This camp is another memorable one, one worth keeping into my memory bank. This is why you see it up here in words.
The sequence of events are as follows:
Day 1, Wednesday
I was one of the hundreds of members who went to church early in the morning to board the coach which was scheduled to transport the whole load of us to KL. There were 20 coaches in total, and I was in bus no. 19 together with 30-something other youths :D

Below: Roommates; LingJia/Charmaine/Aarathi; Aloy praying??

My so-called bus partner for the journey to KL was Kwa, there was quite a bit of swapping of places in the bus..I sat at the middle seat right at the back, where I had a bird's-eye view of the entire bus. Haha, if the coach jerked, I'd be the first to fall. If that happened, I would have pulled the one nearest to me. Ronald or Charmaine. LOL. Of course, who could forget the singing session in the bus?

My 2 roommates for the camp....
Sophia and Jacelyn, AKA Loo Yee! *applauds*

Then we decided to be really lame. We had an opening ceremony for our room!! HAHAH, there's one missing hand there luh. I think Sophia withdrew hers.
The first thing that came to our minds at first glance of the room was like,
We proceeded to explore the room, only to find a missing bed (there were 2 single beds and 3 of us), and closets which could not be fully opened due to some major obstructions -- the 2 beds -___-.
The closet doors could only be opened halfway, so obviously we didn't use them at all, we only made use of the safe to keep our passports and other valuables. Then Jacelyn got so excited she jumped about on the bed like a child who's never been into a hotel room before. Goodness.
ASPARAGUS soup was part of the dinner and, well, we were all grossed out by it. Bleh. I shouldn't have took so much. All that glitters is not gold! It did look appealing, someohow it just did. Everything else was alright I guess.
Ah. Then came the word session with Pastor Derek Hong from Church of Our Saviour (COOS). I must admit his messages are a lil' hard to understand, it requires a certain depth there.
That night wasn't much of an excitement. The 3 of us went over to Andrew and Joshua's room..

Day 2
Sophia told me she snoozed my alarm for me twice. OOPS. Alarm clocks of any sort just don't seem to work on me! I know my alram tone was highly irritating, haha, but that's how I try to irritate myself awake if I do hear the alarm (which is quite rare. My maid always wakes me up.).
[post continued on Thursday, June 26]
Pardon my inconsistency from this portion down.
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