Seriously, the cat high sec 4s at bishan library are just %!#*@&$(*%U#%!!!!
According to Jia Yan who was there early at nine plus before the library opened, they were there already, waiting for the doors to open.
And they ran for the tables. Literally. All the way to the top floor to reserve all the tables.
They stay there from 10am to 9pm, the library's opening hours.
How do we know? We were there from 10 to 9 too.
(fine, not me... i had tuition in the morning. the rest of the OLM bishan gang came early. we went yesterday too, but left early.)
WAH BEST. BEST. Plus it's half of AARON's class. Yes, BFC's Aaron.
I feel like murdering him this Saturday. But his birthday coming so must resist.
Okay I am quite lazy to blog in more detail about our horrendous studying experience and I shouldn't be blogging in the first place... because the O LEVELS HAVE ALREADY STARTED. SHOULD BE MUGGING INSTEAD.
Study leave is good. We don't have to wake up so early.
I found this here, very funny and good description of the morning scene outside bishan library.
Today acompanied Rachel to study. Went to Bishan library. Saw the Catholic High Sch nerds.They so KIASU loh. 10am library open, they arrived early just to stand in front of the door.You know why?
Besides chopping seats,they gotta make their 100m sprint! Wa,once the door is opened, they LITERALLY SPRINTED up to the top floor to chop seats. I was caught surprised by their kiasu-ness sial. I've not seen any nerds so enthu about studying for O levels sial. Knn. Catholic High nerds.
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