I'm back!
Thank You Lord for seeing us through O's....
And now can someone explain why I'm not feeling glad? It's like, over.
One whole month of intensive studying and headaches, and now there's nothing.
I'm at a loss. 3/4 of me wants to go back to study. What's the point of studying now????
Bishan library gang / OLM people were of a great support during that period.

Dear God, I pray that you will help the remaining treblers to handle the notes well....
Can someone explain, again, why I dread handbell practice tomorrow?
I used to love the practices. (I still love the bells) It's totally different now.
Is it because 1) I got 24 freaking points for CCA and am not happy with an A2
or 2) Only 3 out of 5 in my section will be playing?
Charlene is going to Sarawak I think, and apparently Ling Ying has dental appointment. (... ...)
It's no easy feat. I don't know how the $!#*!$%)@$ are we going to manage everything.
I've lost the 'feel' of the SYF pieces. Mood and feeling are factors which make up a good performance, and now that I lack these, I think I'll only make things worse for everyone.
Gosh I feel terrible.
God will make a way I guess.
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