Ahem. Ahem ahem.
Yet another busy week.
Either afternoon or night. We're going to have another concert.
I thought I was a bio person last year. It's the reverse this year.
The way Ms Koh put it sounds like it's rare + odd for people to score better for chem than bio in combined science!!
Haha. Her childhood stories kept us awake today.
So cute! Made her sis sharpen her finger, played with her mom's clothes and makeup, ATE POWDER OMG.
We had a good laugh.
Ms Kok is still throwing us homework every maths lesson.
Forget once, do 5 times.
Forget twice, do 10 times. etc.
Come in 3 minutes after the second bell, stand until the lesson ends.
Change out of or into PE attire during her lesson and get caught, look funny with both the blouse and PE shirt on until her lesson ends. (zomg i typed "PE shit")
Never bring graph paper, buy from her at $1 per piece.
Never bring mathematical instruments, run to the bookshop and get a new set.
Never bring textbook, get hell from her.
Basically you do anything wrong during her lesson --- all the best.
I shall go on complaining about school.
Because of SYF, I'll miss 4c2's longest day of the week: Monday.
And that's a bad thing cos' I don't like to miss lessons.
Because of CIP at Pathlight, will have to miss music lesson.
Mr Ng covers A LOOORT for 1 lesson. So that's worse.
Because of all the rehearsals for SYF and the upcoming concert, Kaleidescope, we have less time to study.
But I'm treasuring it cos' it's the sec 4s' last year.
Because PLHC (pl handbell choir) has been invited to perform with ACJC or ACS (I) or (B) in Japan, I'M BREAKING MY OWN RECORD OF GOING FOR CHURCH CAMPS FOR dunno how many CONSECUTIVE YEARS.
Cos' we come back on the 17th of June and the church camp starts on the 17th and it's in KL.
By the time we arrive, everyone has already left for KL and there's no way I'm going there alone, no thanks.
I hope Mrs Wong got the Japan dates wrong!
Then for practice today, the sec 4s of 2005 Melissa Chua, Maureen, Lena, Annabel came back.
The sec 4s of 2006 said want to come back but never hor. Hahahahaha.
Anyway today's prac was "....." We played one super nice one, everything in place, perfect timing and accuracy of notes.
After that, we kept messing up. Lol. Like the last chord never play together, miss notes, screw some parts, etc.
That shouldn't be a problem cos' there's still time. So kanchiong for what.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The world lies in darkness,
lost in their sin
And they don't even know
the danger they're in...
do they?
The world is coming to an end, the clues are all in the Bible. Yet we don't know exactly when. Save the unsaved. Use God's success formula, not the world's. For us in the cell,
restore that first love we had for Jesus.
It's now how well we start, but how well we finish the race =)
Chinese O's in 2 months.. Stress ah stress. How I detest doing Yuying Sec's Chinese paper. So difficult to comprehend. I don't have a choice, it's tuition homework.
(I only just realised that my extreme lack of energy is caused by too much discharge of disintegrated uterine lining)
SYF in 1 month, I can feel the pressure gradually building up. The gold with honours seem further now. Not within our reach. Somehow lah.
Carry the torch,
lift high the flame.
For the glory of God,
for PLMGS(S)
are you inspired now? =P
if you're not, come for Inspiration Unveiled @ Living Sanctuary Brethren Church, L2 Auditorium, 7 April, Saturday, 4-7pm. Tickets: only $15 per pax. Includes ice-breakers, gourmet dinner and 1 glamour photo shot. Please contact me. This is damn worth it.
lost in their sin
And they don't even know
the danger they're in...
do they?
The world is coming to an end, the clues are all in the Bible. Yet we don't know exactly when. Save the unsaved. Use God's success formula, not the world's. For us in the cell,
restore that first love we had for Jesus.
It's now how well we start, but how well we finish the race =)
Chinese O's in 2 months.. Stress ah stress. How I detest doing Yuying Sec's Chinese paper. So difficult to comprehend. I don't have a choice, it's tuition homework.
(I only just realised that my extreme lack of energy is caused by too much discharge of disintegrated uterine lining)
SYF in 1 month, I can feel the pressure gradually building up. The gold with honours seem further now. Not within our reach. Somehow lah.
Carry the torch,
lift high the flame.
For the glory of God,
for PLMGS(S)
are you inspired now? =P
if you're not, come for Inspiration Unveiled @ Living Sanctuary Brethren Church, L2 Auditorium, 7 April, Saturday, 4-7pm. Tickets: only $15 per pax. Includes ice-breakers, gourmet dinner and 1 glamour photo shot. Please contact me. This is damn worth it.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
over and out
OKay!!!! My long overdue post on mini SYF. Stop chasing me.
Assume today is Wednesday.
So I guess most of us were annoyed with this teacher, (lets call her) Ms Green.
In fact we still are. After what she wrote on the handbell room board yesterday.
After she wanted to use our newly-built cupboards for her stuff.
Ms Ting, Goh and Mrs Wong were like shaking their heads after they saw the board and heard our complaints, hahah. Is that good or what.
The so-called concert was not very well-organised. Whoops.
Started late, ended late. And no refreshments for the students! How can! My stomach was growling throughout the thing la! So was Dora's! -.-
Yes, our seniors came! I should make a correction, the alumni came!
:D =D
But we didn't talk. Cos' no time. Busy! =(
Except the mlfcp, Wen Xin and Melissa who were playing around in the handbell room.
(going to use the word 'good' a lot)
I felt that...
Band: Their piece is majestic. I like the percussion and woodwind sections! Ok and the brass also. Meaning, I like the whole band -_-" I thought they were really good! The control of dynamics, good! There were some parts which made my hair stand on its ends, dunno why. I'm sure we want them to get a gold award and break their record. It has been dunno how many consecutive silvers la. PL Concert Band, jiayou!!
Guitar: Erm, this one, I'm not too sure. Was listening backstage in an uncomfortable position, with my ear glued to the door. I think there's a lot of room for improvement! Otherwise how to get gold.. Mr Fong said they have to move along to the 2nd song. Guitar Ensemble, all the way!!
Harp: My favourite performing arts group! After handbells. Well. They are a bit stiff. Lol. I prefer the 2nd piece to the first. Honestly speaking... I can't remember how the first one sounds like! The arrangement of the pieces hen hao.. They play it out, even better. Except there's one part the notes were not together. Harps are so angelic. I dunno about the harpists :P Heh heh PL Harp Ensemble, Gold with HONOURS okay!
Dance: WAH this one very energetic. Ten times better than the SYF dance 2 years ago. Chop. If they don't get anything above a silver, they ought to be murdered because the dance studio is right beside the handbell room which is used for music lessons and CCA, and their music is FOREVER BOOMING AWAY. TSK! Until we cannot hear our own music from the CD player! Then when we send someone over to tell them to lower the volume, they don't like it. !@#$%^ Or maybe it's just the instructor. But we're taking O'levels leh, music is one of the subs, so it's important that we don't get disturbed by what's going on next door. Anyway, my point is, don't get another COP!
Drama: They're damn good! I say so because I can't act. Bleh. It was sad that the girl didn't wake up from the coma and the mother was like blaming herself all the time. Hahaha. I don't think the audience sitting all the way up could hear them. I could hear everything cos' handbellers were in the 1st row, lousy seats but good sound -.- Go ELDDS!
Choir: Right. Honestly, I got bored after the 1st piece. Sorry. The piano sucks, that affects the choir! Sorry again, cos' I prefer the altos... the sopranos sounded a lil' airy/throaty. Haha. Overall, the choirsters did great! They looked confident. I hope they can maintain the gold and do PL proud again. Some are saying that they won't be able to even get a silver. I beg to differ. With the S'pore Youth Choir conductor, they can do better than that a silver standard. 3 cheers for Choir!
Guzheng: The judges had no negative comments leh!! Fabulous, as usual. They moved as one. breathed as one, all very focused on the conductor. Same thing... dynamics were very contrasting and that shows that they can do both ff and pp! I dunno why they still kena scolded. Guzheng tuan needs to learn from handbells when it comes to being cheerful! They are like forever strict about everything.. Their teachers = O_O. Handbellers, however, are always getting praises from our teachers-in-charge and instructor, = build confidence = play better, less mistakes and all. Sure get honours one lor. PL Guzheng Tuan will definitely bring back another GwH!
Handbells.. I'm not that sure we can get one. I know we still have a lot to improve on. Not as great as Mr Fong claims. We need more critics.
So that's the mini SYF.
We had a rehearsal at S'pore Conference Hall yesterday...
Details, go read Man Ling's blog! EVERYTHING's there.
I'm lazy to blog down the same thing.
I remember everything about the 2005 SYF.
Was made to serve the SYF-ers, among them was half of my batch.
I didn't like the treatment... So we're making sure the sec 1s and 2s don't go through what we (ly ml hl me) went through.
Love them, thank them, let them know they're important and they're not 'outcasts' just because they're not playing for the competition!
Don't let history repeat itself.
So touched by Wen Xin and Wan Yi's commitment to handbellzzzz!
They even went to support and help us yesterday, even though it was damnit late.
They're really very nice leh! (are you gan dong?)
This is public, right? Neverrrrrmind, I'll still type this out.
The sec 4 non-exco members and the treasurer are not very happy with the sec 3s.
Some of their attitude just sucks, sorry. That's how we feel.
Basically everything is summarised here:
We have not even stepped down yet and their actions send a signal -- we can leave already, they can take over the CCA and run it on their own, they don't need us.
I don't think we did this to the sec 4s in 2006, did we?
Sounds extreme... But we really cannot tolerate it.
It's late and I'm supposed to be doing "Independent Learning" and then completing this piece ofshit geography assignment instead of blogging.
delayed tag replies
[wanyi] eh no lor we didn't cheat his money! we simply... ordered food =P yum yum. naaaah, i blogged!
[xiying] the song doesn't sound like crap! it's melodious! haha the harmonics and all. I LOVE HARP AND THE HARPISTS (esp the sec 4s)
[hl aka joyce's romeo aka romeo] wow you love me so much, i lurbb eeux tuu! muackerzxzxz. HAHAHA. stop renaming yourself!
[qianru] i thought YOU'd forget me la! not the other way. anw, was glad to see you in school for the mini concert! and i am NOT as shy as you think hor. your dog is cute xD lol, *pats!*
[HILLARY] Heh that shirt was cheap right! bought at the same place somemore.. Better not say where, later embarrass ourselves!
[Elaine] Y'all did well too! thanks man. we didn't expect such enthusiasm from the audience either! BUFFET soon ok!
[dezzie] yea, standing ovation... because we always have nice audiences =D i can't wait to see you again in april! enjoy yourself over there!
[slowbell] hey. you called yourself slowbell ok, i didn't, so when i call you slow bell in school don't come and start poking me! yes we'll buck up and do better ;)
[yanling] (i've gotta feeling she wont be back here for a long time, so it's no use replying her tag here, is there? i'm surprised that SHE remembers me!)
Assume today is Wednesday.
So I guess most of us were annoyed with this teacher, (lets call her) Ms Green.
In fact we still are. After what she wrote on the handbell room board yesterday.
After she wanted to use our newly-built cupboards for her stuff.
Ms Ting, Goh and Mrs Wong were like shaking their heads after they saw the board and heard our complaints, hahah. Is that good or what.
The so-called concert was not very well-organised. Whoops.
Started late, ended late. And no refreshments for the students! How can! My stomach was growling throughout the thing la! So was Dora's! -.-
Yes, our seniors came! I should make a correction, the alumni came!
:D =D
But we didn't talk. Cos' no time. Busy! =(
Except the mlfcp, Wen Xin and Melissa who were playing around in the handbell room.
(going to use the word 'good' a lot)
I felt that...
Band: Their piece is majestic. I like the percussion and woodwind sections! Ok and the brass also. Meaning, I like the whole band -_-" I thought they were really good! The control of dynamics, good! There were some parts which made my hair stand on its ends, dunno why. I'm sure we want them to get a gold award and break their record. It has been dunno how many consecutive silvers la. PL Concert Band, jiayou!!
Guitar: Erm, this one, I'm not too sure. Was listening backstage in an uncomfortable position, with my ear glued to the door. I think there's a lot of room for improvement! Otherwise how to get gold.. Mr Fong said they have to move along to the 2nd song. Guitar Ensemble, all the way!!
Harp: My favourite performing arts group! After handbells. Well. They are a bit stiff. Lol. I prefer the 2nd piece to the first. Honestly speaking... I can't remember how the first one sounds like! The arrangement of the pieces hen hao.. They play it out, even better. Except there's one part the notes were not together. Harps are so angelic. I dunno about the harpists :P Heh heh PL Harp Ensemble, Gold with HONOURS okay!
Dance: WAH this one very energetic. Ten times better than the SYF dance 2 years ago. Chop. If they don't get anything above a silver, they ought to be murdered because the dance studio is right beside the handbell room which is used for music lessons and CCA, and their music is FOREVER BOOMING AWAY. TSK! Until we cannot hear our own music from the CD player! Then when we send someone over to tell them to lower the volume, they don't like it. !@#$%^ Or maybe it's just the instructor. But we're taking O'levels leh, music is one of the subs, so it's important that we don't get disturbed by what's going on next door. Anyway, my point is, don't get another COP!
Drama: They're damn good! I say so because I can't act. Bleh. It was sad that the girl didn't wake up from the coma and the mother was like blaming herself all the time. Hahaha. I don't think the audience sitting all the way up could hear them. I could hear everything cos' handbellers were in the 1st row, lousy seats but good sound -.- Go ELDDS!
Choir: Right. Honestly, I got bored after the 1st piece. Sorry. The piano sucks, that affects the choir! Sorry again, cos' I prefer the altos... the sopranos sounded a lil' airy/throaty. Haha. Overall, the choirsters did great! They looked confident. I hope they can maintain the gold and do PL proud again. Some are saying that they won't be able to even get a silver. I beg to differ. With the S'pore Youth Choir conductor, they can do better than that a silver standard. 3 cheers for Choir!
Guzheng: The judges had no negative comments leh!! Fabulous, as usual. They moved as one. breathed as one, all very focused on the conductor. Same thing... dynamics were very contrasting and that shows that they can do both ff and pp! I dunno why they still kena scolded. Guzheng tuan needs to learn from handbells when it comes to being cheerful! They are like forever strict about everything.. Their teachers = O_O. Handbellers, however, are always getting praises from our teachers-in-charge and instructor, = build confidence = play better, less mistakes and all. Sure get honours one lor. PL Guzheng Tuan will definitely bring back another GwH!
Handbells.. I'm not that sure we can get one. I know we still have a lot to improve on. Not as great as Mr Fong claims. We need more critics.
So that's the mini SYF.
We had a rehearsal at S'pore Conference Hall yesterday...
Details, go read Man Ling's blog! EVERYTHING's there.
I'm lazy to blog down the same thing.
I remember everything about the 2005 SYF.
Was made to serve the SYF-ers, among them was half of my batch.
I didn't like the treatment... So we're making sure the sec 1s and 2s don't go through what we (ly ml hl me) went through.
Love them, thank them, let them know they're important and they're not 'outcasts' just because they're not playing for the competition!
Don't let history repeat itself.
So touched by Wen Xin and Wan Yi's commitment to handbellzzzz!
They even went to support and help us yesterday, even though it was damnit late.
They're really very nice leh! (are you gan dong?)
This is public, right? Neverrrrrmind, I'll still type this out.
The sec 4 non-exco members and the treasurer are not very happy with the sec 3s.
Some of their attitude just sucks, sorry. That's how we feel.
Basically everything is summarised here:
We have not even stepped down yet and their actions send a signal -- we can leave already, they can take over the CCA and run it on their own, they don't need us.
I don't think we did this to the sec 4s in 2006, did we?
Sounds extreme... But we really cannot tolerate it.
It's late and I'm supposed to be doing "Independent Learning" and then completing this piece of
delayed tag replies
[wanyi] eh no lor we didn't cheat his money! we simply... ordered food =P yum yum. naaaah, i blogged!
[xiying] the song doesn't sound like crap! it's melodious! haha the harmonics and all. I LOVE HARP AND THE HARPISTS (esp the sec 4s)
[hl aka joyce's romeo aka romeo] wow you love me so much, i lurbb eeux tuu! muackerzxzxz. HAHAHA. stop renaming yourself!
[qianru] i thought YOU'd forget me la! not the other way. anw, was glad to see you in school for the mini concert! and i am NOT as shy as you think hor. your dog is cute xD lol, *pats!*
[HILLARY] Heh that shirt was cheap right! bought at the same place somemore.. Better not say where, later embarrass ourselves!
[Elaine] Y'all did well too! thanks man. we didn't expect such enthusiasm from the audience either! BUFFET soon ok!
[dezzie] yea, standing ovation... because we always have nice audiences =D i can't wait to see you again in april! enjoy yourself over there!
[slowbell] hey. you called yourself slowbell ok, i didn't, so when i call you slow bell in school don't come and start poking me! yes we'll buck up and do better ;)
[yanling] (i've gotta feeling she wont be back here for a long time, so it's no use replying her tag here, is there? i'm surprised that SHE remembers me!)
Friday, March 16, 2007
sleep takes over
i will post about the mini-SYF. Definitely. You just wait, ahahahh. Tired now la.
New discovery: WANYI also likes to eat!

The so-called class outing yesterday was sad.
Only 1/3 of the class turned up.
We had fun anyway!
Ate for 3 hours! Sky bright until dark. Wahahas.
This time, the prawns were dead and not jumping.
New discovery: WANYI also likes to eat!

The so-called class outing yesterday was sad.
Only 1/3 of the class turned up.
We had fun anyway!
Ate for 3 hours! Sky bright until dark. Wahahas.
This time, the prawns were dead and not jumping.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HELLO! HAHAHA. I am feeling quite high now.
This is going to be a very CCA-ish post.
Something for the harp girls at the bottom.
Acting as some translator in Aceh!
How on earth did she get herself there?
Mini-SYF ! This Friday, 16 March
PLMGS(S) Auditorium / Concert Hall
Admission is free
Seniors YO! Bwahahahah.
You will hear and see all our performing arts groups.
If I'm not wrong, this thing aims to create a bond between all the groups. Haha.
Harp and handbells are like super supportive of each other! =)
Mr Fong treated us to PIZZA HUT on Monday, he must have been very pleased with us.
Luckily our table only have one Ling Ying (she, ML, HL, Ethel, me)
We were ordering food like first time eat pizza like that!
Still 'upgraded' all the drinks... my goodness..
We used up 3/4 of the cheese, obviously the one who consumed the most cheese is Ling Ying...
She can be my buffet partner. HAHA.
And we drank soup with our forks. How stupid.
We had to ASK for the soup bowls. Excellent service leh. Well done Pizza Hut - Kovan.
This morning... The first thing Mr Fong asked us when he came into the hall was,
"Did Mrs Wong and Ms Loh speak to y'all?"
Ms Loh is the Arts and Aesthetics HOD, we presented our pieces to her on Monday.
I tell you ah, the words "y'all are hopeless already" were written across his forehead.
He asked us to guess what Ms Loh said.
So we went "messy", "not together", ... all the usual can-be-improved terms we could think of.
His answer made our jaw drop.
What is it? I will not say here la. There are unknowns lurking. Haha.
Up to you to go and guess.
Elizabeth Chua from the previous SYF batch was so excited to see us.
She was jumping up and down outside the hall! So cartoon and cute!
Then she brought her whole group of church friends (who were with her) into the hall to watch us.
They looked bored =( Like, hurry-up-i-want-to-leave-the-hall.
So like that lor.
The table-tennis girls were in the hall too.
Saw them when we came back from lunch.
Mr Kim was scolding them, I heard it went on for more than 1/2 an hour? Lol.
We went on to practice our pieces anyway. Drown his voice =P
When we started the second piece... haha
You should have seen the look on the table-tennis girls' faces.
Priceless. They just stood there and stopped waving their bats.
We totally owned them!
One of them thought it was "very cool", yo!
They were so opposite of our previous 'audience'!
Hahahah. We want our gold with honours!
We should have more public performances leh...
Hurry, before the sec 4s retire...
And ask the tailor to hurry up with the sample for the new costume!!
Oh yeah, we watched the harp girls play their pieces.
They can go and compete with guzheng and the uniformed groups for facial expressions sia.
Sure emerge as top 3!
Like what I told Xi Ying, it was very very impressive and captivating.
A gold is secured. But the honours hor... I think that will depend partly on body language and facial expression.
And then there were some parts, never play together... those single notes or whatever it's called.
Sounded like those trills which Grace always plays -.-
Haha. The rushing part... Like very anxious and eager to finish the piece like that.
I like the glissando and dynamics! Lol.
But yeah, overall was still very nice. Keep it up!
To all other PL SYF groups,
We can do it, with God's help! =)
This is going to be a very CCA-ish post.
Something for the harp girls at the bottom.
Acting as some translator in Aceh!
How on earth did she get herself there?
Mini-SYF ! This Friday, 16 March
PLMGS(S) Auditorium / Concert Hall
Admission is free
Seniors YO! Bwahahahah.
You will hear and see all our performing arts groups.
If I'm not wrong, this thing aims to create a bond between all the groups. Haha.
Harp and handbells are like super supportive of each other! =)
Mr Fong treated us to PIZZA HUT on Monday, he must have been very pleased with us.
Luckily our table only have one Ling Ying (she, ML, HL, Ethel, me)
We were ordering food like first time eat pizza like that!
Still 'upgraded' all the drinks... my goodness..

She can be my buffet partner. HAHA.
And we drank soup with our forks. How stupid.
We had to ASK for the soup bowls. Excellent service leh. Well done Pizza Hut - Kovan.
This morning... The first thing Mr Fong asked us when he came into the hall was,
"Did Mrs Wong and Ms Loh speak to y'all?"
Ms Loh is the Arts and Aesthetics HOD, we presented our pieces to her on Monday.
I tell you ah, the words "y'all are hopeless already" were written across his forehead.
He asked us to guess what Ms Loh said.
So we went "messy", "not together", ... all the usual can-be-improved terms we could think of.
His answer made our jaw drop.
What is it? I will not say here la. There are unknowns lurking. Haha.
Up to you to go and guess.
Elizabeth Chua from the previous SYF batch was so excited to see us.
She was jumping up and down outside the hall! So cartoon and cute!
Then she brought her whole group of church friends (who were with her) into the hall to watch us.
They looked bored =( Like, hurry-up-i-want-to-leave-the-hall.
So like that lor.
The table-tennis girls were in the hall too.
Saw them when we came back from lunch.
Mr Kim was scolding them, I heard it went on for more than 1/2 an hour? Lol.
We went on to practice our pieces anyway. Drown his voice =P
When we started the second piece... haha
You should have seen the look on the table-tennis girls' faces.
Priceless. They just stood there and stopped waving their bats.
We totally owned them!
One of them thought it was "very cool", yo!
They were so opposite of our previous 'audience'!
Hahahah. We want our gold with honours!
We should have more public performances leh...
Hurry, before the sec 4s retire...
And ask the tailor to hurry up with the sample for the new costume!!
Oh yeah, we watched the harp girls play their pieces.
They can go and compete with guzheng and the uniformed groups for facial expressions sia.
Sure emerge as top 3!
Like what I told Xi Ying, it was very very impressive and captivating.
A gold is secured. But the honours hor... I think that will depend partly on body language and facial expression.
And then there were some parts, never play together... those single notes or whatever it's called.
Sounded like those trills which Grace always plays -.-
Haha. The rushing part... Like very anxious and eager to finish the piece like that.
I like the glissando and dynamics! Lol.
But yeah, overall was still very nice. Keep it up!
To all other PL SYF groups,
We can do it, with God's help! =)
Friday, March 09, 2007
last day of term 1
And we're 3 months closer to the major exam...
We had meet-the-parents session in school today for sec 4s and 5s.
Talk about kiasu parents.
My dad went to see 5 teachers.
Form/geog, bio, english, chinese, maths.
Bravo, well done Joyce, look how "good" your grades are.
The teachers say you are 'capable of producing high merits and distinctions', and you have just wasted your entire term 1 slacking away.
Forget the JC of your choice.
Your current L1R5 won't get you anywhere, it's above 20 points.
Start pulling up your socks or you'll regret it.
It's sad to hear what happened to Lai Theng's grandma and Melvin Goh...
Both are in hospital, both conditions are severe...
What's happening leh.
I keep hearing and seeing the word "hospital" O_O
I have a busy week ahead.
In fact, most sec 4s do. Here's my schedule.
CCA on Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 4.40pm,
Chinese tuition, piano lesson and meeting for the Holocaust project on Tuesday,
Class outing cum dinner from 6pm at Marina South on Thursday,
Mini-SYF in school which practically takes up the entire day.
Weekends, the usual church services and tuitions so,
look at how much time I'm left with.
Brilliant, no?
Yet all the teachers have the same kind of thinking.
"You have the whole week to do your work".
Yah and with so many activities under our sleeves, we're left with less than half a week.
And with so much work for each subject, tell me how to complete them.
How to even squeeze time out for revision?
How lar, how?
We had meet-the-parents session in school today for sec 4s and 5s.
Talk about kiasu parents.
My dad went to see 5 teachers.
Form/geog, bio, english, chinese, maths.
Bravo, well done Joyce, look how "good" your grades are.
The teachers say you are 'capable of producing high merits and distinctions', and you have just wasted your entire term 1 slacking away.
Forget the JC of your choice.
Your current L1R5 won't get you anywhere, it's above 20 points.
Start pulling up your socks or you'll regret it.
It's sad to hear what happened to Lai Theng's grandma and Melvin Goh...
Both are in hospital, both conditions are severe...
What's happening leh.
I keep hearing and seeing the word "hospital" O_O
I have a busy week ahead.
In fact, most sec 4s do. Here's my schedule.
CCA on Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 4.40pm,
Chinese tuition, piano lesson and meeting for the Holocaust project on Tuesday,
Class outing cum dinner from 6pm at Marina South on Thursday,
Mini-SYF in school which practically takes up the entire day.
Weekends, the usual church services and tuitions so,
look at how much time I'm left with.
Brilliant, no?
Yet all the teachers have the same kind of thinking.
"You have the whole week to do your work".
Yah and with so many activities under our sleeves, we're left with less than half a week.
And with so much work for each subject, tell me how to complete them.
How to even squeeze time out for revision?
How lar, how?
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
I lurbb ieuu worrrrrxzxz! Do euu lurbb miiexx?
HAHAHHAA please don't keep oversleeping! We must walk to school together, only left with a few months before we all go separate ways =(
Wake up earlier la!!!!! And GET OUTTA BED when the alarm rings!
This post is specially dedicated to you, aren't you touched?
Say "awwwww"
I lurbb ieuu worrrrrxzxz! Do euu lurbb miiexx?
HAHAHHAA please don't keep oversleeping! We must walk to school together, only left with a few months before we all go separate ways =(
Wake up earlier la!!!!! And GET OUTTA BED when the alarm rings!
This post is specially dedicated to you, aren't you touched?
Say "awwwww"
Sunday, March 04, 2007
letting my thoughts go wild
I never knew how much the words "thank you" could impact someone, it turned my mourning into dancing morning!
A very glorious morning indeed!
I can assure you that you're the first one to show your appreciation for what I did, or have been doing. (besides .....)
It has become a routine, which I didn't think much about.
Like a job. But I want to make people happy in the process and final result, haha.
I could say that you're God-sent.
I was feeling stressed up and close to breaking down, when you 'appeared'. Ahahaha.
Shit, I forgot about the small chinese test tmr.
Get. My. Composing. Done. First!!!!
We had cell dinner last night, after I dunno how many months.
Details can be found on Sophia's blog, haha, I'm quite lazy to type out.
Just want to point out one part of her post,
"in the mrt, andrew & ivan kept doing some kids' stuffs. LOL. then of course looma and i laughed the loudest la. but the joyce & smarties pretended they don't know us. -.-'' "
Really wad!!! So embarrassing leh! My goodness. How old already??
Anyway thanks, Andrew and Sophia for walking me home! Lols.
Oh yeah... Andrew.. you can be my new dog now, I'll show you TLC like what Joe said. Haha. Ok I'm kidding.
I wanna see the photos.
Today's short worship rehearsal for the wedding was rather...
Like I said, it was short.
And I don't really think it's a good idea to make the stage look so crowded...
That's all I'll say about the prac. Nothing else.
I am determined to push myself to the max!!!!
Excel! And prove them wrong...
Because I have the King of kings at my side, I have nothing to fear!
I will make an attempt to ............
And that is how I think positively. Can be quite scary.
Handbell SYF practice tmr! Yay yay yay yay...
My heart swells with pride when I see the look on people's faces when they watch us play our pieces (even when they want to go home, when they still take time off to observe us, when the ones I'm referring to are the harp girls last Friday!)
When when when when...
can we use the school auditorium?
when will you...? =D
The Answer - Corrine May
I believe You are the answer
to every tear I've cried
I believe that You are with me
My rising and my light
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can't see
Through I crosses I must carry
Lord, bind my heart to thee
That when all my days are over and
all my chores are done
I may see your risen glory
Forever where You are
A very glorious morning indeed!
I can assure you that you're the first one to show your appreciation for what I did, or have been doing. (besides .....)
It has become a routine, which I didn't think much about.
Like a job. But I want to make people happy in the process and final result, haha.
I could say that you're God-sent.
I was feeling stressed up and close to breaking down, when you 'appeared'. Ahahaha.
Shit, I forgot about the small chinese test tmr.
Get. My. Composing. Done. First!!!!
We had cell dinner last night, after I dunno how many months.
Details can be found on Sophia's blog, haha, I'm quite lazy to type out.
Just want to point out one part of her post,
"in the mrt, andrew & ivan kept doing some kids' stuffs. LOL. then of course looma and i laughed the loudest la. but the joyce & smarties pretended they don't know us. -.-'' "
Really wad!!! So embarrassing leh! My goodness. How old already??
Anyway thanks, Andrew and Sophia for walking me home! Lols.
Oh yeah... Andrew.. you can be my new dog now, I'll show you TLC like what Joe said. Haha. Ok I'm kidding.
I wanna see the photos.
Today's short worship rehearsal for the wedding was rather...
Like I said, it was short.
And I don't really think it's a good idea to make the stage look so crowded...
That's all I'll say about the prac. Nothing else.
I am determined to push myself to the max!!!!
Excel! And prove them wrong...
Because I have the King of kings at my side, I have nothing to fear!
I will make an attempt to ............
And that is how I think positively. Can be quite scary.
Handbell SYF practice tmr! Yay yay yay yay...
My heart swells with pride when I see the look on people's faces when they watch us play our pieces (even when they want to go home, when they still take time off to observe us, when the ones I'm referring to are the harp girls last Friday!)
When when when when...
can we use the school auditorium?
when will you...? =D
The Answer - Corrine May
I believe You are the answer
to every tear I've cried
I believe that You are with me
My rising and my light
Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can't see
Through I crosses I must carry
Lord, bind my heart to thee
That when all my days are over and
all my chores are done
I may see your risen glory
Forever where You are
Saturday, March 03, 2007
which left us hanging
Assume it's Friday.
(by right.. it is 2am on a sat)
4c2 is FINALLY more focused on school work... compared to last year.
I feel like slapping myself real hard for the results.
Remember, we had geog, SS and music test on thursday?
I studied my brains out for the 1st 2, never touch music at all.
And I falied them. Shit(ty) humanities.
Spotted Singapore for SS but Britain came out instead, so that murdered me to the core.
But the core is still intact and that explains why I'm still alive and kicking --
Kicking my ass for not studying Britain.
And geography..
Why did I even write about birth rates lah.
So many people scored well and here I am failing ALL the assignments and the common test itself...
Worse that physical geog lor.
So damn discouraged and disappointed with myself.
You should have seen the number of "what, you failed geog?!" faces when I told them my results. (they asked for it) That makes things worse.
Music however, was an A1... to think that I only studied it right before the test.
I scored this one because, of God's grace.
Ms *** has yet to return us our maths paper.
She said half the class failed, and there's a 99.999999% chance that I'm one of them.
Still got 0.000001% chance of passing.
If I do...
I'll bite my toe. And replace my holey socks.
Please give me some motivational talks.
[i need to come back to the heart of worship. back to basics]
(by right.. it is 2am on a sat)
4c2 is FINALLY more focused on school work... compared to last year.
I feel like slapping myself real hard for the results.
Remember, we had geog, SS and music test on thursday?
I studied my brains out for the 1st 2, never touch music at all.
And I falied them. Shit(ty) humanities.
Spotted Singapore for SS but Britain came out instead, so that murdered me to the core.
But the core is still intact and that explains why I'm still alive and kicking --
Kicking my ass for not studying Britain.
And geography..
Why did I even write about birth rates lah.
So many people scored well and here I am failing ALL the assignments and the common test itself...
Worse that physical geog lor.
So damn discouraged and disappointed with myself.
You should have seen the number of "what, you failed geog?!" faces when I told them my results. (they asked for it) That makes things worse.
Music however, was an A1... to think that I only studied it right before the test.
I scored this one because, of God's grace.
Ms *** has yet to return us our maths paper.
She said half the class failed, and there's a 99.999999% chance that I'm one of them.
Still got 0.000001% chance of passing.
If I do...
I'll bite my toe. And replace my holey socks.
Please give me some motivational talks.
[i need to come back to the heart of worship. back to basics]
Thursday, March 01, 2007
some results
I really oughta be in bed now.
But then again, it's not a bad idea to sleep during live/life (?) lesson right?
heh heh.
My Chinese tutor is going to make me do something crazy.
She thinks it's a good idea.
But I don't!!!
It'll be so odd la... How, what should I do now??
I'll be alone in an unfamiliar place.
Unless... ... ... which I don't think ... ... ...
It's still weird larrr! Uragharawwwwww.
Help help help..!
Ok, Ms Poon returned our English papers today, and guess what?
I failed my compre.
22/50. Well I kinda expected it... couldn't really answer the questions.
And didn't have enough time to do the dang summary.
I must buck up! Can't depend on compos (narrative: 20/30) and report/letter writing (20/30 too) all the time...
So this term's grade is like, C5?? No improvement.
To think that I'm not in the bottom 10. Wow. Incredible.
Ms Poon's class some more. I thought I'd be the 2nd or 3rd
from the last la duh.
Tomorrow is arts day for me...
actually it's today. Later, to be exact.
Geog results, elec lit results, and music results!!!
I seriously hope I got my distinction for music.... pls pls pls pls
Since I thought that the music paper was quite manageable.
Lit- interpreted it wrongly so there goes my marks.
Geog- I honestly have no idea. At least a pass?? Or a 3 or 4?
All that suspense is killing me O_O
I want to see how badly I did for chem and bio and ss (this one is confirm fail) and chinese and E MATHS and POA.
I have a feeling everything's screwed leh!
Better stop using the word "screwed"!
I'll pass with soaring colours man.
(ha, ha, ha, happy dreaming joyce!)
But then again, it's not a bad idea to sleep during live/life (?) lesson right?
heh heh.
My Chinese tutor is going to make me do something crazy.
She thinks it's a good idea.
But I don't!!!
It'll be so odd la... How, what should I do now??
I'll be alone in an unfamiliar place.
Unless... ... ... which I don't think ... ... ...
It's still weird larrr! Uragharawwwwww.
Help help help..!
Ok, Ms Poon returned our English papers today, and guess what?
I failed my compre.
22/50. Well I kinda expected it... couldn't really answer the questions.
And didn't have enough time to do the dang summary.
I must buck up! Can't depend on compos (narrative: 20/30) and report/letter writing (20/30 too) all the time...
So this term's grade is like, C5?? No improvement.
To think that I'm not in the bottom 10. Wow. Incredible.
Ms Poon's class some more. I thought I'd be the 2nd or 3rd
from the last la duh.
Tomorrow is arts day for me...
actually it's today. Later, to be exact.
Geog results, elec lit results, and music results!!!
I seriously hope I got my distinction for music.... pls pls pls pls
Since I thought that the music paper was quite manageable.
Lit- interpreted it wrongly so there goes my marks.
Geog- I honestly have no idea. At least a pass?? Or a 3 or 4?
All that suspense is killing me O_O
I want to see how badly I did for chem and bio and ss (this one is confirm fail) and chinese and E MATHS and POA.
I have a feeling everything's screwed leh!
Better stop using the word "screwed"!
I'll pass with soaring colours man.
(ha, ha, ha, happy dreaming joyce!)
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