Goodness, my entire geog lecture group (201, 202 and 203.. those who went for Tuesday's lecture) knows there was a CO camp -.- It's all because Mr L checked the attendance sheet and picked some of us out to question why we came today and were absent yesterday. Tong got picked on, and so did I... I told sir there was CO camp and he gave me the 'huh' face. So I said slowly, "Chinese orchestra... camp". He paused and then asked "Chinese orchestra also have camp?? I thought only sports group need to have camp??? .... ... What do y'all do during the camp?" Then Matthieu and Jarron were at the front row and Matt spoke up for me (I was a few rows behind him).. sir even said Matt doesn't look like the CO type -_- AI think sir has something against CO, he said his favourite CCA is now CO -___- and if we fail the term exam "(he'll) make (us) join CO". He just kept mentioning the two letters "C" and "O" throughout the 2nd half of the lecture together with something lame which made everyone laugh. WTH right. Haha. But that's free publicity for CO =)
ANYWAY yea Ang Ren, who was sitting in between Tong and I, didn't come for yesterday's lecture as well and he managed to escape from being questioned by sir in front of the whole lecture group. I think that's just not fair man!!
Monday (26/5) marked the first day of our CCA camp, it was mostly planned and executed by 4 key J1s, namely Fu En, Pei Yan, Irvin and Lukas. They deserve a pat on their shoulders =)
Below: Peiyan!

and 'gambling den'

One thing I don't understand, though, is why they made me the major group leader for 1 out of the 4 groups (otherwise known as 'whole group leader'. Each 'whole group' is further divided into 2 groups). I was at a loss during ice breakers and just threw out any game I could think of (THANKS SO MUCH TO BFC HAHAH but we didn't play bob).
The games in the afternoon were good.. They included an extremely modified '"dog and bone" which had items like grapes sweets pingpongballs BOTTLECAP cardboard oranges detergent starch and whatnot; captain's ball using water bombs (my idea, tyty LOL); and ultimate frisbee (i was super ON for this at first then got tired and just stood around, haha). But the whole thing was draining cos' there was a lot of running around.
Celebrated birthdays during break

As for the section dinner, I think the whole CO ended up going to Holland V? We kinda owned the bus.

Xuanyue and percussion (w/o peiyan) was at Crystal Jade where the 16 of us were separated into J1s and J2s, with the exception of Michael who was with the j2 table and Meiqi at the J1 table. Talk about bonding.
Night trail was when we had to get ourselves blindfolded and one of the key camp planners would lead us around... My group got Fu En and gosh this guy is terrible. Halfway through the game he separated all of us and led us one by one to different parts of the canteen to stone there, blindfolded, for what seemed like forever. I was at this ulu part of the canteen but I could hear everyone talking loudly (still blindfolded) or knocking into tables and chairs o.O. The noise faded and I guessed I was LEFT BEHIND so I just removed the damn blindfold and yes I was right. FuEn was leading the group AWAY from the canteen, he didn't realise he forgot me until I walked towards him and the blind mice. To cut the long story short, I ended up being with Lukas' group and leading them (first was Ianthe, then Alyssa) to the last 'station'. Peiyan was like "ehh, how come you're leading???" Haha FuEn left me behind whattt.
My legs were breaking and I had to drag myself home, standing throughout the 1-hour journey.
Today I missed part of the so-called Amazing race because I went for geog lecture, as you'd probably know by now. After the lecture Matthieu and Jarron (same lecture group) went to the GYM -.- but I went to look for the rest and met up with my group at SCH, then joined them for the rest of the activity where we went to the library@esplanade, Rocher Centre, and Chinatown Point. We decided not to go to Bras Basah. Fuen was leading the group again. Lay Cheng and I were saying that guys walk SUPER fast, their normal speed is like our jogging speed? Most of the time it was Shern^2, Xuan Han, Fu En and Michael walking at the front, Cheng and I some distance away, then Shun Qi and Elliot even further back.
Thankfully, we didn't break camp at NIGHT. I could go for my piano lesson which starts at 6pm at Kovan.
Oh and yes I managed to hammer JunY and the other guy who claimed to be Alyssa's brother.
Just wanna thank everyone who contributed to this camp (uhh..not exactly a camp actually) in one way or another to make it a success.
I think I haven't mentioned this.
My form teacher made me the class treasurer and coincidentally, I MISS DOING POA so I shall start using T-accounts, the accounting for clubs and societies way of accounting for the class. Current class fund is zero. Oh man.
And being maths rep isn't exactly easy since my math class is made up of people from 7 different classes, which makes distribution of notes and collecting of money difficult. What's worse now is that the class doesn't have chapter 6 notes, the printing auntie doesn't have chapter 6 notes, it's the holidays and the photocopy shop is closed (duh), and I can't get sir to lend me an empty copy of the chapter 6 notes so that I can get it copied somewhere else. I wasn't even aware that I had to collect that set of notes since we're still lagging at chapter 5. zzzz
(I'm going for SP open house with Shung, yay!)