Fiona said something which I can't remember, which made me "fall off the chair".
Lame pok la you Fiona.
Nancy Drew can't help me find my wallet.
Wanyi said Wen Xin (i can't rmb whose name has space in between) lost her wallet "INFINITY TIMES" and her IC twice.
Haha really meh?!
Am I supposed to feel better??
Where's my wallet?
Is it in the General Office? If it isn't,
then can the person who (stole/) took it at least have the heart to return all my cards in a plastic bag?
Take the money la aiyoh. I JUST NEED MY IC AND EZLINK AND DENTAL APPOINTMENT CARD AND ALL MY ENCOURAGEMENT NOTES AND MY OLD YAMAHA AND LIBRARY CARD and I've been saying this in almost all my recent posts.
Hiya, it's all the cards. Lah. I'm not rich, just a poor fellow who keeps losing her wallet. Unknowingly.
Random photo:
Today, woke up late, went for Mrs Wong's maths lesson.
I find her ok wad. When it comes to teaching maths. Though maybe Ms Kok's better.
The lit seminar thingy at S'pore Power was very good, it was by Mrs Suzanne Tan, or Ms Suzanne Choo.
She's one great teacher who can get the attention of everyone in the auditorium and even interact with her audience.
Oh man the POTC ad was the funniest. Repetition. In threes.
Practice for Amazing Grace... wah.
Siao lor it's not possible for me to play ALLL the notes in that part E and F.
I still don't get why the ones who assigned the notes (I have a feeling it's...)
don't do it the traditional way.
So now for that song I'm playing C6, E6 and G6, including C#6 and G#6.
That's a chord.
It's just hard to ring it according to the given score.
Writing out the melody scores for the SYF pieces is tough.
(not 'are' right. the writing 'is'. singular. don't say "wahlao".)
To Man Ling and Hui Ling:
Thanks for coming down today. Though it was a bit waste time.
But at least you turned up and Mrs Wong and Mr Fong's impression of you didn't like, go down.
Dunno why Ethel never come. And where in Singapore is Ling Ying?!?!
I need her to confirm the notes in the CLTCL and LK score!
LK score will be written out soon, that is.
And thanks Man Ling for your vegetables haha.
It was the first time I actually liked them. Hungry and broke mah, what to do.
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