Finally got to watch Happy Feet!
Went with Hui Ling and Man Ling (frankly speaking, it's my 1st time out with them)
And for the 1st time, I was early! Wahahahahs.
Usually people have to wait for me.. hehs.
Some quotes here, they're so damn adorable..
[talking to humans]
Mumble: I'm speaking clear penguin!
[after Mumble has jumped off a glacier to chase a ship]
Ramón: Man, how're we gonna tell his mama he brought us all the way out here just to kill himself?
Gloria: [to Mumble's unhatched egg] Is it empty? Can I have it?
Lombardo: What are you gonna do? Subject him to cruel and unusual punishment?
Raul: Unimaginable torture?
Lombardo: Imaginable torture?
Raul: Your singing?
Memphis: What's going on there? What are you doing?
Baby Mumble: [tap dancing] I'm happy!
Memphis: What's with your feet?
Baby Mumble: They're happy, too!
And then, omg Man Ling spilled the WHOLE drink (cos' she couldn't aim at the cup holder) and we were laughing our heads off.

We spent years in This Fasion can, hahahah...
Hui Ling was like the most thrifty, more thrifty than me!
Woah that calls for a celebration.
She bought this skirt from the budget corner,
an entire floor of uber cheap clothes with only a few nice ones.
I happened to look at the jeans.
It's unwearable! I mean it will cover your entire tummy!
Like Mrs W's. Shhh I never say anything. Shush.
We spent $64 in total. Hees. Is that a small or big sum?
Then we walked over to Heeren and Far East.
Just looked around, never buy anything. haha.
Wah we walk until our legs almost gave way.
K la not that bad.
The rest can be read from Man Ling's blog.
I met Yi Jia my buddy today to have lunch at KFC,
not surprisingly, I was 10 mins late. Lol.
Then we bus-ed down to Bugis.
The route was so long la.. zzzzzz.
This girl ah, can spend like there's no tomorrow.
Cannot tell lor! I mean, 4A1 this kind!
We just kept walking and walking at Bugis Village,
look around, stop, buy, walk, stop, look, walk back to the same place, buy, hesitate, "buy or don't buy?", ... ...
The embarrassing thing about Singaporeans is we bargain and ask for discounts.
I just wonder what goes thru' tourists' minds when they see us. xP
(Yeah and I was bargaining most of the time la. Yi Jia is like, just pay. But hey can save like $2-3!)
In the end she bought 4 tops which cost around $50. zzz.
I bought 2 tops and a bag. $40 plus.
We window shopped a bit at Bugis Junction before taking a bus back.
Man, I'm really going to miss her and the other sec 4s...
OH YA forgot to take photos with HL and ML yesterday!!!! darn.
Then today only took one pic and our faces are so darn big so I will not upload it.
Here's something for you to laugh at.
Tsk tsk. If you're not laughing then I think you need to brush up your English..

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