On Saturday morning, Hilary, Chelsie and I went to Fiona's house for CNY visiting.
Hilary FORGOT TO BRING ORANGES. What a joke. HAha. Fio's mum kept telling the former off for not being a good host -.- I think she's very good already lor!
And then Xi Ying, Fiona, Hil and I went to Hil's house. Her mum prepared lunch for us! Meals at Hi's house are always something to look forward to, I don't really like to eat rice with small portions of veggies e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e day for e-v-e-r-y m-e-a-l. Of course, there was the cam-whoring! I was so afraid that I'd be late for worship prac.. But Hil's dad gave me a lift to church so I wasn't late in the end. Like, woah, go to her house bai nian get ang pao eat lunch still got her dad to drive me to church... HIL'S FAMILY IS TOO KIND!

Andy Quek led worship so yes Jia Yan and I strained our voices to suit his voice range. This guy is somewhere between a tenor and counter-tenor.
I blogged about the sermon and some extra stuff, about what happened after service but I made that post private =)
The next day, Sunday, slightly more than half the cell group went to Joe's house to bai nian. We stayed there from 4 plus all the way till night, playing games like taboo, warewolf and homo! Homo.. I think it's spelled like that. Joe's 2 dogs are a good source of entertainment xD they're so cute!! Iris didn't bring her oranges -.- and she totally freaked out when the dogs ran around the house. Most of the photos are with Jacelyn, we're all waiting for that woman to upload them! Haha. I only have these:

This is our my last week in SRJC... =( I'll miss the college!!
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