My camera charger is nowhere to be found. I last used it the night before Fun-O-Rama.
--> I can't charge my camera battery
My phone cables (from both N73 and 6somethingsomething) have vanished.
--> I can't upload photos
--> Sorry my dear friend that means I can't type the poem out for you!!!
It seems like I always forgo my sleep in attempt to complete assignments. At least one sleepless night (more like morning) per week.. It's becoming the norm now. Yet I miraculously manage to stay awake and pay attention in school.
Last Friday or Thursday after CO, I reached the platform of BV station... I turned right and guess who I saw. Our DM, LOL. Who happens to be my physical geog tutor.. I'm not sure if he saw me heading towards the opposite direction upon realisation that he's there. (scared get caught for skirt or something) Anyway I'm glad I walked the other way cos' JunYuan and his friend was there, and omg they're such nice people to talk to... Well at least I had company till Chinatown station that night.
Went to support the netball finals against our green friends on Friday... It was then that I made Natalie (classmate) my new idol. Haha. She's a fantastic goal-shooter.. We were going to win. AC was going to win. Until the last minute. We lost to them by a mere goal, so it was 50-51.. Nig told me that the spectators at his side were all hurling vulgarities at the umpire (tsk). As for me, it was more of tears.. A very emotional moment for both the AC netballers and some, if not most of us, in blue and white uniform. Anyway I'm glad I went there to support Nat.
After that Ian Yang, Sheena, Nigel and I cabbed back to school.
Who can forget enCOre?? I'm so grateful for the support from the OLM-ers Fiona, Hilary, Jia Yan, Xi Ying, ISTIMEWAs Beatrice, Joe, Jacelyn, Wan Hui, Joshua, and of course the AC friends Claire, Pei Hoon and Matthew. I know that they didn't just come for the music.. and omg the bouquet from Jace and the OLM-ers was utterly sweet okay, my heart melted before Matthew's chocolates did.

I met Janet in the morning to go have brunch at Holland Drive, then got fed up waiting for bus so we cabbed to school ($3).. only to find the bus right behind the cab -_- Wth right.
Basically the entire day was spent backstage, that narrow passageway behind the stage. I was trotting there around during our free time (i.e. when we were not rehearsing...). They didn't get a practice room booked for us like PL did for Symphony of Praise in 2006.

I got blisters from the court shoes -.- Janet's gave her problems too.
The actual performance was not bad =) Well at least I thought it was fine. The MEP students will have a lot to complaining about, especially for Claire who keeps criticising the pitching.
Apart from a few obvious errors (dizi solo was absent for yaozu; for xishuangbanna, the harp's glissando didn't end properly + conductor gave unclear signal = messed up and disrupted orchestral entrance to the first part of the first movement; can't remember which piece.. the harp's arpeggios was about 1 bar slow; everyone pretty much played the last encore piece lightheartedly. timpani had missing beats, xuanye's bowings were all over the place, etc), I think the audience enjoyed the concert? Conductor was being funny during the encore la.. the way he tried to 'conduct' the audience, getting them to clap loudly during the forte parts and softly during the piano parts -.- I was trying to hold back my laughter for the 2 encore pieces cos' well, it was both funny and fun!
I will miss the J2s though we didn't exactly bond as much as the other sections did...
Of course, this performance is nothing like the handbell ones..
I can't back my statement up with a relevant explanation. After all, I'm an ISFJ. It's just the PL spirit that's etched inside me. SCH without the bells this year gave me an odd and empty feeling.
Movie, anyone? Got a craving for salted popcorn -.-
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