1. Known as?
- Joyce, the super slim person. haha.
2. You are a...?
- look there <------ profile says it all =D
3. Are you still studying?
- no. i'm working as a student. haha
4. Which school?
- working in PL and they never fail to overwork you..
5. Where do you live?
- in a house with a dining room, 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 2 storerooms, 1 staircase, 2 toilets, 1 balcony, 1 piano, 1 violin, 1 classical guit, 1 bass guit, some angklungs, ......... (the list goes on)
6. What is your favourite food?
- loads. haha.. western, chinese, jap (sushi!), indian (prata!)
7. Song you're listening to at the moment?
- mrbrown show.. the one on ERP IU ringtones
"ha ha! 1 dollar go to the government! ha ha!"
8. Your favourite number?
- that'll be seven, 7.
9. How was your day?
- just like any normal day
10. Are you happy at the moment and why?
- nothing to be happy about leh. haha.
11. Are you sad or angry at anyone and why?
- read previous posts. and other blog. whoops i forgot you don't have the url.
12. What are the things that will make you happy and smile?
- friends, jamming, ... having fun?
13. What would you do when someone looks at you and you don't really know that person?
- stare back. lol.. or walk away.
14. Something that you're craving or wanting to have?
- i want a stand for 2 guitars! and go watch a movie soon!
15. What are you going to do next?
- memorize bio stuff..
16. Any plans for the coming week?
- no plans, it's just another passing week...
17. Do you like make-up?
- anything but chinese opera-like makeup. and nothing near that kind with super heavy eyeliner...
18. Have you ever dyed your hair?
- nope.
19. Favourite subjects?
- accounts!!! (it's the only subject which i can get above 90 marks) and music and bio.
20. What subjects are you good at?
- read previous answer
21. Weakest subject?
- HOHO. maths =/
22. What are your interests?
- refer to profile =D
23. What do you want to achieve?
- get below 16 points for o's. my standard now is like, 20.
24. Magazine or books?
- both. haha... mags are more entertaining.
25. Handphone or Mp3?
- handphone. with mp3 functions =P
26. R&B or Trance?
- contemporary christian
27. Rainy or Sunny?
- rainy when in school and at home, sunny when i'm out. lol
28. Flowers or Presents?
- hmm, presents?
29. Hot or Cold?
- neither hot nor cold can.. haha
30. Dark or Bright?
- bright, duh..
31. Short or tall?
- depends on what you're talking abt. short guys look funny. haha.. other than that i guess both are fine.
32. Wine or Beer?
- wine. beer = urgh
33. Shorts or Long Jeans?
- shorts are more cooling =)
34. GUYS ANSWER THIS , Love or Virgin?
35. GIRLS ANSWER THIS , Love or Money?
- both can? haha. ok, love is mort important. love in all definitions.
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