Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Approach of the End

It's only today, after I've had my NIE choir assessment, that the oh-my-gosh-I'm-graduating-and-it's-real feeling starts sinking. I'm not even caring about what grade I would get for choir, I just hope I don't get anything below a B+ cos that was my last grade for choir, too. More from that at my dayre.

It all feels so surreal. Too surreal. Perhaps it's because not one, but two of the classes I've enjoyed most throughout my undergraduate life have come to and end, now I'm feeling a bit lost.

I've met so many awesome people, and though these are but fleeting, superficial friendships valid only for the duration of the classes, I wish I could continue to meet them and deepen those friendships. Based on past experiences, I know that they won't last even if I make an effort to keep in contact.

On the day of assessment. Final Gamelan class with the NIE in-service teachers and a very cool instructor.

Final formal Language in Perception and Thought class with Prof. Styles. Here are the year fours, missing three.
Day of choir concert and ensemble assessment. NIE choir; alto section photo (missing one). 
The group mates, right after our assessment where we shamelessly requested to sing Sunset.

It was good while it lasted. To all these classmates, thank you all for being part of my final semester. :) What's a final semester without making lots of new friends?

And to those who have stuck with me since year 1, I know that our friendship is going to last beyond our university years. Thank you, too. We have endured, and we will conquer the next phase of our lives together. :)

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