Saturday, April 22, 2006

peng chao da

Just 2 days ago... I was feeling high and all...

today. it's a totally different thing. I already bought my ticket, and now because of this he's not going, she's not going (they have not bought the tickets) and I'm left alone. Loner. Joining Joey would be the lastest of the last thing I'd do. If you think harder... you might be able to find out why. Who's that freaking teacher? Miss Ang? .. This is affecting my mood. School kinda sucked. And now I'm worrying for the senior instructors because of serious things happening. It might cause the senior instructors to lose their jobs. Oh man. Feel so... for lack of a better word... shitty. If not for some of us.. this would not........

Somehow, whenever I am not rostered for worship duty, this would appear on my hp screen.
"hey joyce, can you take over me for backup tmrw?"
Uhh, don't you think it's a bit too late to inform me one night before? I can't be singing every week. I have school. The problem is, there are only 2 teams for the backup vocalists. 3 in each team. Every week without fail one person will say he/she cant make it for practice. He/she calls someone from the other team. The latter ends up being on duty for a few consecutive weeks. That's what happened to me. Damn tiring la... I just sang last week. Just now Stef sent me a msg. Saying the usual thing. I am tired.

Jasmine dear, don't be too sad. 'Cus I am too. We can always study POA together. I understand how you're feeling. Results aren't everything.

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