JUST HEARD FROM JOANNE, NO MUSIC TEST TMR!!! YAY that's one thing less haha... yayness omg.
Geog test this morning rushing again.. Didn't really answer the last question on features of the tropical rainforest.. sth like that. 5 marks leh! Think only can get like 2 marks. The qn on Amazon Rainforest was the best... 1 whole page of crap.
Ms Ang was in an unsually good mood. Gave us some pop quiz about the elections and Clare's siblings and what Valerie's recess was. Lol... About the Milo advertisement thingy.. whatever... there was no other way to hide the articles! And I told the truth okay. Was trying to cheat. Haha... And we thought she had PMS everyday. Looks like it's gone. Only for awhile.
Joey - be thankful I'm not blogging about the papaya and self-service incident :)
Chem tuition? Somewhat. I learnt something at least... PL chem teachers should allow periodic tables during tests. Makes it a hell lot easier actually. This nice 'tutor' was more than 1 hr late lor. Haha. How can anyone sleep at 6am and wake up at lunchtime? I wake up at 6 lor. xP No money, still go and tempt me with the oreo thing and cheesecake... all my favourites can. Grrrr. Yea then Horse went for dinner with her mum and I went back alone. The train was damn crowded... Tried to stabalize myself, nothing to hold on to. Luckily never fall on other people, haha..

hole in the ceiling in class

In the corridoor.. and a part of the roof fell off.

Our falling-apart admin and geography board. World map drawn by us! Newspaper there is extra la. haha.

And the tidiest class goes to................. 3c2! *applauses* (Clare so extra, haha)

before 7am.
Haha 3c2! Hilarious bunch of girls. Love you guys =) .. Super run-down school. It's a holding school after all.
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