So many commented on my 'sexy' voice today -.-
Well for one thing, it's not nice to have a sore throat which affects your voice.
I attempted to sing during chapel and it didn't turn out too good.
(ya and Grace Quek can still ask me to replace her for backup this sat...)
I hope to be better by the end of the week, because there's English oral next Wednesday and I need to practice.
Just like everyone else.
Thank God our class' oral is not THIS week or I'll just kill myself, I don't know how merciful the examiners are when it comes to genuine cases of sore throat.
Pastor Glenn Lim is wayyyy cool.
His stories are so entertaining, so engaging, and I think for the first time, the speaker at the front was able to capture the attention of every girl in the hall for chapel.
This rarely happens.
Hahah I remember laughing out loud a number of times today..
Boring topic, but he made it interesting.
The pressure is building up, up, and hitting the clouds soon...
There is practically NO TIME left, it's time for intensive revision now!
I'm only online to de-stress.
Ya right. Lame excuse.
I've been here for about an hour now and I will leave in, say, 5 minutes! I will!
But before I go... I feel like posting a picture of a cat the few of us (Fiona, Xi Ying, Pearlyn, me) see every morning while walking to school. This is the black and white cat, my favourite. haha
to clim

just when I thought I am finally able to concentrate on the upcoming exams,
just when I thought I will not let anything pull me down or distract me....
The emotional blow just had to hit at this time, oh gosh, at this time...
How am I going to get back?
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