I feel as if I haven't posted a proper blog entry since forever.
I've sorta lost touch with blogging.... NOT!! That will not happen! I will not allow that! Ahahaha.. Well for this post, we'll let the pictures do the talking, shall we? With some captions, of course.
Mission trip is only 2 days away. That's really fast!
Time flies. First we had prom shopping........... Hi Xi Ying!

It was both fun and headache for the Bishan Gang as we walked around for days, for hours, trying on dress after dress, heel after heel (for me la).

Oh, how we would moan and groan about not having enough time to shop. Recall, all that last minute shopping on prom day itself! Absolutely hilarious, if you ask me. All that havoc and panic.. and finally getting everything done. Dress, accessories, heels, makeup, hair, clutch,.

Our only problem was S + 1 = $. Cash flow. Well, duh, after making a dent in our parents' as well as our own pockets. Here's my prom expenses.
Prom ticket (actually there was no ticket) -- $75
Transport to and from Swissotel (estimated) -- $5.50
Nail polish (Missha) -- $2.90
Dress (Far East Plaza, Urban Mix) -- $66
Shawl (Far East Plaza, Urban Mix) -- $17
Heels (U.R.S. inc, from Merto) -- $29
Clutch (BHG Bugis) -- $21.50
Hair and makeup -- $40
$256.90Then we had it. The
Cambridge Dinner, otherwise known as prom for our school.
I won't ever forget the dilemma I was put in.. I almost could not go for this dinner.
Thus I'm forever grateful to my Daddy in heaven who postponed the Mission Trip and made it possible for me to make my presence at Swissotel.
I've uploaded most of the photos to Friendster. But no matter, I shall put them here again.
Here we have Chelsie, unique name yea, who stays at Kovan Melody with Fiona.

Wen Yi and Pearlyn

Apart from the worm found in Wen Yi's plate of
vegetables, the food was good. I liked everything from the first course (cold dish) to the dessert. Easily satisfied? Nah. That's partly because I didn't have my breakfast and lunch. We shared the table with some sec 5s whom I would say, were quite friendly. Anyway here's
the clique without Wen Qin... who paid $75 and didn't turn up. I koped this from LT's blog.

Music Class of 2007 in the next 2 photos. We're like the most bonded class in the entire school.

It was a night to remember, as camera flashes were seen throughout the night. The constant chattering of girls... a distinct trait of an average PL-lite. TALK. haha I wonder why Ms Gan and Mr Tang weren't there.
I think it's a tradition, to sing a school theme song at school events. It was heartwarming to see everyone singing with pride, arms around one another. The last major school event for us all. When will we sing songs like this together again? Singing is part of PL's culture, since we have singspiration every morning...

However. The singing of the school anthem was ??!?!?!?! Why is this so? This question remains unanswered. Hey Lai Theng I think I look better here than in your blog leh.

Omg Ethel Sim! Same shawl! At the background you see people taking class photos.

And guess what, they played the MARCH as background music. That definitely got everyone laughing and saying "what the hell", also giving the -_-" face. It was rather cute though. The march is heard every morning as a signal for us to assemble at the assembly area.. Sitting next to 4C2 in for morning assemblies, is 4C1. Cheryl is one of them. Note the people making funny poses behind her. Haha no offence okay.

Class photo (Pei . Neither Mrs Ong nor Mrs Chong is inside. They didn't go for the Cambridge Dinner =( While every other class had their form teachers in their class photos, ours had neither form teacher nor co-tutor. That's just, sad. But Miss Kok, my favourite maths teacher, put herself into our class photo so at least we won't look as though we're teacher-less. She's so darn nice. I love Miss Kok! In the photo, we have our very own Tania Soh (Filch) who won the title of MISS CHARISMATIC!!!!!!! Tania we're so proud of you =)

Sharon... Together we AIM to get into ACJC. But whether we do get in or not, that's another thing altogether.

This is Sheila, class position 1/29. I wonder why her partner turns out to be so mental?
(her partner = me)

The one who neighs... my neighbour, the pretty horse.

Pearlyn and Ling Jia

Ok I'm getting tired of loading photos. So lets just jump to the end. The night ended with more photo-taking and Mr Lim chasing everyone out of the freaking ballroom.
Walked the loooooong way to the MRT station (City Hall if I'm not wrong), our feet aching from the killer heels, and continued to cam-whore in the train =D

That night the 3 of us slept in Jia Yan's room. Xi Ying slept first, then Kenneth called Jia Yan and she put him on loudspeaker and we talked until 4 plus, then I fell asleep halfway and Jia and K continued to talk until who-knows-what-time. Power sia.
The next day, which was yesterday, we had mission trip preparations.
It's the 2nd round of prep for the week. I missed the 1st round because of prom haha.
I'm tired so I'll just cut what I want to say and post the photos. I'll edit the post to add in more stuff tomorrow. If there's time.

The 2 Joshuas... one working, one slacking!

Jacelyn ar! You ok or not?!

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