Tuesday, July 31, 2007

400th post!

whoooooooo this is my 400th post! I told myself when I posted my 399th post, that my 400th blog entry must be a happy one. Hahaha and yup I'm feeling happy!

Firstly, I've got company tomorrow! A million thanks to my lil' 'puppy'! =D Errrm and my 'puppy's friend who's also my friend! Hmmm actually I wanted to type more stuff here, but "some things are better left unsaid," as quoted from the animal itself haha. (doesn't sound right man)

Secondly, well the school spent money to put these up... (stupid flags are a distraction)Hmm well I wouldn't exactly say that they like to waste money on such stuff, but these really make me feel proud of PL's performing arts groups. Who cares if we didn't get a single gold?
So what if we have like, 6 silvers? The school isn't bothered by these. God has great plans for PL and He definitely will bless us with more golds and gold with honours =) We just need to... ... (I'm thinking of what the handbellers did, all those prayer sessions ;))

And here, of course, my pride and joy:
PL Handbell and Handchime Ensemble! Wahaha and they put my section up, the melody ringers! Omg leh. The word "Honours" is bigger than the "Gold". Hahaha Jesus rocks Mr Fong rocks Mrs Lee rocks PL rocks the Aesthetics Department rocks Handbell rocks and Treblers/Melody ringers, we rock! W00t!

My heart swells with pride every time I walk in and out of the school..
Truth is, so far only 4 times. Entry and exit yesterday and today lol.

Thirdly, I must warn and remind you to look at the disclaimer on your right again, you might roll your eyes and go "whatever" and say all sorts of rubbish... Read. The. Disclaimer.
This is my blog after all, so I believe I have the rights, the freedom to post my thoughts?
My advice is this: if you have anything against me, anything at all, please navigate away from this page this instant. Thank you.

Thirdly, I'm getting to my point now, I want to thank God for letting me get the academic book prize thingy... I seriously didn't expect myself to top the level (there's only one class taking this subject so top the class = top the level) for POA. Sheila is a lot more hardworking than I am, and that's a fact. By right, her POA is better than mine... I must admit, though, that I did aim for the top position. But my preparation for the subject is quite crappy. It's mostly last-minute work. How I managed to climb up here, there is only one way, and that is, by God's grace. I mean what else la! Don't you agree? BFC any of you guys reading this?

Mrs Ong asked me to collect some letter from her regarding this book prize... but I forgot. Goodness. I actually forgot about it. Wow..

And finally, I think Mr Fong ought to know that 3 out of 8 sec 3 express '06 (in short, sec 4 '07) handbellers will be getting this prize thing =D Are we blessed or what... I think handbell is like the smallest CCA group, even smaller than harp or any other clubs and societies group! Hehs ^^

Thank You Lord, thank You for everything! And I mean everything. =))

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