Monday, November 27, 2006
beware: childish content
I think my computer is bewitched.
Such that when I switch it on when I'm feeling ok,
my whole mood freaking shoots down when my brain digests the words that appear on the screen.
I've never hated the comp this badly before.
Yet I can't get off it, there's some research to do.
Col 3:23- to work hard and cheerfully at whatever I'm doing...
There's always the 'but'.
So here goes.
But, how am I supposed to work hard??
I feel like giving up what I'm doing because something else affects me.
It's like a voice telling me my efforts are freaking wasted,
burried deep beneath the earth's crust, destroyed and thrust aside,
that I should just give up on this.
Then this whole voice thingy starts to invade me and start making me feel like a rejected idiot.
My acting sucks and there is no reason why I should put on a mask at all.
one side of me just wants to scream out at something/someone, another side wants to show the hurt (if that's the right word to use) caused in the process.
You know, I'm not very good with words...
I often find myself unable to describe very extreme feelings and scenarios.
And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 (NIV)
And I know that there are people around me who genuinely care although sometimes it seems like there's none, though I feel like the worst piece of junk. Am I going to disappoint them? Above all, am I going to let my Daddy down? No, definitely not. He never gives up on me. Neither do my true friends who stayed and are staying by me till this day, without a hint of a white flag. Led by my Father, they give me the strength and everything I need to live day by day. And they know who they are.
..s eydess ebeB.kooberit nenalli fdluowti,uo yotya sanna wIgniht yre veuo ylle totere wIfI.koemo tstolr ettamu oywon kuoyte lannawI.eru stnecre p001m aIsihT.sdn ahs'do Gniefa serae voluo ysenoe hT.tu nreht oehtdn aemo tdlroweh tsrettam ohweno ehtto n,oN.ti mrehtah tebotgnio gtoner aeW.slia frevend oGydda Druotah tuoydni merI,syaw lasA.yppa hnahtero mebll' ew,flesd loruo yemoce botkcab emocuoye kamna ctahtfI.t nawuo yseitiraglu vehtll aesuoG.p ugnitoohso gnacti ,nwodgn igsarcsem ocgnihtyrev enehw,uo yrofsnal psahdo Gtahtd nimnira eB.erus ma I,srehtoyna mfosevile htdna efilymn iecnereffi deguhaeda muoY.t newuo yrevenehw ssenluf reehcdnathg ilthgor rboh wenoehtere wuoy,dnuor anoitauti sevitage nyrev etsoml adenru tohwen oehtere wuo Y.ssefnoco tgnihtemo sevahI.erehllitssieheveilebi.yawon ?esrevinutahtf otrapr ehtonaotd ehsinabn eebehsa h?wo nyu gtaht siere hw.pu eva grevenuo y.sevi lruofot nioptsewo lehttas urofereh tebo tdeliafr evenu oy
P.S. your own version, borrowed.
[edited to add: this has nothing to do with my parents. thanks everyone for your concern =) you guys are greatly appreciated. i will reply your tags soon alrights. meanwhile.. keep them coming =)) 30/11/06, 12.32am]
Sunday, November 26, 2006
to finish up the bao zhang bao dao and si han homework.
For tuition. Sucks.
Some things suck more la.
Oh yeah, I hate lying.
Oh wells... ...
If you see me online after midnight,
please chase me off to bed.
Because if I don't sleep early,
I can't do stuff I want to. *winks at Pris (sshhhh)
Bottomline is..
just shoo me off k.
I feel better now, after YA yesterday.
When we sang the last song, Exalted,
the tears just flowed like a river.
Yea and I seriously have no idea why.
you may not know it, but you make me worry about you... please please take care. i'm sure i'm not the only one who's so concerned. my heart goes out to you. (and i prayed a really long prayer for you. note that i haven't prayed this much for anyone before. you're the first =))
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
look at this and think
heh.. i've been studying ants for the past few months and i tell u.. it's INTERESTING!! well u cld say tat i was bored and just kept looking at the way the ants lived their lives.. honestly speaking, we HUMANS cld apply the examples of these ants into our very OWN lives!! might be raising some eyebrows now.. let me ATTEMPT 2 try explaining:
- Just kill a few ants in an area...
- all hell breaks loose!! HOWEVER within a few mins, they all scramble together
and bring back all the dead ants back to their nests.. be it squashed, mutiliated
or handicapped, the surviving ants will do their UTMOST best to help each other..
* We must work as a team.. Never leaving any1 out.. Leave no man behind.. Every1 is family..* - Ants find a piece of food.. They call a whole team to make the task so much easier
- every1 knows ants can carry smth several times their weight (tink it's 100 or 500?)
- instead of attempting to do the task him/herself, the ants somehow 'signal' other ants
to come and help.. not only that, if they have to scale a wall, u will see them struggle but YET
make it to the top..
*It's all abt teamwork.. We humans can make it ourselves most of the time.. BUT the best is when frens come together to help do a task and accomplish it faster and efficiently...*
Haha.. weird aei? Just tot of sharing this piece of interesting self-discovery.. lolx.. Who knows, it may even apply to our Christian lifestyles!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Haha. This guy ah...
We were supposed to have CCA today,
then Preethi called early in the morning to say it's cancelled.
Something about the teachers not around to open up the room for us?
I think level reps are useless.
We should be called attendance-takers instead.
I mean, why are we called level reps when the only thing we do is take attendance?
It's just a worthless title. For what purpose la.
Might as well just ask a volunteer from each level to take attendance every week.
Level rep my ***.
Sorry but I can't keep this inside me.
LOS is coming...
Gosh I can't wait =)
1}Put your music player on shuffle.
2} Press forward for each question
3}Use the song title as the answer to the question
No cheating!
What does next year have in store for me?
The Phantom of the Opera (will i get to watch it? will i??)
What's my love life like?
You Shine (haha)
What do I say when life gets hard?
At The Cross (yeah i think of Jesus at the cross. how can my life be hard, look at His.)
What do u think of on waking up?
GLERE Esquisse, No.10 from 12 esquisses, Op.47 (what the... piano?)
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
Selah (-.-)
What do you want as a career?
Because You Loved Me (erm so?)
Your favourite saying?
All I Ask of You (oh no do i always ask for things?)
Favourite place?
the mrbrown show 1 May 2006: the persistently non-political podcast no. 6 (...)
What do you think of your parents?
IBERT Le petit ane blanc, No.2 from Histoiries (no they ain't so pianish leh)
What's your Pornstar name?
Hung Up (ha, ha, ha)
Where would you go on a first date?
Centre of my life (for what??)
Drug of choice?
Fire Fall Down (... ...)
Describe yourself
I'm Lovin' It (haha yeah right.)
What is the thing i like doing most?
MOZART Allemande: Suite in C, K.399/385i, 2nd movt (yup play the piano.)
The song that best describes my school principal?
2001 - Where I Belong (Eng) (o_O)
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Revolution (hehs.)
How will I die?
the mrbrown show 14 June 2006: smile and speak good english (good one. die smiling for the next IMF?)
How are you feeling today?
Surrender (????)
How do your friends see you?
Because of Your Love (huh?)
What is your best friend's best theme song?
Everything I Do (I Do It For You) (i'm so touched can... do everything for me! wahahahs.)
What is the story of your life?
Hear Us From Heaven (eh??)
What was high school like?
At The Beginning ( it sucks at the end then.)
How can you get ahead in life?
Let The Praises Ring (YEAH MAN!)
What is the best thing about your friends?
Colors Of The Wind (they colour my life?)
What is in store for this weekend?
It Is You (who? that person?)
What song best describes you?
Running After You (and who am i running after? Jesus! =D)
To describe your grandparents?
SCHUMANN Des Abends, No.1 from Phantasiestucke, Op.12 (no way)
What song will they play during your funeral?
Without You (awwwww. without me around mah.)
How does the world see you?
The Way (hey no! i'm not the way! Jesus is!)
Will you have a happy life?
For All You've Done (yea i guess so)
What do your friends really think of you?
the mrbrown show 3 Oct 2006 this is duh news (haha. right. DUH)
Do people secretly lust after you?
Only One For Me (so there's only one for me. i see.)
How can i make myself happy?
His Love (i don't have to make myself happy, =))
What should you do with your life?
Everything's Changed (lol!!)
Will you ever have children?
From The Inside Out ('nuff said. poor me. lols.)
okay, am i jinxed or what? first it was a, then b, then c, then d and finally e. and i moved on because of the same reason, from a to e. there's no f, so the only thing i'm gonna do now is stop, rest and focus on -------. is it?? this is getting shittier. no doubt i feel like crap. no doubt curiosity killed me from the inside out. why do i always seem to know? one of ----... ------.. hopeless la. but then again, i guess i am too.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Guess who I met.
Rastus and Rasmus with their sister Canice and their dad.
The amazing thing is,
after seeing them for 7 years,
I still cannot tell them apart.
They really look soooo alike!!!
BUT, I know Rasmus is the one with the white framed specs.
The video here is quite an old one,
and it's UBER funny ok.
The history of Singapore.
Hossan Leong is such a talent.
Don't talk cock in parliment.
Lol and it musn't be seen by the government.
"Malaysia say, come join me
2 of us be same country
Then not happy
Then make PM cry" =D
Haha, a production of the mrbrown show.
Rocks la ^.^
Saturday, November 18, 2006
"iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketogototheballwithme" =D
The Lord says, "love".
Difficult, yes, but I'll love the one who hates me.
It's official.
Jia Yan will be my concert partner =)
Yesterday's String Chamber Evening at the same place (Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, NUS) was superb.
It was performed by the students of the T'ang Quartet.
They were so professional can!
Veh Veh the expressive!
I was just wow-ed by them.
If anyone thinks this kinda concerts are boring,
they're WRONG.
It's possible to just sit there for 2.5 hours just watching them and appreciating the music.
Especially when you're sitting at the 1st few rows.
Can observe how they play, their eye contact and cues
I didn't doze off this time! Wahahahs.
Must introduce western orchestral music to more people.
Lol. It's dang cool la.
There was this (1st) violinist Loh Jun Hong, I thought he looked super familiar.
He has a very innocent and sweet face. Haha!
Damn adorable. hehs.
Nah but I saw him in the papers before.
" ... the youngest Singaporean to be granted a place at the National University of Singapore. He had turned down a place at the renowned Yehudi Menuhin School in Britain to be the youngest musician at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory, where he continues to be groomed by Qian Zhou."
No wonder.
Only 16 years old.
Actually he's the 2nd youngest to be admitted.
Abigail Sin's the youngest.
Below is something taken from
Especially the one on being late for lectures.
GETTING TO SCHOOL | Mum fetches | SBS, MRT, etc |
START TIME | 7.30am for a 9am lecture, because they're used to having flag-raising ceremony at that time in secondary school | 9.10am for a 9am lecture, because of traffic jam, woke up late, bus broke down, etc |
FIRST THING AT SCHOOL | Book a practice room | Head to the canteen for breakfast |
HOW THEY STUDY | Very hard, because otherwise they'll end up being just a PSLE student | Relax, man. We've got O levels, A levels, even a driving licence |
GRADES | Mostly As, mostly on Dean's List | Bs and Cs, mostly hoping not to be called to the Dean's office |
DATING | Near impossible. Age difference is a big hindrance | Easy peasy. Undergrads the same age everywhere |
any Phantom of the Opera fans out there?
Must catch the musical next year!
Today I had bah chor mee for dinner.
And I forgot to tell the auntie I didn't want tur kwa. -.-
But it's ok la, got Jacelyn and Andrew to eat it for me =D
Katie Leung has a weird accent.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
not another one..?
Or so it seems.
After the practice, (yet another enjoyable one,)
everything goes back to normal.
Toaday it's abnormal.
Like there's an emptiness from within?
Once again this cannot be described.
What's wrong with me la.
Mr Fong treated us to lunch.
1 hour long lunch break.
We can complete the first SYF piece by the next practice.
Missed my one and probably only chance to jam.
(Fish it.)
Left school at almost 4pm.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tempted by Joey? Can say so la. haha.
Today (Tues), I practically spent the entire day on the piano.
Hahaha I might do the same tomorrow (Wed).
Yamaha pianos are the best, mine's Hyundai and it sucks.
I want to watch
1) DOA
2) Step Up
3) (Happy Feet)
4) (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix omg i can't frigging wait for this one)
5) (The Da Vinci Code)
but then I'm too lazy to see who hasn't caught them (1, 2) yet.
Okay you may stop reading because the next part is sure to bore you.
Uhm, that's if anyone's even reading.
My current obsession...
Especially piano sonatas and symphonies by some composers.
(concertos are not bad.)
I have no idea why.
Haha. I think this keeps me away from too much thinking?
My piano teacher's doing scales with me,
and some other pieces which I don't really like.
Julia's Piano Solo is one example.
Some Final Fantasy song.
So, I experimented with the grade 8 pieces.
Might be playing Sonata in A minor, Kp. 175 by Scarlatti from the A list.
I wanted Prelude and Fugue in A flat, BWV 862 by Bach but the fugue part is too hard.
4 voices... I play 3 voices already half dead how to play 4. Lols.
Then for the B list,
I found the B:2 piece, Allegro: first movement from Sonata in E flat, Hob. XVI/52 by Haydn on youtube ---- played in a CONCERT can?!
[here, if there's anyone reading at all.]
It's part of a repetoire for some CONCERT and they put this as part of the syllabus??
WTH. 9 pages.
I'm trying out Mozart's Allegro: first movement from Sonata in F, K. 332.
Kinda got the first page right.
There's 7 pages but it's mostly repeats and variations.
All the pieces from the C list look totally alien to me so I'm leaving that out first.
Though Alberga's If The Silver Bird could speak looks interesting.
One question...
For those who have completed their grade 8, are they moving on to do diploma?
Like Ethel XY Fio Charm PQ Dezzie.
And one request.
Someone define 'friend' for me please.
Today, we express hope as if we can’t be sure what will really happen. We say, “I hope I’ll win that prize… I hope it won’t rain tomorrow… I hope everything works out well...” But “hope” in the Bible is a confident and positive expectation of good. This is because as His child, your heavenly Father favours you. Because Christ is in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), you can expect the glory of God to shine into every area of your life, including your family, job, ministry, health and finances! God’s Word says, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” My friend, you may have experienced disappointed hopes, but there is a hope that does not disappoint when you are conscious of how much God loves you. It is a hope that springs from the heart of God, who loves you very much. It is interesting that the first mention of the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans is tied up with the love of God. Now, the book of Romans is considered foundational for all Christians. Could it be that the first thing the Holy Spirit wants to do is to establish in your heart that God loves you? Many people think that the Holy Spirit has come to teach us about power, but the truth is that the Holy Spirit has come not to reveal the love for power, but the power of love! My friend, you may have just lost your job, but if you believe that “Jesus loves me this I know”, you can say, “I believe I will get a better job tomorrow.” Your girlfriend may have just left you for your best friend, but because “Jesus loves me this I know”, you can say, “I’ll meet a better girl tomorrow.” When you believe that God loves you, you will have a positive expectation of good. You will have hope that does not disappoint, so be careful what you hope for because you are bound to get it! |
Monday, November 13, 2006
i have small and thin fingers
when u wanna play for Him, NOTHING is impossible."
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I can't wait for Thursday!!
Handbells!!! And the seniors might be coming. hehs.
Sec 4s jia you!
The new grade 8 syllabus is so friggin' difficult.
Sheesh. Wonder if I can take the exam next year..?
It'll be both O's and grade 8...
But I must!!!!
How else to do practical for music O's?
Plus my piano teacher thinks I should major in performing...
2007 gce O-level examination calendar (tentative)
This is sooooooo scary. TENTATIVE. It better be.
Ok I've been tagged by dear ol' Tim to do this
Can you name 11 people you can think right off the top of your head ?dun read the questions underneath untill you write the names of 11 people .this is alot funnier if you actually randomly lists the name first .no cheating , guys !
1) Xiying
2) Priscilla
3) Kai Wei
4) Andrew
5) Fiona
6) Jacelyn
7) Timothy
8) Smarties
9) Sophia
10) Clarissa
11) Joel
- How did you meet 10 ?
[Clarissa] church! since pri 5 i think. hahaha
- What would you do if you have never met 6 ?
[Jacelyn] i'd still be praying for her to come back to LSBC =)
- What could you do if 2 & 6 were dating ?
[Pris and Jace] hahaha i totally CANNOT imagine it. at all. no way hosay. they're not lesbians ok. haha
- Have you ever seen 4 cry ?
[Andrew] nope. never. i've hardly seen guys cry, really.
- Do you think 1 is pretty ?
[Xi Ying] lol yea she is!
- Tell me something about 11 ?
[Joel] he can SING! haha. backup vocalists team 1 same as Jia Yan and i.
- How do you know 8 ?
[Smarties] cell group? early this year...
- Would you ever date 5 ?
[Fiona] hahahaha SURE! why not?! ... kidding la. lols.
- What's 7 favourite colour ?
[Timothy] red, white, green! see i know you so well. haha!
- What would you do if 2 confesses to you ?
[Priscilla] must see what it is first. hey you say want to confess until now still haven't leh!
- Fact about 9 ?
[Sophia] erm.. she's quiet during cell. haha.
- Who is 6 going out with ?
[Jacelyn] her monster friends! wahahahs. like that all of us can be called monsters liao.
- Who is 5 to you?
[Fiona] my good neighbour who's a wonderful crapper. also my pulley system partner. =P
- Would you ever live with 11 ?
[Joel] haha and now why would i do that when i have a roof over my head?
- Is 2 single ?
[Priscilla] yeah. i THINK. unless she's hiding something...
- How much does 3 mean to you ?
[Kai Wei] my brother in Christ. yupps.
- What's the best thing about 8 ?
[Smarties] his drumming i suppose. and the way he leads his BB Boys.
- What do you like about 10 ?
[Clarissa] her character.. cheerful and caring!
- Favourite memory with 6 ?
[Jacelyn] haha our dinnerS and cell bondings
-Tag people to do this:
2, 5, 6, 8, 10
Pris, Fio, Jace, Smurf, Clari
I wanna go to Sakae Sushi, Jack's Place, and try out Seoul Garden cos' I've never been there.
And... I wanna go jamming.
But nobody's as free as me leh..
I'm free for the whole of tomorrow and Wednesday.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
it comes.. and goes. it slips past like a ghost.

Is 'cut-off' the right word to describe how I'm feeling now?
I really dunno...
It's just, unexplainable.
Cut off from the world.
Living in darkness like the picture above.
I wish things could go back to normal.
Like what we used to do in the past.
Unfortunately time doesn't turn just because I want it too.
It doesn't work that way.
Is it me or are some people just...
Some things just cannot be hidden...
I can't deny.
no, you have no idea. none at all.
i should have known.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
a world of uncertainty
this is my daily routine.
Wake up, go to school, come home, lunch, sleep, wake up, dinner, go online, sleep.
I wanna have lessons...
How ironic.
The last time I jammed was like 2 months ago.
Unless you count Saturday during the break between worship prac and Youth Ablaze.
But that was just so minor.
I was invisible.
Just played the keyboard as a 'silent backup'.
Oh wells.
So my point is,
Please? Anyone at all? Hello?
I'm like so deprived of jamming can.
Either keyboarding or bassing.
The last time I...
Watched a movie: 3.5 months ago
Went to sentosa: last year or last last year
Went fishing: erm never go before
Jammed: 2 months ago
Ate somethng: 1/2 hour ago. haha
Went for a concert: primarily piano at NUS last week
Went shopping: 1 or 2 months ago
Went for a party: Priya's
Went for camp: church camp in June. yes it's THAT long
Cried: if i'm not wrong... 1 month ago can't rmb exactly what
Got pissed: yesterday? haha
Touched handphone: an hour ago
Had constipation: heh just now
Had periods: now (what a qn)
Fell sick: months ago, thank God
I need to buy my grade 8 piano exam pieces soon.
I want to buy the Phantom Of The Opera scores!!!
Still saving for it after 4 months? Lols.
I need some new clothes.
I need new footwear.
I need a clothes (silicon case) for my vision:m.
I need to go and eat buffet.
I want a guitar stand.
I want back my stolen Memoirs Of A Geisha book.
I want new batteries for my tamagotchi.
I want to have my rabbit back from the tooting temple.
AUGUST! You have no idea how much I miss you...
I'm sorry I negleted you last time..
Now I really want you back.
Everytime I see your photo at my desktop,
I stop to think, how's my little boy doing?
I only looked after you for 3 years...
Since you were 1.5 months old.
August my little bunny..! Haiz.
Monday, November 06, 2006
a thousand different ways
So basically I stood outside the AVA theaterette (?) and waited for the right moment to go in.
I planned to show her a really apologetic look.
But thank God I managed to sneak in when she was giving out the notes and she didn't notice me!
Hahahaha God is so good.
The lesson ended at 9.40am.
Which meant I had nothing to do from that time until 1.30pm.
Handbells mah.
Fortunately there was CHERYL who was in the same situation.
Lol. We decided to walk from school to Kovan, the 136 route.
Same thing la, drenched in sweat.
(Joanne Elaine Charmaine and Sheevonne were like laughing at us la!)
Then duh we went to a place with lots of air con-
NTUC. Fairprice. My wonderful idea, to walk around the dairy products and vegetables and ice cream and frozen food cuz it was cold there.
-skip skip skip-
We walked ALAWWWWWT la ok.
Leg pain. haha.
After lunch we went to walk dunno where and then took a train to Serangoon and walked back to school from there!
Again, thank God.. for the good weather.
It was very the cooling.
Cumulonimbus clouds covered the sky and it looked like convectional rain was coming to visit.
Yes, I was late for CCA.
But Mr Fong was later!
He scared us by telling us that blah we will not even get a gold because of ....
And even said he might not coach us and will get the our previous instructress(es) to guide us for SYF.
[this part of the post = removed due to obvious reasons]
According to Mr Fong, this particular school has already finished their pieces. O_o
He said all that because everyone's faces were quite black and 'tired' and all..
I thought I should be the only one feeling tired cos' of all the walking.
Ya then of course the sec 3s and some 2s managed to 'wake' everyone up.
Pour in some enthusiasm.
[According to Mr Fong again, the judges always have very high expectations, especially from PL.. Which was like wow. ]
And then HOR, i'm going to repeat almost the same thing i told wen xin.
She moved over to the other section because it looked challenging and she thought she could handle it.
First she wanted bass.
Then treble need people with 'good sense of rhythm' so she transferred there.
And then now she's in the middle/upper bass part.
Which meant, I took over her treble notes.
And omg it was so freaking easy to play her notes.
No wonder she wanted to move over.
But haha, Mr Fong brought down the level of difficulty for the bells she played (the middle part) so she was like, showing the I-want-to-play-bass face.
I know I shouldn't be saying this, especially in public and there is a 50:50 chance of juniors coming across my blog.
Though she herself never blog-surfs.
We must not show favouritism.
We must not show favouritism.
We must not show favouritism!!!!!
We as sec 3s and 4. (yes, singular. 4.)
But how to not do that when some of the juniors either have the heck care attitude or the haha-i'm-better-than-you or i-don't-care-i-will-even-beat-the-senior-in-getting-that-part/notes kind of face??
How to handle this type la?!
Not just the exco lor, the other non-comm sec 3s also trying to do something.
We observe some of them and notice that their characters really need to be changed.
How la, how.
Anyway, would you believe this...
Mr Fong asked those who were in the previous SYF to raise up their hands.
And then he thought I was involved.
"You didn't go for SYF meh? Are you sure??"
Did I look like I was lying?
Not like I had a choice right. Lols.
I forwarded the SMS which Hui Ling sent to me...
Who knows, maybe they had a stressful day, or a very erm.. unpleasant day.
One message could make a lot of difference.
And btw that msg was sent by Kara and someone else 2 years ago.
So it's still circulating eh.
The response was so comforting...
I got replies from (fastest to fast) Genesis, Joshua, Michelle (never talk to her for ages), Sheila, Jasmine ("huh? who are you?" -cries-), Hillary, Tania, Joe and Joel (who happened to be together in the gym), Daryl, Andrew, Lynette, Eugene, Sophia, Rasmus, Sara, Josmin, Clarissa, Sheevonne, Madeline, Shu En and Sarah.
Wahahahs these people made me feel so loved la.
They replied with "awww so sweet", "this is damn funny" (!!), "did u sms the wrong person?" (!!!!), "thanks, same here" etc.
Now I learnt a lesson.
When people forward you this kind of msges,
reply to acknowledge it.
The sender will at least know that the recipient doesn't treat his/her message like a piece of junk.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
love, joy and peace
Got O's in less than a year!
I should be studying right!
Something tells me I'm wasting my time and I should really open up my books and start studying.
But this part of me tells me there is time and I can continue to slack.
Anyone wanna mug together?
And erm, hello visitors.
I know you're reading.
Leave a tag can?
Cos' I people are telling me they read this blog but I'm like "huh, you do?".
Sheesh. Kevin is so right.
Why is it that we say, sorry God I have things to do
And not, sorry things I have to spend time with God?
Why does is seem easier for us to put God last and only spend time with Him at the end of the day, like most people are doing?
This has to be changed.
My QT is so inconsistent.
I used to
It's just pathetic.
My bass, amplifier and guitar are all collecting dust.
Better touch it before spiders start marching up.
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Christmas is coming!
Which also means: presents.
And money $$$$$ unless I combine and share $$ with someone.
Can anyone out there just slap me?
My creative juices have expired and I dunno what to give this year!
It comes and goes whenever it likes.
It's very troublesome and uncomfortable you know!
Just the other time... ... ...
And now, again?!
Ok maybe I'm making it too obvious.
I find myself unconciously letting my thoughts wander...
Dream like, they follow a particular path.
I see you at the end of this path.
Again I ask, why you?
uh, it's saturday
Went to church on Thursday and Friday to help the office with their stuff.
Helping them is so fun. Hahah.
Yay and I'm talking to Wendy and Stacia again after so long.
So long meaning, my absence from church during weekdays.
The church office seems so empty with more than half of them at 247.
The pantry has become my best friend. Lol.
Gerald Gan is so adorable!!!
Eeeeks I cannot stand it or sit it.
He's gotta be the cutest toddler in church!
On Friday night, I went for the primarily piano concert at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in NUS.
With Xi Ying, Fiona, Jia Yan and Grace.
WITHOUT MS TAN. Some teacher leh.
The concert was free of charge. Haha.
Not cheapo ok.
The performers were so darn good la...
I'll upload the recorded pieces onto the yahoogroups soon.
So embarrassing can!! People were turning around to look.
Then there was this person who didn't switch the phone to silent mode.
Even after the director himself went to address the audience regarding the noise made.
"every flick of the paper is amplified" blah blah blah
The person received smses twice.
Lol I could see the older people showing their black faces.
Today's worship practice was fun too.
(haiya everything's fun la)
Eugene and Joel kept singing the wrong thing for The Time Has Come chorus.
And they always end up laughing. -.-
Then my water bottle was being shared among 4 people.
Eugene: Who's water is this? I drink ah
Joel: Hey can I drink your water
and finally, Jia Yan: let me drink your water hor
I had to keep refilling it because they kept drinking.
Like camels. Haha. Ling Ying's good friends.
No la, it's because vocalists need lots of water and it happens that I was the only one with a water bottle.
Oh yeah
Joel was amused by the fact that I have brains. -_-"
Some joke about the mics.
I didn't know what to shoot back so he kept on shooting.
Overall... the worship went well. In my opinion.
Kah Wan told me I missed debrief (for the 2nd time).. said what I never pay attention.
But I really didn't know when they had it lor! grrrr.
Happy Birthday Youth Ablaze! Wahahahaha.
Ivan got the 'fire awards', meaning he was the best cell member in the cell.
They gave the awards to the best in each cell.
I think he deserved it.
Can see that he really changed alot...
since we've been in the same cell since last year.
Jacelyn's not going for service tomorrow! =(
I wonder why...
The cell has many prayer requests.
Have to pray for them one by one.
Hey I think I can remember them!! Wow.
We'll see God working =)
Was locked out of the house again, so I went for dinner with the guys.
Check this out,


And omg is PL's reputation that bad??
I was asked if I was a lesbian! Wth la.
Then walked around in heartland mall and went to play catching in cold storage after standing at the escalator for like 10-15 mins and blocking the way.
This is called chi bao mei shi zuo,
or direct translation, eat full already got nothing to do. Lols.
Someone's bugging me to play O2jam.
Tsk! haha.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
terminate that- modest? not
I love school, no kidding.
I think I've gone mad. . seriously.
Chemistry rocks!!
It will be my 3rd favourite subject, hehs.
Mole concept =) mole ---> .
Friday, some sec 2 and 3 music girls went to the Asian Civilisations Museum.
Forbidden Faces: The Art Of Japanese Masks.
We watched the one on some art of Noh.
Some of us were dozing off at the first part, the music and the man's actions were so slow, at a snail's pace.

We soon understood why.
(I didn't manage to get a good picture!)
The whole thing was ok only la, didn't really get my knowledge of ethnic Jap music expanded.
Had a great time of bonding with the sec 3s too!
Fiona, Xi Ying, Jia Yan, Charmaine, Genesis, Hillary =)
The school was extra nice to us, none of the classes had to clean up a second time.
They gave us food from macs to celebrate all the hard work we put in this year, the concerts and music marathon and competitions and the awards won.

Uh, it's supposed to be double cheeseburger and McChicken.
Double Cheeseburger without cheese, McChicken without lettuce.
But it's alright. Haha.
Imagine chicken rice without chicken.
Or carrot cake without carrot.
We had handbell practice on Monday, here's Mr Fong and the sec 2s and this senior from dunno which batch (cant really see her, i thought she was ms kok's sister. no offence.)

Due to a slight srew up...
(e.g. some could not play the parts up to standard)
Mr Fong had 'something very important to announce',
and that was to 'break the tradition' of letting all the sec 2s and 3s play for SYF.
Which means the sec 1s will replace whoever is unable to do it.
Please, no no no no no no no...
He wants to 'see some competence'.
What if I'm not good enough?
I want to play for SYF leh...
Yesterday, half the class turned up for our trip to the Chinatown Heritage Centre and some teahouse.
15 out of 31 people.
Sheila's whole clique was absent so I partnered her.
She's going to be my partner next year! yayyyy
Sit beside her, hopefully can become smarter. Lol.
Some people found the learning journey boring...
But I thought it was really interesting.
To learn about the history and examine all the artefacts..
In fact there was not enough time lor!
Like I always say, go with the right learning attitude and you'll enjoy it.
Sheila, Wen Qin, Wen Yi and I were the last to gather.
I managed to get a photo

It says 'no phototaking'. Wahahahs!
Too lazy to rotate it, lah.
I liked the tea drinking thing!
I didn't know that there were 2 cups, one for you to sniff the 'fragrance of the tea' and then pour it into another cup.
We had to use certain fingers to hold the cup, and must drink it up in 3 sips/gulps/mouths/whatever.
Cos' of the chinese word pin, it has 3 kous.

Our class/group's facilitator (or should I say tour guide? xP) was lousy la..
He didn't really know how to explain stuff to us.
Not detailed enough!
And the Mr Eng went with us, what's his problem, hands forever in the pocket.
Dunno who said he was a model.
How unlucky can we get sia.
Mrs Chong was pleased with us,
You know how rare that is. Haha!
Jia Yan and I will be going to church tomorrow to help dunno which uncle David to pack clothes for the mission trip for the people there.
Lol, Stacia asked me to get people down to help.
I remember 2 years ago, I was an always seen in the church helping the office to do work.
Simple work like collating survey results and cutting paper and folding bulletins.
Oh man I miss doing the survey thingy...
Still remember, I helped Faith to do it, and Boon Yeow gave me a packet of M&M's!

To ALL P6s (none here, i know), SEC 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s!!!
LSBC annual youth camp! This year, it's
Lover Of my Soul/ LOS!
Click for more details!
Everyone's invited =)
It's going to be fun, fun and more fun.
(PL lites) Contact me if you're interested.
This is so exciting.. I can't wait!!
Haha, this explains my msn display picture.
To Yuhui and Priscilla;
Both of you are given an extra year to catch up on your sec 3 work, must remember that. Eliminate the word "retain", replace it with "second chance". Look at it positively. Mdm Zakiah's right, you guys will soar like eagles and do well, way better than any of us in sec 3 this year (err, if you get what i mean). Our class is small enough and will be smaller without the two of you. Remember the times we had together as a class, especially the chalet with Miss Ang and the music marathon although the latter was disastrous. It has been a year full of ups and downs for all of us, and those memories... they will be treasured. Hey, you get to go for sec 3 camp again! Not fair you know. haha. Yeah, 3c2 '06, we are all part of this
The fact that you're given a second chance to excel in sec 3 impacts me the most, among all of us in class. You being my best and closest friend. Did you know that? Although we are besties for only 3 months plus.. Haiz. It's really hard to find another friend who loves God this much, like you do. At least not in our class. I know, you've been mentally preparing me for this time, when we have to part and be in different classes... But I still cannot face reality.. That we will be separated...
The 2nd semester has been hard on you, with so much misunderstanding. Even as your friend, I feel as if I was the one being hit by everything you were going through at that point of time. People were telling me your bad points, blah blah blah and all the crap but you know I closed my ears and nothing went in =) Haha.
Thank you for all the wonderful times we spent together. Accompanying me to the ICA building to register for IC, our so-called jamming sessions, Ben & Jerry's- with Timothy, studying/attempting to study during the exam fever and the list goes on... We must continue to do it next year, no matter what. I dont care ok. (haha)
Please keep the private blog alive! Must tell Tim also. I didn't start it for us to just say, 'we have a private blog'. It's close to stagnantation already.. I don't want annoying insects breeding there.
This has been said too many times, it has been misused.
But now I'm saying it to you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart,
I love you alot alot alot alot!! (as a friend, DUH). Seriously.
Hahahah I know that you love me too xD
If you want, I'll draw you a humanfish everyday, I'll go to your classroom and fill the board with fishes! And you better not erase them. The humanfish and Mr Bean's teddy and hole-ly socks and hurr hurr hurr laughter and picnics in class... will always be remembered. I will miss your liveliness and laughter the most. You have a good sense of humour and you're very the sociable, you know? Haha. Super easy to get along with. I admire you for your ability to look at almost everything positively. I rarely see you angry or sad. And that is another good point about you.
Your laughter never fails to bring a spirit of joy to our class, you being our loudspeaker. Haha really really. Without you next year, we will be like so dead la... I'll miss hearing your loud voice every morning as I step into the class. Cos' I can always hear you from the first floor. Thank you for brightening my day with your jokes and laughter.
Human-fish! Fish with a human face.
With so many good points, please spread them to the class next year and put some life in! I'll treat you to strawberry ice-cream one day. And please also bring your teddy and I'll bring mine, let the teddies play together so that mine can beat yours cuz' it's bigger by a head. Wahahaha.
I love you too (also as a friend!) =) = ) =) =)
Ohs man you have no idea how LONG I took to type and load the photos.