Smarties Tang, fellow BFC-er (for those who don't already know, it stands for Beautiful Feet Cell, my cell group in church). Thanks for those moments of hilarity (hope i'm using the word in the right context), cell will not be so lively without you!! I'll always remember your durian joke xD
Khoo Xi Ying, harpist, fellow OLM-er (O Level Music class) and more recently BFC-er. It's really sad that we can no longer travel to school together! =( We used to do this in sec 4 and during the PAE period at SR. Though I may not be able to go for Youth Ablaze for the next 2 years, I hope you will continue to go for service and bond with the rest of the cell! They are a really cheerful and cute bunch as you have found out for yourself during the last bonding. I also hope that you'll include God in all your decisions (I'm trying to do that myself), walk closely with Him and know that He will always be there for you! Thanks for hearing me out whenever I felt like complaining or getting high, you were a great listening ear!!
Joyce Lee, harpist, fellow ACSian, HUMANITIES SCHOLAR. I knew it. Given your excellent command in English and love for the arts, you soared on wings like eagles (haha) from PL to AC and now in the AH class. I salute you man!!! Yes, it'll be a waste for you to be in AC harp, but canoeing isn't the ideal CCA either. You should join swimming or track or something.
Jerome Loh, SRJcian, OGL of Cetus 4 for orientation 1. Loud, outspoken and warm orientation group leader.. Thanks for the advice when I was choosing my subject combination and when I was troubled over choosing a JC or poly after the release of O level results! Stop ogling at girls and focus on your A levels, I know you're capable of producing good results!
I found a picture of my OG in AC on someone's blog, I think it was Choon Min's. This was taken on the last day of orientation, the night of sweating and dancing. Some people are missing from here. They left earlier. I kinda miss these people although I wasn't very close to them.
AC's orientation was really hyped up. But then again, it's a happening college with an endless train of events...

Some group photos from the cell bonding last last week! I enjoyed myself tremendously when with these people.

Joe's 2 dogs are the loveliest pets around! Awwww...
Tag replies
[Xi Ying] Yes, they already took down my shirt size for the CCA shirt! So I guess I'm in there already...And eh not really "longing" la just part of my plan so I'll at least have a sense of direction. lol. I miss you and the OLM people!!!
[hweeyee] WHEN'S OUR CLASS OUTING??????????
[huiling =D] sec 4 farewell! but i dunno whether I can go for it. We still have to buy presents for our juniors aahhhhhhhh.
[tara] you are?? no duh it's not just about tys, you have to understand the concepts and apply it. memorising without understanding will do you no good. spot topics/trends in questions for subjects like history, ss, geog. more importantly, don't do last minute studying like i did! cos' then you'll panic and feel the immense stress building up. you might crumble or go bonkers. haha. finally, pray hard!
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