He has been going on and on and on and on and on and on and on for the WHOLE NIGHT and it's just noisy. I dunno how many neighbours heard already.
Can he stop picking on me (non-stop) for small things? Argh. Shut up. Lah.
Alright now, happy belated birthday to Ethel! Squishyyyy
16 now, but acts like 13 cos' she's small and cute hahahahaha
Here's one selamat birthday (wth) to Yeok Ling who will be joining us this Saturday!
And also shen ri quai le to Persie Yang aka the PRAWN!
This is the birthday season. I'm broke la. Donate cash to me, puhleeeeese?

Oh my fishies, I'm so damn excited and so are the other upper sec handbell girls (omg i typed "upper sex"), we're really going to Japan!!! With MGS, ACJC, ACS(I) and ACS(B). Just praying hard that some stubborn parents would let their kids go... Like Theodora, she must go otherwise there's no one else to play her notes!!
And can the school like subsidise it? S$2,345 is wayyyyy too expensive.
Read Man Ling's blog la, she's got one whole post about it.
It's Religious Emphasis Week (REW), and that meant 2 days of chapel.
It's the same for every year, and it's enjoyable if not for some people who don't know how to respect God or their fellow peers around them who are trying to worship and listen to the pastor.
They just laugh and chat like there's nothing wrong.
Most annoying being talking and playing during worship.
I felt so tempted to go up to them and ask them to zip up and show respect, but I'm in no position to do so so just ignore them, lor.
There was one part, the drummer talked about running away from temptation, and immediately I thought of Mel Gan's sermon on Saturday! Fleeing from temptation! Not battling them.
Is God trying to say something here? Hmm. I don't think my close friends are doing anything
bad right?
And there was another part, I was saying "yah yah yah i agree" in my heart, cos' I got a brief flashback at that point. . .. .......
We remember Jesus who died on the cross, who chose a slow, painful and torturous death instead of just getting His head chopped off and get it over and done with in less than a second, because He loves us.
It's all because of LOVE. =)
On Monday, (taken from Hillary's bloggie)
Biology lesson was the most fun!
Ms Koh let us watch a human reproduction video
It was about the whole process of giving birth
BUT it was rather gross cos it showed THAT part
Showed us how the woman delivered the baby, and zomgg IT WAS REALLY SICK LA.Our class just freaked out. I'm being open here, so don't mind me... you can choose not to read tho'.
I didn't know that the vagina can open until so big!!!!! The whole baby's head came out then the body and the yucky thing called placenta! It's gross I tell you!
Having second thoughts about having kids in the future now!
Thank God we're a GIRLS' SCHOOL. Can you imagine how embarrassing it'll be with guys around when we're watching that video. I don't even dare to picture it!
Chinese test was BAD BAD BAD cos' 2 of those passages were from Yuying's Chinese ASSIGNMENT in Feb.
And I did them before.
And I couldn't remember the stupid answers! How to get B like that?
I'm going to look thru' all the Yuying passages I've done. And hope they'll come out for next week's Chinese test.
Chem practical was bad too, I was rushing through the whole thing.
What crap oxidising and reducing agents, I dunno how to identify la!
OK I'll end here, and be back for more.
oh yeah. I don't see why I should post something like that again when I've already said it last time. after all, it's the same thing. i don't think i want to dig up my archives and post it again. =) i wish ya all the best with your studies
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