It's like we're all scattered and distant individuals though we may look like one joyful class with our OGLs in the above photos. All that glitters is not gold!
The amazing race and other games were just weird cos' most of us were unwilling to crawl out of our shells and a sense of unity was absent in the class.
A few of them wanted to have dinner, so I went.. and I didn't know that some from cetus4 also went for dinner. Ne'er tell me... >.< Neh mind, at least I got to know my classmates better!

Macs that night was dominated by SRJCians, some were there to study and the rest of them were OGLs and councilors. Somehow the 2 groups got so excited they started yaking away and the OGLs even did cheers -.- The noise level was like worse than PL and Yuying (nearby sec schs) students combined! And I'm not exaggerating.
Went back to PL for CCA fair, and I must say that this year's isn't as exciting as previous years'.
The handbellers were better than when I last saw them perform =) got improvement la.
Except for the missing/uneven notes, no contrast in dynamics, unstable tempo... where was the conductor??

Speaking of CCA fair, SRJC's CCA Bazaar was scary, a group of canoeing guys and a track and field guy were fighting for attention from Denise and I. They were debating before our very eyes, literally dragging us to their booths as they rashly promoted their CCAs. I wanted to run away but I couldn't, haha.
Mrs Wong was pleased to see half the sec 4s '07 come back to PL =) I miss PL, I miss handbells, I miss the teachers! Even the canteen auntie knows I've graduated, and I was wearing the handbell shirt. I'm so touched man. She asked me where I'm studying at =/.
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