[edited (to add) 1059pm, 13thJan]
They just had to regroup the vocalists. AGAIN. I've been in Team 1 ever since they started this grouping thing. So it's my 3rd year in Team 1. Saw people 'come' and 'go'. haha. This time I'm grouped with 2 others from PLMGS and 1 MGS. 3 cheers for the methodist schools.
I think I need to eat more papayas.
I've got the tune of the 1st movement stuck in my head.
There's going to be a gym in PL, I don't think I'll ever use it. Walking to school/home is good enough. Haha. That's if it doesn't rain.
Turnout for handbell auditions wasn't really good. Last year's was much much better. Now all the CCAs also need auditions, even the clubs and uniformed groups. I find it quite pointless la.
Please give us a nicer handbell costume! I can't wait to see the actual thing. As long as it doesn't look like the choir's. New costume = new colour = new eyeshadow = $$$$$. It'll be fun to have a new choker too.
PLhandbellers, JIA YOU!
Stupid flaccid trying to act turgid.
you know what i'm talking about ok.
Stupid post-m cramps.
Well, hello.
I'll be leaving this blog for awhile, and I'm not sure when I will return.
Sorry guys. Won't be replying your tags.
I'm still not sure whether I should drop Music or continue and take the O's, and then if I'm good enough, music A's.
It's stressful.
Oh and one more thing,
plagiarism annoys me. Lots.
Be it x or y.
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