I wanted to talk about the MUSE concert by the ACJC Concert Band at the Esplanade. But never had the time. lol.
School ended rather early on Monday, I think it was 3.50pm. I went to the school library and did my tutorials to kill time. The concert was at 7.30, to go all the way back to Kovan and then to City Hall would be quite tiring. Hence I chose to remain in school.
It started to rain, to my dismay. I prayed hard that the rain would subside by 6.15.
Unfortunately, it only got heavier. I was stuck in school without an umbrella. And I was supposed to meet Hillary and Jacqueline at City Hall MRT.
So what to do? Just go for it. Walk in the rain.
It didn't help that the zebra crossing directly outside the school was under construction. Or renovation, whichever. I don't see why they had to do that. I had to walk to the traffic light. That damn thing took forever to change colour. Thus I had to soak myself there. I had to use my AC file to protect my knee also, since I fell down that morning and my knee was hurting like crazy. Picture me standing there trying to seek shelter under the pathetic traffic light which was absolutely pointless, and holding my file at my thigh. It felt like crap.
Then three guys walked over to the traffic light. Two were sharing an umbrella, the other had one guy to himself. How I envied them. (I deliberately took out the umbrella from my bag in the morning cos' I thought it wouldn't rain. stupid la I shouldn't have done that)
Then he offered to share his umbrella!! My life was saved, I didn't have to continue standing in the rain like some idiot rushing for time. Haha. His friends were like "wah since when you so gentleman?"
Anyway what matters was I was at least partially sheltered until the bus stop, then I thanked him and ran up the bus, shivering.
When I reached the MRT station (which was only one bus stop away), I went to the toilet to dry myself.. I saw my reflection in the mirror.
Yikes, I was THAT drenched. Why did AC's uniform have to be WHITE and blue?!?!
I dried my hair and uniform under the hand dryer. One lady walked in, she must have thought I was mad. Using the hand dryer to dry myself. But I felt much better after that. A lot less chilly too. Imagine how many stares I would have gotten if I, looking like a luo tang ji, boarded the train full of commuters?
I was early for once. Hill and Jac arrived later than I did. *clap clap* If you know me well enough... I'm usually the one who's late =P I didn't have to wait very long for them to make their appearance. Then we walked the oh-so-familiar route to the Esplanade and then to the concert hall.
The emcee was like ???? . Sure, she was nervous, but she made wayyy too many mistakes in her pronunciation and fumbled many times. Her dress was a bit short also. I was wondering who the lucky person sitting right in front of the stage where she was standing. I looked. And I saw ... of all people -.-
Guest bands for this concert were ACS (Barker Road) and ACS(I). The barker band's performance was really disappointing. ACS(I), on the other hand, was comparable to ACJC's. I daresay the stole the limelight. The percussion was just awesome, I never took so much notice of the percussion section before. The band's soloists showcased their virtuosity in their solo parts of the pieces. It was impressive.
I don't have much to say about ACJ's band, they're supposed to be good! World class! K la they were good.. Gerdine was good. I spotted her in the flute section, then playing a solo on the piccolo. =D Being a music student (previously), I put my music analysis skills to work. It just comes naturally now. Tell me why I love concerts like this.
The concert ended in a unique manner. It was a combined performance by all 3 bands. Never in my life have I seen THAT many clarinetists. They took up more than one row, you see. The combined band played ASIAN music which was what made the performance unique. Familiar tunes were played... when the woodwinds played a Sakura excerpt I started to think of how we played that on handbells too. (I miss pl handbells so badly) and how SC handbells got their gold with honours with that simple song, which set tongues wagging.
You know, once in a while, you friends have problems and they turn to you, they share them with you. That's normal.
Suddenly seeing the weak side of your OGL is another thing altogether...
But you must bear in mind that, like yourself, they're humans too..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Unwanted Guest
My tolerance level is running low at the moment... Realise that it has been running at this level ever since June last year, just before the Japan trip, to be exact.
When my mum told me the news that she was going to stay in the house with us, with my family, I was like... what the hell, seriously?
The rhetorical question remains unanswered today.
I occasionally 'let slip' my unhappiness although I try not to. I pretend that she's a part of the wall, that she ceases to exist. Trust me, it's no easy feat.
I've lost respect for her long ago, so much that I no longer see her as part of my extended family. My dad doesn't want her in the house either, but it's my mum's decision, so there's nothing much he can do. It doesn't help that my mum is taking sides when matters get blown up and I am being accused of doing something which I obviously didn't do. Getting accused in my face, being shouted at... and I yell back to prove my innocence. It got out of hand very recently.
Repeat rhetorical question above.
That was the extreme. I don't remember blogging about her existence before. I've had shouting matches with her but she always wins them, being older and having my mom's support. I may sound childish but that's how it's like now. I do know that I am partly responsible for the whole saga but hey, I do not like to seek trouble deliberately so I'm telling you now that I did not spark off the fire. I pretend she's invisible, I persevered. But my tolerance has been overestimated.
Imagine you having to judge statements from a forty-something-year-old and a sixteen-year-old. The probability of the former getting charged is almost zero. This varies from case to case, but put the current situation in and you will get the result as described.
It's a really complicated process, and only few know about it. Even so, their knowledge of this issue is limited. They see only the 'membrane'.
Biblegateway.com's verse of the day states:
When my mum told me the news that she was going to stay in the house with us, with my family, I was like... what the hell, seriously?
The rhetorical question remains unanswered today.
I occasionally 'let slip' my unhappiness although I try not to. I pretend that she's a part of the wall, that she ceases to exist. Trust me, it's no easy feat.
I've lost respect for her long ago, so much that I no longer see her as part of my extended family. My dad doesn't want her in the house either, but it's my mum's decision, so there's nothing much he can do. It doesn't help that my mum is taking sides when matters get blown up and I am being accused of doing something which I obviously didn't do. Getting accused in my face, being shouted at... and I yell back to prove my innocence. It got out of hand very recently.
Repeat rhetorical question above.
That was the extreme. I don't remember blogging about her existence before. I've had shouting matches with her but she always wins them, being older and having my mom's support. I may sound childish but that's how it's like now. I do know that I am partly responsible for the whole saga but hey, I do not like to seek trouble deliberately so I'm telling you now that I did not spark off the fire. I pretend she's invisible, I persevered. But my tolerance has been overestimated.
Imagine you having to judge statements from a forty-something-year-old and a sixteen-year-old. The probability of the former getting charged is almost zero. This varies from case to case, but put the current situation in and you will get the result as described.
It's a really complicated process, and only few know about it. Even so, their knowledge of this issue is limited. They see only the 'membrane'.
Biblegateway.com's verse of the day states:
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.And I wonder how long this trail is going to last.
James 1:12
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Fires of Revival
I came into the gathering of the people of the Lord
And found my way among them to His throne
I needed to return unto the altar of my God
To renew again my covenant with Him
And there I built an altar to His name
And realised my life could never be the same
And then the fires of revival came sweeping through my soul
And I touched the Holy presence of my God
Come build an altar unto the Lord
Return to worship and hear His Word
And then the fires of revival will come sweeping through your soul
And we'll touch the Holy presence of our God
I wanted to discover the first love we once had shared
Rekindling the fire deep within
I found the lamb still flick'ring in the temple of my Lord
And poured a horn of oil onto the flame
And found my way among them to His throne
I needed to return unto the altar of my God
To renew again my covenant with Him
And there I built an altar to His name
And realised my life could never be the same
And then the fires of revival came sweeping through my soul
And I touched the Holy presence of my God
Come build an altar unto the Lord
Return to worship and hear His Word
And then the fires of revival will come sweeping through your soul
And we'll touch the Holy presence of our God
I wanted to discover the first love we once had shared
Rekindling the fire deep within
I found the lamb still flick'ring in the temple of my Lord
And poured a horn of oil onto the flame
Saturday, March 22, 2008
500th post
Today yesterday I practiced erhu until my shoulder joints ached like crazy, they're still aching now. I completed this piece which they gave to me (the scores) but didn't ask me to practice it.. I want more scores man. haha.
[edited, march 22 11.26pm]
Most of BFC was overjoyed when they heard I ponned CO.. Actually I didn't pon, I just asked the CO person who always pass msges to me whether I can give the prac a skip because of easter. I prayed before smsing her. The reply came hours later, saying 'ok', and next time inform meiqi. But who is that, the SL? And I thought the one who passes msges to me was Mei Yi and she's the SL.. or did I hear wrongly? Haha this is confusing. Anyway yes I went to church.
Praise the Lord, cos' we prayed for at least 400 to turn up, but the result was a 478-strong crowd with 28 salvations!! All the hard work paid off... and all glory goes to God for seeing that these people make it for the event despite the unusually cool weather! Means rain la. Lol and I remember praying for good weather sometime back.
I enjoyed the worship. The drama. The video. Mel Gan's sermon. And hey how can anyone not cry after watching that video of Christ's crucifixion? Who else would be willing to go through so much torture, both mentally and physically, just so we can live eternally? None but Jesus. It must have been difficult to forgive those who insulted and ridiculed Him and yet He did it. Even giving up His life for all of us. And it wasn't just dying like this, it was torment.
That's how much our Jesus loves us eh...
Fiona and Xi Ying were late. Like, super late. Oh well at least they still went!
Beautiful Feet Cell 2008... with some missing.
Guys followed by girls, with the self-proclaimed star. LOL Joe was in the cast.
Smile smile smile (:
We went downstairs...

And Jon Soh gets mesmerized by my bio guide book.
My blog is turning into some photo blog. The rest of the photos are up on multiply.... not! It'll be there soon.
[edited, march 22 11.26pm]
Most of BFC was overjoyed when they heard I ponned CO.. Actually I didn't pon, I just asked the CO person who always pass msges to me whether I can give the prac a skip because of easter. I prayed before smsing her. The reply came hours later, saying 'ok', and next time inform meiqi. But who is that, the SL? And I thought the one who passes msges to me was Mei Yi and she's the SL.. or did I hear wrongly? Haha this is confusing. Anyway yes I went to church.
Praise the Lord, cos' we prayed for at least 400 to turn up, but the result was a 478-strong crowd with 28 salvations!! All the hard work paid off... and all glory goes to God for seeing that these people make it for the event despite the unusually cool weather! Means rain la. Lol and I remember praying for good weather sometime back.
I enjoyed the worship. The drama. The video. Mel Gan's sermon. And hey how can anyone not cry after watching that video of Christ's crucifixion? Who else would be willing to go through so much torture, both mentally and physically, just so we can live eternally? None but Jesus. It must have been difficult to forgive those who insulted and ridiculed Him and yet He did it. Even giving up His life for all of us. And it wasn't just dying like this, it was torment.
That's how much our Jesus loves us eh...
Fiona and Xi Ying were late. Like, super late. Oh well at least they still went!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
LSBC Leaders' Honouring Dinner
Before I start on a new post (honouring dinner), I have to complete the class outing one. Bfore I blog properly, I have to get ready for school and look for my AC badge. I can't remember where I last saw it. Oh no.
Before I do all that, I just wanna say...
Sorry, I know you guys are upset with my decision to join CO [yes, CO. if you haven't noticed, i never mentioned what cca i joined here in my blog earlier. it was just referred to as "the cca" and "the instrument". and now that Dan knows it's erhu, i shall stop making readers - for those who don't already know - play the guessing game. .(ya la boy i just wanted to see your reaction)] yes.. you didn't expect the unexpected. But it's not like I'm gonna migrate to another country right -.- I won't forget about y'all alright? Just make sure I continue to get all the PIOs, and keep me informed about what's happening in church ;)
[edited, march 22]
Since there's a sale at This Fashion, I went in to look around.. and ended up buying a dress which costs only $11.20 after a 30% discount!! Haha freaking cheap right. I wore it the same day I bought it. But that's not the main point.
I think it was unusual for them to invite youths for this dinner, since it was supposed to be for the church leaders... but then the Youth Ablaze worship team was invited XD So go for it lor.. I didn't take a lot of proper photos. Most of it was really just cam-whoring with Chan.
I went to Chan's house before the dinner to get changed and later get a ride from uncle David and auntie Maggie. They went to pick up uncle CK before driving back to the Chan family's house so Jia and I could hop into the car. Then came the ride to Harbour Front.

I dunno how they allocate the seats, but I was arranged to sit at table 17 with the young adults, non of whom were below 20 years old! 

The couple above just can't wait for the shark's fin soup to be served.

I missed a table group shot cos' I was busy trying to sell Fun-O-Rama coupons!! =( Good news is that I managed to collect about $40.
Jia Yan's and I can be sisters or something. lol. Here's Eugene, followed by the Gohs -- Wendy and Melvin.

I think Joe did a really good job as emcee! Well done Shepherd!!!
That night uncle David drove me back to the bus stop near my block... and I left my clutch in his car. My handphone was inside! So I took a bus down to the Chan family's house to get it -.-
Thank God I didn't have to wait long for the buses.
Did I mention that Chan and I kept cam-whoring?? (I like to call Jia Yan by her surname)

The end.. my very first formal church dinner in, hmm, 8 to 9 years?
Before I do all that, I just wanna say...
Sorry, I know you guys are upset with my decision to join CO [yes, CO. if you haven't noticed, i never mentioned what cca i joined here in my blog earlier. it was just referred to as "the cca" and "the instrument". and now that Dan knows it's erhu, i shall stop making readers - for those who don't already know - play the guessing game. .(ya la boy i just wanted to see your reaction)] yes.. you didn't expect the unexpected. But it's not like I'm gonna migrate to another country right -.- I won't forget about y'all alright? Just make sure I continue to get all the PIOs, and keep me informed about what's happening in church ;)
[edited, march 22]
Since there's a sale at This Fashion, I went in to look around.. and ended up buying a dress which costs only $11.20 after a 30% discount!! Haha freaking cheap right. I wore it the same day I bought it. But that's not the main point.
I think it was unusual for them to invite youths for this dinner, since it was supposed to be for the church leaders... but then the Youth Ablaze worship team was invited XD So go for it lor.. I didn't take a lot of proper photos. Most of it was really just cam-whoring with Chan.
I went to Chan's house before the dinner to get changed and later get a ride from uncle David and auntie Maggie. They went to pick up uncle CK before driving back to the Chan family's house so Jia and I could hop into the car. Then came the ride to Harbour Front.
I missed a table group shot cos' I was busy trying to sell Fun-O-Rama coupons!! =( Good news is that I managed to collect about $40.
Jia Yan's and I can be sisters or something. lol. Here's Eugene, followed by the Gohs -- Wendy and Melvin.
I think Joe did a really good job as emcee! Well done Shepherd!!!
That night uncle David drove me back to the bus stop near my block... and I left my clutch in his car. My handphone was inside! So I took a bus down to the Chan family's house to get it -.-
Thank God I didn't have to wait long for the buses.
Did I mention that Chan and I kept cam-whoring?? (I like to call Jia Yan by her surname)
The end.. my very first formal church dinner in, hmm, 8 to 9 years?
1S26 Class outing
this is an incomplete post, i'll just put up 2 group photos from my camera first.
all orion7's photos are here http://chromaticism.multiply.com/photos/album/14/SRJC_1S26Orion_7_PAE
Germayne joined us for awhile, after the movie, then left with his family.. so for the class outing only these few were present.
Why do i look like i'm leaning on Yi Zhi's shoulder?? btw i'm not that short i'm just bending down.
[edited, March 22]
Aiya just read Hwee Yee's blog for details on the class outing!
all orion7's photos are here http://chromaticism.multiply.com/photos/album/14/SRJC_1S26Orion_7_PAE
Germayne joined us for awhile, after the movie, then left with his family.. so for the class outing only these few were present.
[edited, March 22]
Aiya just read Hwee Yee's blog for details on the class outing!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
photos galore!!
29 March 2008, Saturday
9.30am to 6pm
Coupons on sale at $10, PLS TAG IF YOU WANT THEM.
If you miss this one, you're missing out on the BIGGEST event of the month!! It's gonna be a HAPPENING place (mind you, that's acjc!) with HAPPENING people (i'll be there, you see. ahem..)!! The college is only a ten-minute walk from Buona Vista MRT station, you'll get to see the MOE building along the way! But that's not the point. If you're stressed from all that studying or prep work for your poly enrolment package, you can go for the funfair! CONFIRM PLUS CHOP PLUS GUARANTEE CAN DE-STRESS. If not... come to 1AA3's stall and look for me, I give you free roti john.
Hmm this is gonna be one long post.
I've just transferred some photos over from my N73 into my computer =D So here they are!
Cell bonding cum BBQ
Starting the fire
Wan Hui KO-ed first
Dunno which dog this is
Birthday boy.. spot the difference
They were being gay before that!!

Dinner after YPM equipping session on discovering your God-given gifts
My gifts are (don't laugh ok) 1. Giver 2. Server 3. Being a compassionate person.
So then the cell plus Cheryl and Denise went for Dinner at Kovan...
AC (the file) and SA (the shirt) = NO PROBLEM.
I don't see what's so fascinating about the TV. Very nice meh. It's just a black box with people moving about. Or maybe I've been too deprived of TV. Cause I only watch TV mobile. Serious!!
Finally, after a gazillion years! Even so, not the whole class turned up. There were only 9 people, including Yi Zhi the OGL. Got a lot more photos in my camera, charging its battery now in the kitchen. I know, of all places, why charge in the kitchen right.
Resting their feet at the arcade while the guys play elsewhere
Wah so expensive $101.35. Dinner for 8 at Harbour Front! Maybe it's not so expensive after all.
The panda is emo-ing!! Yi Zhi's idea, to put the hairband on it...
Yi Zhi's idea again, this time the panda's on the rocking horse. Then this little girl approached the duo... AWWW SO CUTE same size some more.
The remaining 4 in the group. In other words, last to leave. Photo-taking skills fail la who ah?
I know Hwee Yee is going to make noise when she sees this (above)
-.- all of us look like ????? Haha I think we're just tired. Dunno who still said want to go to St. Jame's.. Fine la got money everywhere also can go, but not all of us have so much money! Have money also never support me and help me buy AC Fun-O-Rama tics?!
Andrew Ong from the class msged us, he says Mdm R wants the money from the coupon sales. Oh no!! I only have like $80? I still have 12 purple slips of paper left. I tried selling them to the churchies and SR classmates but the response is poor =(
I've been putting up parts of my MSN conversations recently. And I have no idea why. But here's another one.
dwayne! says:
oh and i cant buy funorama ticks either
dwayne! says:
i planned mine ages ago man.
joyce says:
dwayne! says:
dwayne! says:
cause 1. I dont wish to step into acjc, ever.
dwayne! says:
2. heading for the st nicks fair, same day as the acjc one
dwayne! says:
eh, where did you get inspiration for your pm? :D
joyce says:
joyce says:
why don't u wanna STEP into acjc?!
dwayne! says:
dwayne! says:
I dont really like acjc?
joyce says:
what's so bad abt it!!
joyce says:
there's ME Inside
joyce says:
so that's good enough
dwayne! says:
dunno la, I've got a lotta personality issues recently
dwayne! says:
haha I'd never thought i'd say this, but yea, if i ever stepped in, you
dwayne! says:
you'd be the only plus point*
dwayne! says:
cause you're a nice friend
dwayne! says:
other than that
dwayne! says:
nothing la.,
dwayne! says:
Wahahah I feel so touched! *sobs* But Dwayne I'm sure your cell group will want you back in church, so PLEASE go back to LSBC!!
29 March 2008, Saturday
9.30am to 6pm
Coupons on sale at $10, PLS TAG IF YOU WANT THEM.
If you miss this one, you're missing out on the BIGGEST event of the month!! It's gonna be a HAPPENING place (mind you, that's acjc!) with HAPPENING people (i'll be there, you see. ahem..)!! The college is only a ten-minute walk from Buona Vista MRT station, you'll get to see the MOE building along the way! But that's not the point. If you're stressed from all that studying or prep work for your poly enrolment package, you can go for the funfair! CONFIRM PLUS CHOP PLUS GUARANTEE CAN DE-STRESS. If not... come to 1AA3's stall and look for me, I give you free roti john.
Hmm this is gonna be one long post.
I've just transferred some photos over from my N73 into my computer =D So here they are!
Cell bonding cum BBQ
Starting the fire

Dinner after YPM equipping session on discovering your God-given gifts
My gifts are (don't laugh ok) 1. Giver 2. Server 3. Being a compassionate person.
So then the cell plus Cheryl and Denise went for Dinner at Kovan...

Finally, after a gazillion years! Even so, not the whole class turned up. There were only 9 people, including Yi Zhi the OGL. Got a lot more photos in my camera, charging its battery now in the kitchen. I know, of all places, why charge in the kitchen right.
Resting their feet at the arcade while the guys play elsewhere

Andrew Ong from the class msged us, he says Mdm R wants the money from the coupon sales. Oh no!! I only have like $80? I still have 12 purple slips of paper left. I tried selling them to the churchies and SR classmates but the response is poor =(
I've been putting up parts of my MSN conversations recently. And I have no idea why. But here's another one.
dwayne! says:
oh and i cant buy funorama ticks either
dwayne! says:
i planned mine ages ago man.
joyce says:
dwayne! says:
dwayne! says:
cause 1. I dont wish to step into acjc, ever.
dwayne! says:
2. heading for the st nicks fair, same day as the acjc one
dwayne! says:
eh, where did you get inspiration for your pm? :D
joyce says:
joyce says:
why don't u wanna STEP into acjc?!
dwayne! says:
dwayne! says:
I dont really like acjc?
joyce says:
what's so bad abt it!!
joyce says:
there's ME Inside
joyce says:
so that's good enough
dwayne! says:
dunno la, I've got a lotta personality issues recently
dwayne! says:
haha I'd never thought i'd say this, but yea, if i ever stepped in, you
dwayne! says:
you'd be the only plus point*
dwayne! says:
cause you're a nice friend
dwayne! says:
other than that
dwayne! says:
nothing la.,
dwayne! says:
Wahahah I feel so touched! *sobs* But Dwayne I'm sure your cell group will want you back in church, so PLEASE go back to LSBC!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
derek fong
joyce says:
i'm even more broke now
joyce says:
cos' i bought stuff for my juniors
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
nvr buy for me!
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
joyce says:
hello kitty and doraemon things you want ah?
joyce says:
sure, np
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
joyce says:
i have extra
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
i luv doreamon
joyce says:
don't be crappy la
joyce says:
i want the extra
joyce says:
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
i watch the cartoon every sat and sun
joyce says:
wow, I didn't know people like DEREK watch doraemon!!!!
i'm even more broke now
joyce says:
cos' i bought stuff for my juniors
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
nvr buy for me!
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
joyce says:
hello kitty and doraemon things you want ah?
joyce says:
sure, np
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
joyce says:
i have extra
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
i luv doreamon
joyce says:
don't be crappy la
joyce says:
i want the extra
joyce says:
JiN. i'm a busy man says:
i watch the cartoon every sat and sun
joyce says:
wow, I didn't know people like DEREK watch doraemon!!!!
Belated Birthday Wishes
First up, belated birthday wishes again... I never seem to be able to do it on time. BUT. Doing it altogether is a lot easier. Gosh I'm blogging at such an unearthly hour.
Smarties Tang, fellow BFC-er (for those who don't already know, it stands for Beautiful Feet Cell, my cell group in church). Thanks for those moments of hilarity (hope i'm using the word in the right context), cell will not be so lively without you!! I'll always remember your durian joke xD
Khoo Xi Ying, harpist, fellow OLM-er (O Level Music class) and more recently BFC-er. It's really sad that we can no longer travel to school together! =( We used to do this in sec 4 and during the PAE period at SR. Though I may not be able to go for Youth Ablaze for the next 2 years, I hope you will continue to go for service and bond with the rest of the cell! They are a really cheerful and cute bunch as you have found out for yourself during the last bonding. I also hope that you'll include God in all your decisions (I'm trying to do that myself), walk closely with Him and know that He will always be there for you! Thanks for hearing me out whenever I felt like complaining or getting high, you were a great listening ear!!
Joyce Lee, harpist, fellow ACSian, HUMANITIES SCHOLAR. I knew it. Given your excellent command in English and love for the arts, you soared on wings like eagles (haha) from PL to AC and now in the AH class. I salute you man!!! Yes, it'll be a waste for you to be in AC harp, but canoeing isn't the ideal CCA either. You should join swimming or track or something.
Jerome Loh, SRJcian, OGL of Cetus 4 for orientation 1. Loud, outspoken and warm orientation group leader.. Thanks for the advice when I was choosing my subject combination and when I was troubled over choosing a JC or poly after the release of O level results! Stop ogling at girls and focus on your A levels, I know you're capable of producing good results!
I found a picture of my OG in AC on someone's blog, I think it was Choon Min's. This was taken on the last day of orientation, the night of sweating and dancing. Some people are missing from here. They left earlier. I kinda miss these people although I wasn't very close to them.
AC's orientation was really hyped up. But then again, it's a happening college with an endless train of events...
Some group photos from the cell bonding last last week! I enjoyed myself tremendously when with these people.
It was quite funny... we made it to Joe's place in 3 groups. Out of the 3 groups, 2 got lost -.- One of the groups (comprising of Sophia and yours truly) took a CAB from some unknown bus stop to United Square so we could buy a large black forest cake! I think that's my last time serving as birthday IC? Or I'll just msg random people in the cell to get them to plan something for the birthday guy/girl when his/her special day approaches. We celebrated Smarties and Xi Xing's birthdays on that day. The former had a bucket of ice-cold water poured over his head, the latter had cream smeared onto her face by the former! LOL is this confusing??
Joe's 2 dogs are the loveliest pets around! Awwww...
Tag replies
[Xi Ying] Yes, they already took down my shirt size for the CCA shirt! So I guess I'm in there already...And eh not really "longing" la just part of my plan so I'll at least have a sense of direction. lol. I miss you and the OLM people!!!
[hweeyee] WHEN'S OUR CLASS OUTING??????????
[huiling =D] sec 4 farewell! but i dunno whether I can go for it. We still have to buy presents for our juniors aahhhhhhhh.
[tara] you are?? no duh it's not just about tys, you have to understand the concepts and apply it. memorising without understanding will do you no good. spot topics/trends in questions for subjects like history, ss, geog. more importantly, don't do last minute studying like i did! cos' then you'll panic and feel the immense stress building up. you might crumble or go bonkers. haha. finally, pray hard!
Smarties Tang, fellow BFC-er (for those who don't already know, it stands for Beautiful Feet Cell, my cell group in church). Thanks for those moments of hilarity (hope i'm using the word in the right context), cell will not be so lively without you!! I'll always remember your durian joke xD
Khoo Xi Ying, harpist, fellow OLM-er (O Level Music class) and more recently BFC-er. It's really sad that we can no longer travel to school together! =( We used to do this in sec 4 and during the PAE period at SR. Though I may not be able to go for Youth Ablaze for the next 2 years, I hope you will continue to go for service and bond with the rest of the cell! They are a really cheerful and cute bunch as you have found out for yourself during the last bonding. I also hope that you'll include God in all your decisions (I'm trying to do that myself), walk closely with Him and know that He will always be there for you! Thanks for hearing me out whenever I felt like complaining or getting high, you were a great listening ear!!
Joyce Lee, harpist, fellow ACSian, HUMANITIES SCHOLAR. I knew it. Given your excellent command in English and love for the arts, you soared on wings like eagles (haha) from PL to AC and now in the AH class. I salute you man!!! Yes, it'll be a waste for you to be in AC harp, but canoeing isn't the ideal CCA either. You should join swimming or track or something.
Jerome Loh, SRJcian, OGL of Cetus 4 for orientation 1. Loud, outspoken and warm orientation group leader.. Thanks for the advice when I was choosing my subject combination and when I was troubled over choosing a JC or poly after the release of O level results! Stop ogling at girls and focus on your A levels, I know you're capable of producing good results!
I found a picture of my OG in AC on someone's blog, I think it was Choon Min's. This was taken on the last day of orientation, the night of sweating and dancing. Some people are missing from here. They left earlier. I kinda miss these people although I wasn't very close to them.
AC's orientation was really hyped up. But then again, it's a happening college with an endless train of events...

Some group photos from the cell bonding last last week! I enjoyed myself tremendously when with these people.

Joe's 2 dogs are the loveliest pets around! Awwww...
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[Xi Ying] Yes, they already took down my shirt size for the CCA shirt! So I guess I'm in there already...And eh not really "longing" la just part of my plan so I'll at least have a sense of direction. lol. I miss you and the OLM people!!!
[hweeyee] WHEN'S OUR CLASS OUTING??????????
[huiling =D] sec 4 farewell! but i dunno whether I can go for it. We still have to buy presents for our juniors aahhhhhhhh.
[tara] you are?? no duh it's not just about tys, you have to understand the concepts and apply it. memorising without understanding will do you no good. spot topics/trends in questions for subjects like history, ss, geog. more importantly, don't do last minute studying like i did! cos' then you'll panic and feel the immense stress building up. you might crumble or go bonkers. haha. finally, pray hard!
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