Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dinner at Men-Ichi Ramen @ Jurong Point

Well it's the exam week, again. My 7th university examinations, and I've resumed my self-confinement in Hall 12 to study. I'm most productive in the Hall's Reading Room, where there are others studying too, and where I know I have to force myself to wake up early to reserve my usual table. My own room is a hazard. I only come up for naps and long breaks, which are essential in helping me recharge for the next long study session. I tried to study in my own room twice this week, and well. I ended up reading about cameras, what's good, where to buy them; looking for instant Japanese ramen on Qoo10; browsing online boutiques. You name it.

So self-confinement really isn't fun, and I allocate a daily budget of $6 for food... to help me ease the guilt of purchasing a pair of pants, a romper, and a dress from Hollyhoque recently :/ But anyways I had this mega week-long craving for RAMEN, which explains why I tried to look for instant ramen online :( Thankfully, the boy traveled allll the way to the west today and I got my ramen craving satisfied!! :D

Men-ichi for dinner, we had. Because the only other ramen places in Jurong were Ramen Play and Ajisen. Based on past experience, Men-Ichi was much much better more decent than the other two!

I really like their gyoza :) it was part of my ramen set. Sorry it's not focused :/

This beansprouts came as part of the set too. Don't underestimate that sauce. We wiped out every bit of it.  

Men-Ichi serves different varieties of tonkotsu ramen - paitan, wafu, shio, shoyu, miso. Both of us decided to try the shio version today, as its broth is supposed to be saltier, with a heavier taste. We were not disappointed :)

Shio Tonkotsu Ramen with 2-piece char siew

Hi! :)

Kyofu Shio Tonkotsu Ramen with 5 pieces of char siew

I suppose Kyofu means something like the black version of ramen. But when I googled 'kyofu', I was greeted with Japanese horror images -_- It means Japanese horror films. O-k-a-y.

I enjoyed everything about our meal - from the sides, to the broth, noodles, and char siew. Maybe it's because the need to fulfill this ramen craving was too strong, or maybe I just can't really tell the difference between the broth served by Men-Ichi and that of other ramen stalls :/ The boy prefers Keisuke though!

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