ;)
CCA always meant one thing for me.
Sian. Nothing to look forward to.
Ah, but today, it's different!
Never felt so high!
Cos' we've started practice for SYF.
I know, it's only October.
But we're doing more than just play for SYF, we're gonna do something which sounds impossible (so it left me daydreaming about. haha)
Mr Fong's back!!!
Handbell practices will resume! Yeah man!
Haha who on earth gets all hyper when it comes to CCA huh.
Only the 1st practice, and we're able to play something already!
I shall not go into detail, but OMG it was just awesome!
Mrs Wong and Miss Goh were impressed when they came in to watch us.
And Mr Fong said we were fabulous or sth. =D
99% of the PL Handbellers are pro! Haha!
We make sure we carry and take over the torch which the seniors have passed down.
A gold award is guaranteed, but will we get one with honours like the previous SYF?
We hope so. The music groups in PL are generally competitive.
From my point of view.
So yes, work towards that gold with honours!
I hope I can stick to bass... or treble?
Try out only mah. So the assignments aren't fixed yet.
But I'm already attatched and glued to the bells I took today!
Lols. "There's gonna be more to life..."
Hey, there's currently alot!
Just miss going for Ben & Jerry's =(
This is horrifying. Totally.
Theory exam. Is. Next. WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will try not to panic.
Slight cramps.........
Urgh. Grossed out. Again la.
Yeah you know what it is.
Music presentation...
One word: CHAOTIC.
And tiring ok I don't like to carry boxes of angkulngs from Trinity Meth. Church to PL.
The humanities challenge was just- unexpected!
Who knew Joanne would go missing when she was supposed to be the 'contestant'?!
And Peiqi???
Some reserve, she insisted on not doing her job la!
Walau in the end Miss Ting picked me and called me out in front of all the sec 3s, how embarassing!
Plus we (together with Priya and Wen Qin) didn't make it...
I almost put down "yellow river" as the answer, why didn't I do that??
Ok nvm, it's over.
This Friday... gonna have a "high tea" session with the other student leaders who went for the modular workshops.
So exciting man! Like I cant wait! (look here ---> -____-)
Ms Kok will be giving out the certificates, that's one extra to be filed into my portfolio.
I've got a birthday invitation, house warming and cell bonding this Saturday.
Wow. hahaha.
So which one should I go for?
I think the answer is quite obvious ;)
CCA always meant one thing for me.
Sian. Nothing to look forward to.
Ah, but today, it's different!
Never felt so high!
Cos' we've started practice for SYF.
I know, it's only October.
But we're doing more than just play for SYF, we're gonna do something which sounds impossible (so it left me daydreaming about. haha)
Mr Fong's back!!!
Handbell practices will resume! Yeah man!
Haha who on earth gets all hyper when it comes to CCA huh.
Only the 1st practice, and we're able to play something already!
I shall not go into detail, but OMG it was just awesome!
Mrs Wong and Miss Goh were impressed when they came in to watch us.
And Mr Fong said we were fabulous or sth. =D
99% of the PL Handbellers are pro! Haha!
We make sure we carry and take over the torch which the seniors have passed down.
A gold award is guaranteed, but will we get one with honours like the previous SYF?
We hope so. The music groups in PL are generally competitive.
From my point of view.
So yes, work towards that gold with honours!
I hope I can stick to bass... or treble?
Try out only mah. So the assignments aren't fixed yet.
But I'm already attatched and glued to the bells I took today!
Lols. "There's gonna be more to life..."
Hey, there's currently alot!
Just miss going for Ben & Jerry's =(
This is horrifying. Totally.
Theory exam. Is. Next. WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will try not to panic.
Slight cramps.........
Urgh. Grossed out. Again la.
Yeah you know what it is.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
the earth is filled with His glory =)
I don't wanna comment on today's worship...
Some things ought to be for the worship team's ears only I guess.
Thank you to Eunice and Joan for the ___!
I could have died asking almost all the ..... in the auditorium.
Hahahah! If not for them, well I dunno what the result will be.
Sorry, but...
I love every single one of them to bits and pieces!
Say "awwwww".
We played the angel-mortal game, and my mortal is _____.
Hmm I wonder who my angel is...Sophia you really missed out a lot of fun!Ok I'll say things in order.
After service, we went down to Serangoon Gardens again.
That same place I went with Wan Hui and the guys for dinner.
HAHA. Joe Jacelyn Smarties and I went to "look for ATM"!
And omg they thought it was for real -.-
Ya so we got the cake, damn yummy...
And the food was good as usual. (I love lime juice)
But then right. Could still feel the pressure from my braces, so only can use the back teeth to chew.
The best part was when we took photos.
Alawwwwwwwwwwwwwt. (haha pris)
Was like so lame, all the ezlink cards (i didn't put mine there and nobody noticed, lol), Jan-June babies, then July-Dec, the guys then the girls, our beautiful feet, some lame pose....
The funniest being Jace when she put her finger in her mouth to lick the cream.
Oh! Which reminds me...
[we played the number game again cos' there were 2 slices of cake left so the one who guessed the number had to eat. "my neighbour" wanted to eat the cake. Never say earlier! Hahaha. So Jace kena and she got the extra piece!]
Some of them have contagious laughters.
Woah once you hear them laugh it's an automatic thing, you'll just laugh along with them until you get a stomachache.
Andrew (the goofy laugh, just makes my hair stand), Wan Hui and Jacelyn, Smarties (a little) and Kai Wei!
I love Kai Wei's bag, it's damn cute!!!
Some rabbit. Wahahaha.
Oh yeah and Joshua and the "helmet of salvation", that was one of the funniest.
His hair looked like a helmet in his ezlink.
And then, Andrew and Ivan acting gay...
Like, EWWW! Lol.
That was just the more memorable ones.
There were much more.
And I've realised...
They are the ones who walk with you (me la) spiritually and encourage you to go on then you're stuck.
Hebrews 10:24-25 =)
Nobody else beats your own cell group when it comes this few things.
Jacelyn should know la.
When I feel like giving up...
I should just think of them cause I feel the warmth.
Haha I also dunno what I'm talking about.
Yay there's no Chinese tuition tomorrow, I have not done my homework.
So that means I can go for service! =D
What to wear ah...
Matthew 6
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Oh. haha. ok..
But there's maths tuition >=(
Ok I can't wait for cell bonding next week.
Some things ought to be for the worship team's ears only I guess.
Thank you to Eunice and Joan for the ___!
I could have died asking almost all the ..... in the auditorium.
Hahahah! If not for them, well I dunno what the result will be.
Sorry, but...
I love every single one of them to bits and pieces!
Say "awwwww".
We played the angel-mortal game, and my mortal is _____.
Hmm I wonder who my angel is...Sophia you really missed out a lot of fun!Ok I'll say things in order.
After service, we went down to Serangoon Gardens again.
That same place I went with Wan Hui and the guys for dinner.
HAHA. Joe Jacelyn Smarties and I went to "look for ATM"!
And omg they thought it was for real -.-
Ya so we got the cake, damn yummy...
And the food was good as usual. (I love lime juice)
But then right. Could still feel the pressure from my braces, so only can use the back teeth to chew.
The best part was when we took photos.
Alawwwwwwwwwwwwwt. (haha pris)
Was like so lame, all the ezlink cards (i didn't put mine there and nobody noticed, lol), Jan-June babies, then July-Dec, the guys then the girls, our beautiful feet, some lame pose....
The funniest being Jace when she put her finger in her mouth to lick the cream.
Oh! Which reminds me...
[we played the number game again cos' there were 2 slices of cake left so the one who guessed the number had to eat. "my neighbour" wanted to eat the cake. Never say earlier! Hahaha. So Jace kena and she got the extra piece!]
Some of them have contagious laughters.
Woah once you hear them laugh it's an automatic thing, you'll just laugh along with them until you get a stomachache.
Andrew (the goofy laugh, just makes my hair stand), Wan Hui and Jacelyn, Smarties (a little) and Kai Wei!
I love Kai Wei's bag, it's damn cute!!!
Some rabbit. Wahahaha.
Oh yeah and Joshua and the "helmet of salvation", that was one of the funniest.
His hair looked like a helmet in his ezlink.
And then, Andrew and Ivan acting gay...
Like, EWWW! Lol.
That was just the more memorable ones.
There were much more.
And I've realised...
They are the ones who walk with you (me la) spiritually and encourage you to go on then you're stuck.
Hebrews 10:24-25 =)
Nobody else beats your own cell group when it comes this few things.
Jacelyn should know la.
When I feel like giving up...
I should just think of them cause I feel the warmth.
Haha I also dunno what I'm talking about.
Yay there's no Chinese tuition tomorrow, I have not done my homework.
So that means I can go for service! =D
What to wear ah...
Matthew 6
28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Oh. haha. ok..
But there's maths tuition >=(
Ok I can't wait for cell bonding next week.
Friday, October 13, 2006
the sleeping and the dead are but as pictures
Just Tuesday, my block was in between 2 funeral wakes.
And there was one in one of the terrace houses nearby.
Yet ANOTHER one behind my block!
What is this man.
Wake after wake.
Is this some funeral marathon?
Everyone's dying one by one. Lols.
K so for Founder's Day at PLMC...
You know what.
And omg it was damn obvious.
And we got a big scolding from Mrs Wong when we got back to school.
Because Miss Yoong walked up to our sec 2s at the last row and told them to sit properly.
Some of them were talking and talking during the service, 1 or 2 dozed off.
Then she said the 1st 2 rows behaved very well.
Haha I was in the 1st row, like duh had to act guai and attentive.
When actually I was stoning and staring at the 2 principals and pastor without a clue to what their speech was about.
"When Ms Yoong walked up to y'all, I was so ashamed ...." blah blah blah.
"You all behaved like angels during the rehearsal yesterday but today ....."
Thought Mrs Wong would comment on the skirting and my disastrous hair, but she didn't!
Like, heng ah. Wahahas.
I hope Wanyi doesn't see this sia.
Last year it was Mr Lim who scolded us because 2 of the seniors said something like they did not want to help the logistics people carry the flowers and stuff.
It echoed throughout the school.
And this year, Mrs Wong.
Who's next? Nobody I hope.
Anyway we sec 3s won't be performing next year.
Had lunch at Macs with Ling Ying, Ethel and some sec 2s.
LY and Ethel squeezed out all the oil from the fries.
(the result: flattened french fries)
The oil from one packet of small fries filled up more than one piece of paper!
You know the paper from the tray when we buy food... that one.
Ewww. Eeeeewwwwwwwwww.
I'm going to cut down on my fries intake.
Mummy agreed to get me an iPod after all =D
I wonder if the offer is still on...
At first Eugene sent the email informing us about tomorrow's worship.
Like Andy, he forgot to state the time of the practice. -_-
But he sent out again after I asked him. Unlike Andy. haha.
The vocal team tomorrow, a BIT weird ah!
According to the roster, it's me Jia Yan and Joel. My team people.
But Eugene said me Grace Iris and Melody?
Hmmmm. Is that the new grouping? I hope not.
Anyway Grace has to mug for her O's so Clarissa's taking over.
Oh no! Trouble.
My voice will be drowned by theirs!
Different timbre? Erm no that's used to describe instruments.
How to say... Dunno la. But it's similar to that.
Can't wait for cell dinner! =)
Just Tuesday, my block was in between 2 funeral wakes.
And there was one in one of the terrace houses nearby.
Yet ANOTHER one behind my block!
What is this man.
Wake after wake.
Is this some funeral marathon?
Everyone's dying one by one. Lols.
K so for Founder's Day at PLMC...
You know what.
And omg it was damn obvious.
And we got a big scolding from Mrs Wong when we got back to school.
Because Miss Yoong walked up to our sec 2s at the last row and told them to sit properly.
Some of them were talking and talking during the service, 1 or 2 dozed off.
Then she said the 1st 2 rows behaved very well.
Haha I was in the 1st row, like duh had to act guai and attentive.
When actually I was stoning and staring at the 2 principals and pastor without a clue to what their speech was about.
"When Ms Yoong walked up to y'all, I was so ashamed ...." blah blah blah.
"You all behaved like angels during the rehearsal yesterday but today ....."
Thought Mrs Wong would comment on the skirting and my disastrous hair, but she didn't!
Like, heng ah. Wahahas.
I hope Wanyi doesn't see this sia.
Last year it was Mr Lim who scolded us because 2 of the seniors said something like they did not want to help the logistics people carry the flowers and stuff.
It echoed throughout the school.
And this year, Mrs Wong.
Who's next? Nobody I hope.
Anyway we sec 3s won't be performing next year.
Had lunch at Macs with Ling Ying, Ethel and some sec 2s.
LY and Ethel squeezed out all the oil from the fries.
(the result: flattened french fries)
The oil from one packet of small fries filled up more than one piece of paper!
You know the paper from the tray when we buy food... that one.
Ewww. Eeeeewwwwwwwwww.
I'm going to cut down on my fries intake.
Mummy agreed to get me an iPod after all =D
I wonder if the offer is still on...
At first Eugene sent the email informing us about tomorrow's worship.
Like Andy, he forgot to state the time of the practice. -_-
But he sent out again after I asked him. Unlike Andy. haha.
The vocal team tomorrow, a BIT weird ah!
According to the roster, it's me Jia Yan and Joel. My team people.
But Eugene said me Grace Iris and Melody?
Hmmmm. Is that the new grouping? I hope not.
Anyway Grace has to mug for her O's so Clarissa's taking over.
Oh no! Trouble.
My voice will be drowned by theirs!
Different timbre? Erm no that's used to describe instruments.
How to say... Dunno la. But it's similar to that.
Can't wait for cell dinner! =)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
You have been warned
What you are about to see will cause mixed reactions.
Some will sneer and jeer, some will think I'm some sort of showoff.
I advice you to navigate away from this page.
Immediately. Bye.
Don't start criticising me cos' you are the one who chose to read on.
Once again...
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Alright. Other schools just finished their exams,
and we have just received our EOY resutls.
Generally speaking, nobody will ever be satisfied with their own results.
Tell me who is totally happy with his/her results la?!
Even if they get all A1s, they want full marks.
I don't blame them.
But it can get a little annoying if they express their dissatisfaction verbally, in the presence of their fellow school mates.
That's why I choose to type out everything.
Hardly anyone comes here, so I guess it's ok?
(Anyway it's my blog and I get to choose the contents.)
I was...
this close to getting full marks for science (bio/chem) practical
this close to getting full marks for science (bio/chem) paper 1.
this close (damnnn close) to getting an A1 for science (biology) paper.
(you know how i scored for the bio paper 2 already la.)
this close (damn close too!) to getting an A2 for science (chemistry)
this close to getting full marks for accounts paper 1
this close to passing emaths!
this close to getting full marks for chinese listening comprehension
this close to failing geography (class didn't do well)
this close to passing social studies SBQ (did well for SEQ yay)
this close to passing chinese bao zhang bao dao!
So overall... they suck!
Right, enough of that.
I spotted one calcutlation error in my POA, last question!
Could have got 0.5 marks more you know! arghhhhhh.
And Miss Liang said "thank you for being honest"
Cos' I went up to her to have 2 marks deducted from my chemistry paper.
Integrity! ha ha. not funny ok.
A1- Accounts
A2- Science (Bio/Chem)
B3- Music
B4- Combined Humanities (SS/Lit)
C5- English
Chinese yeah i know it's like shit
C6- Geography
D7- E Maths
L1R5- 21
L1R4- 17 or 15, I dunno.
Wah 21 can't even go anywhere la!
That is so crap...
I better work harder. yes.
What's with languages and geog and maths...
Now cannot get my iPod already lor...
So much for getting excited.
How could I get a C for English?? Omg.
Freaking failed comprehension.
I kinda expected a pass for maths...
Failed section A by 2 marks, uhhh.
Cheer up bestie! (if you see this)
There is still hope ok...your overall marks combined with the past 3 terms?
Don't keep saying you'll retain, it's very dangerous.
You know how much power the tongue has.
Remember, I told you about the Steve Irwin thing?
It's the same. So smile kaes! =)
Some will sneer and jeer, some will think I'm some sort of showoff.
I advice you to navigate away from this page.
Immediately. Bye.
Don't start criticising me cos' you are the one who chose to read on.
Once again...
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Alright. Other schools just finished their exams,
and we have just received our EOY resutls.
Generally speaking, nobody will ever be satisfied with their own results.
Tell me who is totally happy with his/her results la?!
Even if they get all A1s, they want full marks.
I don't blame them.
But it can get a little annoying if they express their dissatisfaction verbally, in the presence of their fellow school mates.
That's why I choose to type out everything.
Hardly anyone comes here, so I guess it's ok?
(Anyway it's my blog and I get to choose the contents.)
I was...
this close to getting full marks for science (bio/chem) practical
this close to getting full marks for science (bio/chem) paper 1.
this close (damnnn close) to getting an A1 for science (biology) paper.
(you know how i scored for the bio paper 2 already la.)
this close (damn close too!) to getting an A2 for science (chemistry)
this close to getting full marks for accounts paper 1
this close to passing emaths!
this close to getting full marks for chinese listening comprehension
this close to failing geography (class didn't do well)
this close to passing social studies SBQ (did well for SEQ yay)
this close to passing chinese bao zhang bao dao!
So overall... they suck!
Right, enough of that.
I spotted one calcutlation error in my POA, last question!
Could have got 0.5 marks more you know! arghhhhhh.
And Miss Liang said "thank you for being honest"
Cos' I went up to her to have 2 marks deducted from my chemistry paper.
Integrity! ha ha. not funny ok.
A1- Accounts
A2- Science (Bio/Chem)
B3- Music
B4- Combined Humanities (SS/Lit)
C5- English
Chinese yeah i know it's like shit
C6- Geography
D7- E Maths
L1R5- 21
L1R4- 17 or 15, I dunno.
Wah 21 can't even go anywhere la!
That is so crap...
I better work harder. yes.
What's with languages and geog and maths...
Now cannot get my iPod already lor...
So much for getting excited.
How could I get a C for English?? Omg.
Freaking failed comprehension.
I kinda expected a pass for maths...
Failed section A by 2 marks, uhhh.
Cheer up bestie! (if you see this)
There is still hope ok...your overall marks combined with the past 3 terms?
Don't keep saying you'll retain, it's very dangerous.
You know how much power the tongue has.
Remember, I told you about the Steve Irwin thing?
It's the same. So smile kaes! =)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
mayfair and park lane! build hotel!
My piano teacher says I should major in performing instead of composing.
Well that's if I decide not to drop music, darn it.
Theory exam's fast approaching.
Gotta mug for that one.
Haha don't ask me how.
I thought the pain got better lor, but it isn't!
Why why why?! Argh.
I have no idea how to describe it.
If you gave me a choice, I would rather skip the meal than to force myslelf to go through the pain all over again just to get food into my digestive system.
How to eat properly with my cell group this Saturday?
Wanna thank Serene for the comb and mirror, it's so pretty! Lols.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Dear Lord I trust that you will heal me and I won't end up in the hospital for any kind of x-ray or scan. (am i being paranoid? but i only eat half my meals now.)
My piano teacher says I should major in performing instead of composing.
Well that's if I decide not to drop music, darn it.
Theory exam's fast approaching.
Gotta mug for that one.
Haha don't ask me how.
I thought the pain got better lor, but it isn't!
Why why why?! Argh.
I have no idea how to describe it.
If you gave me a choice, I would rather skip the meal than to force myslelf to go through the pain all over again just to get food into my digestive system.
How to eat properly with my cell group this Saturday?
Wanna thank Serene for the comb and mirror, it's so pretty! Lols.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Dear Lord I trust that you will heal me and I won't end up in the hospital for any kind of x-ray or scan. (am i being paranoid? but i only eat half my meals now.)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
wait for death or die waiting
I know, but I pretend I don't.
Now how do you know what I'm referring to?
The pain has subsided alot, really.
This morning was so bad I threw the cup of milo away.
No, _____, I didn't go to the doctor.
Doctor Jesus is the best. haha.
Thank God for:
1) making me feel better.
2) good practical results, tho' I know the listening component already CMI.
3) everything, from the shelter over my head to good weather.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12
Pastor Prince is so funny.
"You can't say, 'I'm dying for that piece of cake'.
How can you get the cake when you're dead?"
Main point is, the power of life and death lies in the tongue.
Why use words related to death.
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
Together we sing, everyone sing
Holy is the Lord God almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown
Now how do you know what I'm referring to?
The pain has subsided alot, really.
This morning was so bad I threw the cup of milo away.
No, _____, I didn't go to the doctor.
Doctor Jesus is the best. haha.
Thank God for:
1) making me feel better.
2) good practical results, tho' I know the listening component already CMI.
3) everything, from the shelter over my head to good weather.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12
Pastor Prince is so funny.
"You can't say, 'I'm dying for that piece of cake'.
How can you get the cake when you're dead?"
Main point is, the power of life and death lies in the tongue.
Why use words related to death.
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
Together we sing, everyone sing
Holy is the Lord God almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
It's rising up all around
It's the anthem of the Lord's renown
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Lord, please have mercy on me...
It hurts so much.
I dare not eat or drink anything..
I don't want my parents to worry about me...
No one else worries this much and they still have to take care of my 2 younger siblings.
Daddy please cease the pain cos' I feel hell inside when I swallow anything.
My life is in Your hands Lord.
Only You can take the pain away.
Thank you so much, _____
When you're down and out, guess who comes to your rescue.
The people you least expect.
sth extra
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
haha ok la someone bass senior alrdy what... pro liao mah.. lol
Transfer of "02 Only One For Me.m4a" is complete.
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
why question mark.. hah
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
high self esteem again
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
or should i say skin too thick
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
haha i was meaning u
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
wasnt implying that to myself
It hurts so much.
I dare not eat or drink anything..
I don't want my parents to worry about me...
No one else worries this much and they still have to take care of my 2 younger siblings.
Daddy please cease the pain cos' I feel hell inside when I swallow anything.
My life is in Your hands Lord.
Only You can take the pain away.
Thank you so much, _____
When you're down and out, guess who comes to your rescue.
The people you least expect.
sth extra
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
haha ok la someone bass senior alrdy what... pro liao mah.. lol
Transfer of "02 Only One For Me.m4a" is complete.
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
why question mark.. hah
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
high self esteem again
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
or should i say skin too thick
,joyce [bassing] where the love lasts forever says:
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
haha i was meaning u
[~timothy] -memories relived says:
wasnt implying that to myself
Saturday, October 07, 2006
is it that rare for a guy to take pure lit?
I'm looking forward to the cell dinner next week!
Can I count it as cell bonding? haha.
I've been thinking all week and no, still can't come up with anything nice for her birthday.
Got another week left.
I'm determined to pray for everyone in the cell =D
Here's something for the bloggers. I'm just not sure whether Clarissa and Smarties will see this.
Don't give up, Jacelyn!
The Lord has won the victory, you have the sheild of faith! =)
Just do your best and God will do the rest ya.
You heard what Wendy said today so remember it well.
Psalms 91 too. /(thanks for the card.)
(and i still wanna clarify,
Sophia I think you're ok with studies?
You also didn't come for service,
overall attendance dropped alot today.
All the best for your maths and geog alright! =)
Jia you, I can buy oil for you.
See you next week!
To Clarissa, I will pray for you,
for that strict art teacher of yours!
How can anyone not like their own work la.
I can see that you like geog alot
so keep that interest level going!
Cos' once you hate it you're never gonna score. =)
So yeah!
Do whatever you can, you are intelligent.
Hmm Smarties...
Just go and do your maths with confidence, dun give up!
Our cell is behind you.
You have any problems with your poa can still ask me,
wo ke yi bang ni k =)
Lao shi says good things about you la ok.
Come on man you can do it! Colossians 3:23.
I'm totally losing my appetite.
I don't even want to drink water or eat like a glutton.
Just don't want to consume anything.
It's worse la, the pain varies directly with the haze.
I describe how it's like.
Eat/drink. Swallow. Feel every bit of peristalsis down the oesophagus.
It's a slow painful process and it doesn't just stop there.
It will spread this way <--- ---> so it's like my whole chest will hurt.
Am I ok? I dunno...
Every time I swallow something, be it liquid or solid, I get tormented by this.
There's no link between this and the haze right?
Someone help me please...
Haiz. How unfortunate.
The winds are still blowing from the south and south-west.
The haze will continue to to spread over from Sumatra to west Pacific.
Northeast monsoons, come quick!
We want rain and a change of wind direction!
What a brilliant planetary wind system.
And yeah, PSI just scares me to my grave.
A drastic increase.
I'm looking forward to the cell dinner next week!
Can I count it as cell bonding? haha.
I've been thinking all week and no, still can't come up with anything nice for her birthday.
Got another week left.
I'm determined to pray for everyone in the cell =D
Here's something for the bloggers. I'm just not sure whether Clarissa and Smarties will see this.
Don't give up, Jacelyn!
The Lord has won the victory, you have the sheild of faith! =)
Just do your best and God will do the rest ya.
You heard what Wendy said today so remember it well.
Psalms 91 too. /(thanks for the card.)
(and i still wanna clarify,
Sophia I think you're ok with studies?
You also didn't come for service,
overall attendance dropped alot today.
All the best for your maths and geog alright! =)
Jia you, I can buy oil for you.
See you next week!
To Clarissa, I will pray for you,
for that strict art teacher of yours!
How can anyone not like their own work la.
I can see that you like geog alot
so keep that interest level going!
Cos' once you hate it you're never gonna score. =)
So yeah!
Do whatever you can, you are intelligent.
Hmm Smarties...
Just go and do your maths with confidence, dun give up!
Our cell is behind you.
You have any problems with your poa can still ask me,
wo ke yi bang ni k =)
Lao shi says good things about you la ok.
Come on man you can do it! Colossians 3:23.
I'm totally losing my appetite.
I don't even want to drink water or eat like a glutton.
Just don't want to consume anything.
It's worse la, the pain varies directly with the haze.
I describe how it's like.
Eat/drink. Swallow. Feel every bit of peristalsis down the oesophagus.
It's a slow painful process and it doesn't just stop there.
It will spread this way <--- ---> so it's like my whole chest will hurt.
Am I ok? I dunno...
Every time I swallow something, be it liquid or solid, I get tormented by this.
There's no link between this and the haze right?
Someone help me please...
Haiz. How unfortunate.
The winds are still blowing from the south and south-west.
The haze will continue to to spread over from Sumatra to west Pacific.
Northeast monsoons, come quick!
We want rain and a change of wind direction!
What a brilliant planetary wind system.
And yeah, PSI just scares me to my grave.
A drastic increase.
Friday, October 06, 2006
(1) the sky is especially bright tonight
(2) my eyes are not working
(3) there is a problem with my lenses
(4) the haze
(5) it's the last day of the mid-autumn festival so everyone's outburning with their lanterns, thus causing the 'smoke'
(6) a volcano has errupted
(2) and (3) are totally out, it's neither my lens nor my eyes.
Haha and it's not a volcano.
It's the haze man, and it's getting worse. Freaky.
This is from the NEA website, the PSI at 4pm.
Take your time to analyse it.
While other schools are mugging like who-knows-what, PL sec 1-3s are free as a butterfly.
Today marked the end of our examinations =)
The bio/chem paper was easy.
Geog was, hmm, no comments.
Music made me lose more hair ok.
Like it was damn difficult??!
I don't know a single shit about gamelan and Indonesian and Indian ethnic music!
My composing plain sucks lar.
I'm prepared to fail this exam.
2 options, while people celebrate the end of the examinations, I study triple hard, or just give up and drop it.
I think I'll take the latter.
I'm just not as intelligent as the rest la.
(1) the sky is especially bright tonight
(2) my eyes are not working
(3) there is a problem with my lenses
(4) the haze
(5) it's the last day of the mid-autumn festival so everyone's out
(6) a volcano has errupted
(2) and (3) are totally out, it's neither my lens nor my eyes.
Haha and it's not a volcano.
It's the haze man, and it's getting worse. Freaky.
This is from the NEA website, the PSI at 4pm.
egion | 24-hr Sub-Index at 4pm, 6 Oct 2006 | PSI* | Air Quality Descriptor | Responsible Pollutant | ||||
Sulphur Dioxide | PM10 | Ozone | Carbon Monoxide | Nitrogen Dioxide+ | ||||
North | 13 | 56 | 30 | 10 | - | 56 | Moderate | PM10 |
South | 6 | 65 | 16 | 12 | - | 65 | Moderate | PM10 |
East | 8 | 55 | 20 | 3 | - | 55 | Moderate | PM10 |
West | 42 | 80 | 18 | 18 | - | 80 | Moderate | PM10 |
Central | 3 | 57 | 8 | 10 | - | 57 | Moderate | PM10 |
Overall Singapore* | 42 | 80 | 30 | 18 | - | 80 | Moderate | PM10 |
Take your time to analyse it.
While other schools are mugging like who-knows-what, PL sec 1-3s are free as a butterfly.
Today marked the end of our examinations =)
The bio/chem paper was easy.
Geog was, hmm, no comments.
Music made me lose more hair ok.
Like it was damn difficult??!
I don't know a single shit about gamelan and Indonesian and Indian ethnic music!
My composing plain sucks lar.
I'm prepared to fail this exam.
2 options, while people celebrate the end of the examinations, I study triple hard, or just give up and drop it.
I think I'll take the latter.
I'm just not as intelligent as the rest la.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
terrible sia.
Omg this is bad.
I haven't really started on bio, chem and geog.
Lets see, if I start now by doing the MCQs in the 5 years series, one hour for each subject, I'll sleep at...
3am? Ok better get off the computer.
I'm losing a LOT of hair.
Like when I bathe and wash my hair my hands will be filled with...
Oh no I'm going bald.. haha.
____-sick =(
tag replies
[pulleysystem] yea damn cool. my house mah. HAHA. i'll eat my shoe if you can find a light bass guit. XD
[pris] you mean now then you know i'm nice?? wah you're super fast. super. B&J's or venezia? duhhh B&J's! next week or sth.
[timsty] how about i teach you time signature (how many counts in a bar) and crotchets and quavers (the note value)? it's very easy. then i'll just tell you which note to play, e.g. C#, F#, D. lols. tab also can, i'll give it to you in, hmm, ten years. hahaha!
[xiying] WOAH YOUR ESSAY TAGS AGAIN! yep it's quite impossible to study at my house can. not for ppl with music background, cannot get anything done wan. =D haha i can take a pic of them. you help me exhibit lors. andddd, hello i have the pics in my com and my thumbdrive- return the latter asap ok! by the time you see this our exams will be over already.
I haven't really started on bio, chem and geog.
Lets see, if I start now by doing the MCQs in the 5 years series, one hour for each subject, I'll sleep at...
3am? Ok better get off the computer.
I'm losing a LOT of hair.
Like when I bathe and wash my hair my hands will be filled with...
Oh no I'm going bald.. haha.
____-sick =(
tag replies
[pulleysystem] yea damn cool. my house mah. HAHA. i'll eat my shoe if you can find a light bass guit. XD
[pris] you mean now then you know i'm nice?? wah you're super fast. super. B&J's or venezia? duhhh B&J's! next week or sth.
[timsty] how about i teach you time signature (how many counts in a bar) and crotchets and quavers (the note value)? it's very easy. then i'll just tell you which note to play, e.g. C#, F#, D. lols. tab also can, i'll give it to you in, hmm, ten years. hahaha!
[xiying] WOAH YOUR ESSAY TAGS AGAIN! yep it's quite impossible to study at my house can. not for ppl with music background, cannot get anything done wan. =D haha i can take a pic of them. you help me exhibit lors. andddd, hello i have the pics in my com and my thumbdrive- return the latter asap ok! by the time you see this our exams will be over already.
Haha I have absolutely NO idea why I keep blogging =P
haha it's damn nice to play can. wheeeeeeee
No school for 3b1, 3b2, 3c1 and 3c2 today, cos' the pure science classes took their exams.
Pure physics, chemistry and biology.
So I met up with Valerie at 8.40am to teach her a bit of topographic maps, she said she never listen in class!
Haha. We memorised the qualitative analysis thing too.
Calcium in sodium hydroxide- white ppt insoluble in excess!
Lols. Studied at Macs, where it was almost empty.
1st time leh.
All was peaceful until some other students came in.
That marked the beginning of-
the noisy shift.
What to do for Wan Hui's birthday????
Buy cake again?
Hmm. I was thinking of a cell bonding then we surprise her after dinner.
No idea man.
haha it's damn nice to play can. wheeeeeeee
No school for 3b1, 3b2, 3c1 and 3c2 today, cos' the pure science classes took their exams.
Pure physics, chemistry and biology.
So I met up with Valerie at 8.40am to teach her a bit of topographic maps, she said she never listen in class!
Haha. We memorised the qualitative analysis thing too.
Calcium in sodium hydroxide- white ppt insoluble in excess!
Lols. Studied at Macs, where it was almost empty.
1st time leh.
All was peaceful until some other students came in.
That marked the beginning of-
the noisy shift.
What to do for Wan Hui's birthday????
Buy cake again?
Hmm. I was thinking of a cell bonding then we surprise her after dinner.
No idea man.
house of music
Xiying and Fiona came over, we were supposed to study for music exam.
But we ended up playing with all the instruments in my house!
Piano (duh we're all pianists), guitar, bass guit, violin and angklungs!
My violin really grew mouldy you know!
Lols, I can hear a couple of 'ewwwwww's already.
Like duh right, never touch it for months.
Felt good to touch my bass again.
I've been controlling, cos' of the exams.
Now that they're all ALMOST over, hahaha I can go back to playing with my instruments.
I have a strong urge to play bass NOW. 2 something in the morning.
Haha! With the scores (music notes) I don't have to listen and take years to figure out how to play certain bass parts!
Thanks again Timothy!
Ahhhhh crap I really feel like taking out my bass =D
But we ended up playing with all the instruments in my house!
Piano (duh we're all pianists), guitar, bass guit, violin and angklungs!
My violin really grew mouldy you know!
Lols, I can hear a couple of 'ewwwwww's already.
Like duh right, never touch it for months.
Felt good to touch my bass again.
I've been controlling, cos' of the exams.
Now that they're all ALMOST over, hahaha I can go back to playing with my instruments.
I have a strong urge to play bass NOW. 2 something in the morning.
Haha! With the scores (music notes) I don't have to listen and take years to figure out how to play certain bass parts!
Thanks again Timothy!
Ahhhhh crap I really feel like taking out my bass =D
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
accounts exam tmr
English and chem were manageable!
Surprise surprise!
I need to start preparing for Wan Hui's birthday...
10 days from now.
What to do??? Our cell leader leh.
Someone help me with planning something big for her?
Or your birthday i/c will start coming up with weird ideas.
Surprise surprise!
I need to start preparing for Wan Hui's birthday...
10 days from now.
What to do??? Our cell leader leh.
Someone help me with planning something big for her?
Or your birthday i/c will start coming up with weird ideas.
Monday, October 02, 2006
the wonders of it all.....
Depression is more or less, gone!
Thank you Jesus =)
I'll be doing speed-revision after this.
Not going to memorise formulae.
What's the periodic table for? haha.
Not going to talk about today's maths and bio too, 'cept that circles and speed-time graphs are fun.
Lunched with Priscilla today, wanted to go to macs but it was full.
We THOUGHT it was full.
Then dear Elaine and Hillary told us there were seats.
Haha. Wanton mee anyway.
Saw the usual people, Jui Wei, Bernice, Auntie Kwee Choon, Joanne (Foo) etc.
or is it eunice?? eunice or bernice? omg i mixed them up
And I was locked out, again!
Nobody at home, no keys.
Didn't want to sit at macs, so, the smart me happily went to church forgetting that the office is closed on Mondays.
Smart right, you cant find anyone smarter. ha ha ha.
I sat at the void deck near the church, but couldn't concentrate.
So I went back to the one behind my block, 234? or 236? (oh whatever)
And sat there for 3-4 hours with chemistry.
Thank God I brought my chem file along.
Yeah there's bound to be irritants at public places, and here's one good example.
I shall give the students of that school some face and not name the school.
They were at the next block, the other void decks, making sooooo much noise la!
There were girls too, kissing and all that.
The rougher ones can be seen from the above image.
Eh you don't wanna study, please be considerate and spare a thought for the residents there can!
And poor me (*lols) who has to revise on a whole year's worth of chemistry!
(I think one of the girls saw me snapping this with my phone)
These are the kind of people who give the school a bad reputation.
Now PL-lites sound so angelic, haw haw.

Children's Day gifts from our form and co, Mdm Zakiah and Mrs Ong.
What's 'wow' supposed to mean?
Makes no sense!
But I still think mine is nicer than Priscilla's =D
Mine's the one with 'wow'.
'wow, i'm smart!' hahahaha that's so ego.
i'm in the uploading mood today so you get to enjoy some photos taken with my tootified phone.
Taken by Sheila, our whiteboard that day.
Social studies, summary of each chapter.
Jia Yan! Whatever happened to your face?? Since when you replace your head with a kit kat?!
Kk look at the next one. What's the hippo doing? Look hard before you scroll further down.

Like isn't is obvious?
He ain't pee-ing, he's filling up his little pool with a hose, you goondoo head!
I bet you thought dirty, didn't you, huhhh? Admit it, you did!
HAHA! Took that off the TV.
"good morning school, here are the announcements for today. the first announcement, all sec 3 o'level music girls, please remember to hand in your scores to Miss Tessa Tan as soon as possible or face the consequences....."
WAAAAAAAAAAH! Dreamt of that you know!
Enough! Okok I got it.
O'level music girls, stop chasing cos' I got the message I'll go hand in tomorrow!
What a nightmare.
Alright that's all for today.
Dunno when will be the next time I upload pics.
To entertain you. haha.
[I miss you Serene! Looking forward to Friday!]
long tag replies.
[sop] It's ok if you don't, my (school) exams officially end this Friday. But I still have music theory need to 'study'. So yes? No? Not pressing you ok! Happy Children's day!
[pulleysystem] Where got rain and wind? Haze still have la. LOLS. You call the town council lor, or go see MP and ask =D It was windy wad! Studying at the void deck is nice. Plus got free music- all your grade 8 pieces ;)
[smarties] I msged you twice after your reply then you never say yes or no so how I know whether you got my 2 msges or not?? haha
And can you two not say the same thing? "ask ... ... then you dunwan". LOL.
Thank you Jesus =)
I'll be doing speed-revision after this.
Not going to memorise formulae.
What's the periodic table for? haha.
Not going to talk about today's maths and bio too, 'cept that circles and speed-time graphs are fun.
Lunched with Priscilla today, wanted to go to macs but it was full.
We THOUGHT it was full.
Then dear Elaine and Hillary told us there were seats.
Haha. Wanton mee anyway.
Saw the usual people, Jui Wei, Bernice, Auntie Kwee Choon, Joanne (Foo) etc.
or is it eunice?? eunice or bernice? omg i mixed them up
And I was locked out, again!
Nobody at home, no keys.
Didn't want to sit at macs, so, the smart me happily went to church forgetting that the office is closed on Mondays.
Smart right, you cant find anyone smarter. ha ha ha.
I sat at the void deck near the church, but couldn't concentrate.
So I went back to the one behind my block, 234? or 236? (oh whatever)
And sat there for 3-4 hours with chemistry.
Thank God I brought my chem file along.
Yeah there's bound to be irritants at public places, and here's one good example.

They were at the next block, the other void decks, making sooooo much noise la!
There were girls too, kissing and all that.
The rougher ones can be seen from the above image.
Eh you don't wanna study, please be considerate and spare a thought for the residents there can!
And poor me (*lols) who has to revise on a whole year's worth of chemistry!
(I think one of the girls saw me snapping this with my phone)
These are the kind of people who give the school a bad reputation.
Now PL-lites sound so angelic, haw haw.

What's 'wow' supposed to mean?
Makes no sense!
But I still think mine is nicer than Priscilla's =D
Mine's the one with 'wow'.
'wow, i'm smart!' hahahaha that's so ego.
i'm in the uploading mood today so you get to enjoy some photos taken with my tootified phone.

Social studies, summary of each chapter.

Jia Yan! Whatever happened to your face?? Since when you replace your head with a kit kat?!
Kk look at the next one. What's the hippo doing? Look hard before you scroll further down.

Like isn't is obvious?
He ain't pee-ing, he's filling up his little pool with a hose, you goondoo head!
I bet you thought dirty, didn't you, huhhh? Admit it, you did!
HAHA! Took that off the TV.
"good morning school, here are the announcements for today. the first announcement, all sec 3 o'level music girls, please remember to hand in your scores to Miss Tessa Tan as soon as possible or face the consequences....."
WAAAAAAAAAAH! Dreamt of that you know!
Enough! Okok I got it.
O'level music girls, stop chasing cos' I got the message I'll go hand in tomorrow!
What a nightmare.
Alright that's all for today.
Dunno when will be the next time I upload pics.
To entertain you. haha.
[I miss you Serene! Looking forward to Friday!]
long tag replies.
[sop] It's ok if you don't, my (school) exams officially end this Friday. But I still have music theory need to 'study'. So yes? No? Not pressing you ok! Happy Children's day!
[pulleysystem] Where got rain and wind? Haze still have la. LOLS. You call the town council lor, or go see MP and ask =D It was windy wad! Studying at the void deck is nice. Plus got free music- all your grade 8 pieces ;)
[smarties] I msged you twice after your reply then you never say yes or no so how I know whether you got my 2 msges or not?? haha
And can you two not say the same thing? "ask ... ... then you dunwan". LOL.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Oh gawsh..
I think I'm suffering from severe depression...
or is it PMS.
Even lost interest in my revision for bio and maths exams tmr.
hunted high and low for someone who can lend me a curve ruler.
thank you, grace (quek)
forget it, i know i'm gonna fail anyway.
Just let me say how much I love You
Let me speak of Your mercy and grace
Just let me live in the shadow of Your beauty
Let me see You face to face
And the earth will shake as Your word goes forth
And the heavens will tremble and fall
Just let me say how much I love You
O my Saviour my Lord and friend
Just let me hear Your finest whispers
As You gently call my name
And let me see Your power and Your glory
Let me feel Your spirit's flame
Let me find You in the desert
Till this sand is holy ground
And I am found completely surrendered
To You my Lord and friend
So let me say how much I love You
With all my heart I long for You
For I am caught in this passion of knowing
This endless love I've found in You
And the depth of grace the forgiveness found
To be called a child of God
Just makes me say how much I love You
O my saviour my Lord and friend
I think I'm suffering from severe depression...
or is it PMS.
Even lost interest in my revision for bio and maths exams tmr.
thank you, grace (quek)
forget it, i know i'm gonna fail anyway.
Just let me say how much I love You
Let me speak of Your mercy and grace
Just let me live in the shadow of Your beauty
Let me see You face to face
And the earth will shake as Your word goes forth
And the heavens will tremble and fall
Just let me say how much I love You
O my Saviour my Lord and friend
Just let me hear Your finest whispers
As You gently call my name
And let me see Your power and Your glory
Let me feel Your spirit's flame
Let me find You in the desert
Till this sand is holy ground
And I am found completely surrendered
To You my Lord and friend
So let me say how much I love You
With all my heart I long for You
For I am caught in this passion of knowing
This endless love I've found in You
And the depth of grace the forgiveness found
To be called a child of God
Just makes me say how much I love You
O my saviour my Lord and friend
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