Went to church on Thursday and Friday to help the office with their stuff.
Helping them is so fun. Hahah.
Yay and I'm talking to Wendy and Stacia again after so long.
So long meaning, my absence from church during weekdays.
The church office seems so empty with more than half of them at 247.
The pantry has become my best friend. Lol.
Gerald Gan is so adorable!!!
Eeeeks I cannot stand it or sit it.
He's gotta be the cutest toddler in church!
On Friday night, I went for the primarily piano concert at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in NUS.
With Xi Ying, Fiona, Jia Yan and Grace.
WITHOUT MS TAN. Some teacher leh.
The concert was free of charge. Haha.
Not cheapo ok.
The performers were so darn good la...
I'll upload the recorded pieces onto the yahoogroups soon.
So embarrassing can!! People were turning around to look.
Then there was this person who didn't switch the phone to silent mode.
Even after the director himself went to address the audience regarding the noise made.
"every flick of the paper is amplified" blah blah blah
The person received smses twice.
Lol I could see the older people showing their black faces.
Today's worship practice was fun too.
(haiya everything's fun la)
Eugene and Joel kept singing the wrong thing for The Time Has Come chorus.
And they always end up laughing. -.-
Then my water bottle was being shared among 4 people.
Eugene: Who's water is this? I drink ah
Joel: Hey can I drink your water
and finally, Jia Yan: let me drink your water hor
I had to keep refilling it because they kept drinking.
Like camels. Haha. Ling Ying's good friends.
No la, it's because vocalists need lots of water and it happens that I was the only one with a water bottle.
Oh yeah
Joel was amused by the fact that I have brains. -_-"
Some joke about the mics.
I didn't know what to shoot back so he kept on shooting.
Overall... the worship went well. In my opinion.
Kah Wan told me I missed debrief (for the 2nd time).. said what I never pay attention.
But I really didn't know when they had it lor! grrrr.
Happy Birthday Youth Ablaze! Wahahahaha.
Ivan got the 'fire awards', meaning he was the best cell member in the cell.
They gave the awards to the best in each cell.
I think he deserved it.
Can see that he really changed alot...
since we've been in the same cell since last year.
Jacelyn's not going for service tomorrow! =(
I wonder why...
The cell has many prayer requests.
Have to pray for them one by one.
Hey I think I can remember them!! Wow.
We'll see God working =)
Was locked out of the house again, so I went for dinner with the guys.
Check this out,


And omg is PL's reputation that bad??
I was asked if I was a lesbian! Wth la.
Then walked around in heartland mall and went to play catching in cold storage after standing at the escalator for like 10-15 mins and blocking the way.
This is called chi bao mei shi zuo,
or direct translation, eat full already got nothing to do. Lols.
Someone's bugging me to play O2jam.
Tsk! haha.
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