You guys really brighten up my life...
Thanks for even
remembering my birthday! hahah
and also for the following ---
birthday songs:English tuition class in school this morning, and my dearest
cell group (with cake some more!) this afternoon
your lovely SMSes (earliest to latest) :Sophia (0000),
Ken (0001),
Melvin (0001),
Iris (0051), Valerie (0145), Daddy from Bangkok (0212), Joe, Hillary, Janice, Mummy, Man Ling, Lai Theng, Elaine, Xi Ying, Jess, Priya, Persie, En Mei, Sara, Simon, Andrew, Shu En, Tania, Sheila, Jia Yan, Hui Ling, Priscilla
Friendster comments/other:Genesis, Melody, Wen Yi, Jasmine Koh, Man Ling again, Xi Ying again, Dorita, Janice again, Cheryl, Denise, Grace Quek, Grace Yong, Ariel, Amelia
( i hope i didn't miss out anyone else)
Last year this time it was half my cell mates who celebrated with me at S11, I still remember everything vividly (even the part whereby our church members from other tables came over to wish me), and this year they did it again.
They were acting weirdly so I kinda guessed there was something behind their "random talk".
I was pleasantly surprised by the cake, the delicious chocolate cake which Joe has very kindly purchased.. it has some
extra value there because he went through a lot of trouble to get it.
I am really touched by some of the things BFC did...
that a FEW of them had brought lighters with them to light my ONE candle (haha), and how more than one of them prepared a card for the cell to sign, and made sure I got one (card) today.
I was tongue-tied there and then, at a loss for words. I bet they couldn't read my face like a book. But inside I had only one thing to say:
Haha I've got to admit I've not been a very good birthday IC for the past 8 months, I'm really running out, in fact I've already run
out of ideas as to how a cell member's birthday can be made special. It has been card, card, card, card everytime. And occasionally, the cake. An example would be the June babies' combined birthday cake. It's always combined because it's not possible to get a cake for every member's birthday. And now I've run out of ideas, I
so need to ask God for more. I even had (still having lor) a problem... I didn't know how to let the July/Aug ppl have the chance to blow candle, cos' my bd falls in Aug..(I cant be getting a cake like this, then including myself in it right) and so Daryl and Kai Wei haven't blow candle yet. I wanted to include the 2 of them today, but I simply didn't know how to do it. Now I feel bad =/
Special thanks here for filling up the card with your "happy birthday"s, i dunno whether to smile or cry;
Wan Hui, Joe, Jacelyn, Andrew, Aaron, Sophia, Daryl, Clarissa, Joshua, Iris, Yong Liang, Kai Wei
Haha to conclude today's post...
I never plan anything for my birthdays all these years, no parties, no outings or special meals whatsoever. Because it's like, just another day lor, especially this year when most of us are sitting for our O and N levels and busy studying our brains out..
Hehe but it's you guys, whose names are mentioned above in this post, who make my birthday a special one, who make it different from my view of it being "just another day".
Be honoured ok you're being appreciated. Lol.
And how could I forget to thank God our Father, for seeing me through another year and for putting you people into my life?
P.S. everything mentioned here is accurate as at (look at the time below), I will not be adding anymore names (if any, that is), sorry!