Before I do all that, I just wanna say...
Sorry, I know you guys are upset with my decision to join CO [yes, CO. if you haven't noticed, i never mentioned what cca i joined here in my blog earlier. it was just referred to as "the cca" and "the instrument". and now that Dan knows it's erhu, i shall stop making readers - for those who don't already know - play the guessing game. .(ya la boy i just wanted to see your reaction)] yes.. you didn't expect the unexpected. But it's not like I'm gonna migrate to another country right -.- I won't forget about y'all alright? Just make sure I continue to get all the PIOs, and keep me informed about what's happening in church ;)
[edited, march 22]
Since there's a sale at This Fashion, I went in to look around.. and ended up buying a dress which costs only $11.20 after a 30% discount!! Haha freaking cheap right. I wore it the same day I bought it. But that's not the main point.
I think it was unusual for them to invite youths for this dinner, since it was supposed to be for the church leaders... but then the Youth Ablaze worship team was invited XD So go for it lor.. I didn't take a lot of proper photos. Most of it was really just cam-whoring with Chan.
I went to Chan's house before the dinner to get changed and later get a ride from uncle David and auntie Maggie. They went to pick up uncle CK before driving back to the Chan family's house so Jia and I could hop into the car. Then came the ride to Harbour Front.
I missed a table group shot cos' I was busy trying to sell Fun-O-Rama coupons!! =( Good news is that I managed to collect about $40.
Jia Yan's and I can be sisters or something. lol. Here's Eugene, followed by the Gohs -- Wendy and Melvin.
I think Joe did a really good job as emcee! Well done Shepherd!!!
That night uncle David drove me back to the bus stop near my block... and I left my clutch in his car. My handphone was inside! So I took a bus down to the Chan family's house to get it -.-
Thank God I didn't have to wait long for the buses.
Did I mention that Chan and I kept cam-whoring?? (I like to call Jia Yan by her surname)
The end.. my very first formal church dinner in, hmm, 8 to 9 years?
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